Journal of Geographical Sciences >
Quantitative identification and the evolution characteristics of production-living-ecological space in the mountainous area: From the perspective of multifunctional land
Ji Zhengxin (1997-), PhD Candidate, specialized in land system and spatial planning. E-mail: |
Received date: 2022-04-09
Accepted date: 2022-09-08
Online published: 2023-05-11
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China(41971238)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(42101282)
National Natural Science Foundation of China(42001234)
Developed here is an integrated framework for identifying production-living-ecological space (PLES) quantitatively at grid scale from the perspective of multifunction land use, and 25 compound space types are classified to highlight the multiple functions of PLES. As a typical mountainous city in northern Hebei province, Zhangjiakou is used as a case study, and the results show that more than 80% of the land space in Zhangjiakou has remarkable triple functionality. The living-dominated space and the production-dominated space are distributed mainly in the valleys of the Yanghe, Sanggan, and Huliu rivers and have obvious spatial consistency, while the ecological-dominated space is concentrated mostly at the eastern Yanshan Mountains and southern Taihang Mountains and complements the other two types of space. The former two are spatially fragmented, while the latter has been expanding to the periphery over time. From 1990 to 2015, the ecological-dominated space has increased the most by 1555.02 km2, while the living-dominated space has increased the least by 816.79 km2. The types of PLES are more diverse in the medium and low mountains and the areas with gentle slope, and the influencing factors include natural ecological environment, socioeconomic development, human consumption demand, and institutional policies. Therefore, these findings can mitigate conflicts among PLES in mountainous and similar areas, and promote the balanced development of land space.
JI Zhengxin , LIU Chao , XU Yueqing , SUN Minxuan , WEI Hejie , SUN Danfeng , LI Yaoyao , ZHANG Ping , SUN Qiangqiang . Quantitative identification and the evolution characteristics of production-living-ecological space in the mountainous area: From the perspective of multifunctional land[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2023 , 33(4) : 779 -800 . DOI: 10.1007/s11442-023-2106-x
Figure 1 Location of Zhangjiakou, Hebei province, North China |
Table 1 Categories, descriptions, and sources of data used in this study |
Category | Description | Sources |
Remote sensing data | Landsat-TM (1990 and 2000) and Landsat-OLI (2015) images (30 m ×30 m raster); | Geospatial Data Cloud Platform; |
NDVI (250 m × 250 m raster); | NASA; | |
Nighttime light data (500 m × 500 m raster). | Earth Observation Group. | |
Meteorological data | Total solar radiation, sunshine, duration, temperature, and precipitation. | National Meteorological Information Center and Zhangjiakou Meteorological Administration |
Hydrologic data | Rivers, lakes, and reservoirs (vector). | Zhangjiakou City Hydrometric Network Map |
Terrain data | Elevation (30 m × 30 m raster) | Geospatial Data Cloud Platform |
Soil data | Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and organic carbon content, etc. | Hebei Soil Survey Database |
Traffic data | National highways, provincial highways, etc. (vector) | Zhangjiakou City Transportation Bureau |
Statistical data | Population data, grain output, GDP, etc.; Individual output values of agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry, fishery, etc. | Zhangjiakou Statistical Yearbook (1990, 2001, and 2016); Zhangjiakou Economic Yearbook (1990, 2001, and 2016) |
Figure 2 Composite function patterns of PLES: a—production; b—living; c—ecological; d—production (main), ecological (secondary); e—living (main), ecological (secondary); f—ecological (main), production (secondary); g—production (main), living (secondary); h—living (main), production (secondary); i—ecological (main), living (secondary); j—production and living (balanced); k—living and ecological (balanced); l—ecological and production (balanced); m—production (main), ecological (secondary), living (tertiary); n—living (main), ecological (secondary), production (tertiary); o—ecological (main), production (secondary), living (tertiary); p—production (main), living (secondary), ecological (tertiary); q—living (main), production (secondary), ecological (tertiary); r—ecological (main), living (secondary), production (tertiary); s—production (main), ecological and living (balanced); t—living (main), production and ecological (balanced); u—ecological (main), production and living (balanced); v—production and living (balanced), ecological (secondary); w—living and ecological (balanced), production (secondary); x—ecological and production (balanced), living (secondary); y—ecological, production, and living (balanced) |
Figure 3 The classified value of production, living, and ecological functions in Zhangjiakou during 1990-2015 |
Figure 4 Spatial patterns of PLES in Zhangjiakou during 1990-2015 |
Figure 5 Areas and proportions of PLES in Zhangjiakou during 1990-2015 |
Figure 6 Transfer areas of PLES in Zhangjiakou during 1990-2015 |
Figure 7 Proportions of PLES at different elevations in Zhangjiakou during 1990-2015 |
Figure 8 Proportions of PLES at different slopes in Zhangjiakou during 1990-2015 |
Figure 9 Influence mechanism of evolution of PLES in Zhangjiakou |
Table A1 Physical-quantity models of multiple land use functions (LUFs) |
Subfunctions | Calculation formula | Formula description | |
Living function | Food supply | $\begin{align} & GY\text{=}\sum\limits_{\text{i}}^{4}{{{Y}_{i}}\times {{\beta }_{i}}} \\ & G{{Y}_{j}}=aND{{V}_{j}}+bAR{{A}_{j}} \\ & GY_{i}^{'}=G{{Y}_{i}}\times (G{{Y}_{j}}\times G{{Y}_{jall}}) \\ \end{align}$ | GY: total output of standard grains (t); Yi: actual output of crop i; βi: coefficient of yield ratio; GYj: standard grain output of town j; NDVj, ARAj: sums of NDVI and arable land area of town j; GY'i, GYi: standard grain yields of grid i after correction and prediction using statistical data; GYj, GYjall: statistical and predicted standard grain output of town j. |
Residence support | $POP{{D}_{\text{i}}}=\frac{PO{{P}_{\text{j}}}}{UR{{L}_{j}}}\times UR{{L}_{i}}\times \left( 1+\frac{URN{{L}_{i}}}{N{{L}_{j}}} \right)$ | POPDi: population density of grid i; POPj: total population of town j; URLj, URLi: area of town j and grid i on urban and rural construction land; NLj, URNLi: nighttime light intensity of town j and grid i on urban and rural construction land. | |
Ecological function | Gas regulation | $\begin{align} & NPP(x,t)=APAR(x,t)\times \varepsilon (x,t) \\ & APAR(x,t)=SOL(x,t)\times FPAR(x,t)\times 0.5 \\ & FPAR(x,t)=\left( FPAR{{(x,t)}_{NDVI}}+FPAR{{(x,t)}_{SR}} \right)/2 \\ & FPAR{{(x,t)}_{NDVI}}=\left( FPAR(x,t)-NDV{{I}_{i,\min }} \right) \\ & \times \left( FPA{{R}_{\max }}-FPA{{R}_{\min }} \right) \\ & /\left( NDV{{I}_{i,\max }}-NDV{{I}_{i,\min }} \right)+FPA{{R}_{\min }} \\ & FPAR{{(x,t)}_{SR}}=\left( SR(x,t)-S{{R}_{i,\min }} \right) \\ & \times \left( FPA{{R}_{\max }}-FPA{{R}_{\min }} \right) \\ & /\left( S{{R}_{i,\max }}-S{{R}_{i,\min }} \right)+FPA{{R}_{\min }} \\ & SR(x,t)=\left( 1+NDVI(x,t) \right)/\left( 1-NDVI(x,t) \right) \\ & \\ \end{align}$ | APAR(x,t), ε(x,t): photosynthetically active radiation and actual efficiency absorbed by pixel x in month t; SOL(x,t), SOL(x,t), FPAR(x,t): total solar radiation and absorption ratio of incident photosynthetically active radiation of pixel x in month t; FPAR(x,t)NDVI, FPAR(x,t)SR: photosynthetically active radiation absorption ratio calculated from normalized difference vegetation index and ratio vegetation index; SRi,max, SRi,min: 95% and 5% inferior percentiles of NDVI of planting cover i; NDVI(x,t), SR(x,t): normalized vegetation index and ratio vegetation index of pixel x in month t. |
Soil conservation | $\begin{align} & {{A}_{c}}={{A}_{p}}-{{A}_{r}}=R\times K\times LS-R\times K\times LS\times C\times P \\ & R=1.735\times \sum\limits_{i}^{12}{{{10}^{\left( 1.51g\frac{p_{i}^{2}}{p}-0.8188 \right)}}} \\ & K=\left\{ 0.2+0.3\exp \left[ -0.0256Sa(1-Si/100) \right] \right\} \\ & \times {{\left( \frac{Si}{Cl+Si} \right)}^{0.3}}\times \left[ 1-\frac{0.25Co}{Co+\exp (3.72-2.95Co)} \right] \\ & \times \left[ 1-\frac{0.7Sn}{Sn+\exp (-5.51+22.9Sn)} \right] \\ & LS={{(FlowAccum\times Cellsize/22.13)}^{0.4}} \\ & {{(\sin slope/0.0896)}^{1.3}} \\ \end{align}$ | Ac, Ap, Ar: average annual soil conservation amount, potential soil erosion amount, and actual soil erosion amount; R: rainfall erosivity factor; K: soil erodibility factor; LS: slope length and steepness factor; C: cover and management factor; P: conservation practice factor; Sn=1−Sa/100; Sa, Si, Cl, Co: pure content of sand, powder, clay, and organic carbon; FlowAccum: accumulation of catchment water; Cell id size; slope: slope.size: gr |
Table A2 Monetary-value model of multiple LUFs |
Subfunctions | Calculation formula | Formula description | |
Production function | Agricultural production | $\begin{align} & GAO{{V}_{i}}=GA{{1}_{i}}+GA{{2}_{i}}+GA{{3}_{i}}+GA{{4}_{i}} \\ & GA{{k}_{i}}=\sum{\frac{AV{{O}_{jk}}}{ARG{{L}_{JP}}}}\times ARG{{L}_{ip}} \\ \end{align}$ | GAOVi: agriculture output of grid i; GAki, AVOjk: output of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, and fishery at grid i and town j; ARGLip, ARGLjp: areas of arable land, forestland, grassland, and water at grid i and town j. |
Non-agricultural production | $\begin{align} & G{{23}_{j}}={{b}_{1}}{{S}_{j}}+{{b}_{2}}{{S}_{j}}^{2} \\ & {{S}_{j}}={{A}_{jN}}/{{A}_{j}} \\ & GDI{{23}_{i}}=G{{23}_{i}}\times (1+{{I}_{i}}) \\ & {{I}_{i}}=\sum{(D{{N}_{im}}}\times {{N}_{im}})/(D{{N}_{\text{i}\max }}\times {{N}_{il}}) \\ & GDI{{23}_{i}}^{'}=GDI{{23}_{i}}\times (G{{23}_{j}}/GDI{{23}_{jall}}) \\ \end{align}$ | G23j: output of secondary and tertiary industries of county j; Sj: light area ratio of county j; AjN, Aj: total light area and total area of county j; GDI23i, G23i: output of secondary and tertiary industries of grid i after differentiation and statistical data simulation; Ii: average light intensity of grid i; DNimax, Nil: maximum light gray scale value and total number of pixels in grid i; GDI23i, GDI23jall: output of secondary and tertiary industries of grid i after correction and differentiation. | |
Living function | Food supply | $V{{G}_{\text{i}}}=G{{Y}_{i}}^{'}\times PG$ | VGi: value of food supply of grid i; GYi’: standard grain yield of grid i; PG: market price of wheat. |
Residence support | $V{{P}_{i}}=POP{{D}_{i}}\times RARE\times CHS$ | VPi: value of residence support of grid i; POPDi: population density of grid i; RARE: per-capita living space; CHS: per-area commercial housing price. | |
Ecological function | Gas regulation | $VG{{R}_{i}}=VC{{O}_{i}}+V{{O}_{i}}$ | VGRi: value of gas regulation of grid i; VCOi: CO2 afforestation cost of grid i; VOi: average costs for plantation and industrial oxygen production of grid i. |
Soil conservation | $\begin{array}{l} V S R_{i}=V a_{i}+V b_{i}+V c_{i} \\ V a_{i}=A c_{i} \times \sum_{j} C_{j} \times T_{j} \times P_{j} \\ V b_{i}=A c_{i} \times B /(p \times h \times 10000) \\ V c_{i}=\left(A c_{i} / p\right) \times 24 \% \times C_{c} \end{array}$ | VSRi: value of soil conservation function of grid i; Vai: value of soil fertility maintenance of grid i; Vbi: value of land abandonment reduction of grid i; Vci: value of sediment deposition alleviation of grid i; Cj: pure content of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in soil; Tj: conversion coefficient; B: average income; p: soil bulk density; h: soil thickness; Cc: reservoir capacity cost. |
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