Research Articles

Utilization effect of water-land resources under the evolution of Chinese dietary patterns

  • ZHU Yuanyuan , 1 ,
  • WANG Ziwei 1 ,
  • ZHU Xiaohua , 2, *
  • 1. Key Laboratory of Geographic Process Analysis & Simulation Hubei Province, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China
  • 2. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
*Zhu Xiaohua (1972-), PhD and Professor, specialized in sustainable consumption and resource and environmental effects. E-mail:

Zhu Yuanyuan (1985-), PhD and Associate Professor, specialized in regional development and urban-rural planning. E-mail:

Received date: 2022-04-09

  Accepted date: 2022-12-23

  Online published: 2023-05-11

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China(42171230)

National Natural Science Foundation of China(42071170)


Exploring the utilization effect of water-land resources under the evolution of dietary patterns is of great significance in achieving sustainable global food consumption and the effective allocation of national resources. Our selected study area was China, a country with rapidly changing dietary consumption patterns, and the research period was between 1987 and 2020. Based on the material called Chinese Dietary Guidelines 2021, this study introduced the “virtual water” and the “virtual land” to quantify the utilization effect of water-land resources under the evolution of Chinese dietary patterns. Results showed that the dietary patterns gradually changed from “cereal-vegetable-based consumption” to “diversified consumption”. Food consumption’s total water footprint (WF) increased from 471.1 Gm3 in 1987 to 848.8 Gm3 in 2020, with a growth rate of 80.2%. Moreover, the total land requirement for food (LRF) increased from 88.8 Mha in 1987 to 129.9 Mha in 2020, with a growth rate of 46.3%. Furthermore, the meat consumption was the major contributor to the increase in total WF (104.0%) and LRF (102.1%). In contrast to the balanced diet pattern, there was no waste of water-land resources consumption for the food consumption of urban-rural residents in China between 1987 and 2020. However, the consumption of water resources would gradually approach the resource cost under the balanced diet patterns. It would eventually break through the critical value and reach the state of resource waste. In addition, the findings showed that urban residents’ waste rate of water-land resources for meat consumption increased by 142.3% compared with that in 1987. The research results can provide scientific guidance for resolving the food crisis under the supply of water-land resources in China and have an essential reference for national food security and sustainable development of resources and environment.

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ZHU Yuanyuan , WANG Ziwei , ZHU Xiaohua . Utilization effect of water-land resources under the evolution of Chinese dietary patterns[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2023 , 33(4) : 741 -759 . DOI: 10.1007/s11442-023-2104-z

1 Introduction

Food security has always been a global issue that troubles human survival and development. The current food system was facing increasing challenges, specifically resource scarcity, environmental degradation and unsustainable patterns of production and consumption (FAO and WHO, 2014). In response to the above challenges, the United Nations (UN) Decade of Action on Nutrition (2016-2025) vigorously promoted the transformation of the food system and stimulated a healthy diet for sustainable production (WHO, 2017). The frequency and severity of international conflicts, climate change and economic slowdowns and recessions are continuing to rise, and the global goal of achieving the UN Zero Hunger for the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 is facing enormous challenges. Food consumption is an important link between human nutrition and health and environment sustainable development. Agricultural production needed to consume 70% of the global freshwater resources and 38% of the global land resources (UNESCO, 2021). In recent years, income growth and urbanization have driven a shift in global diets to high sugar, high calories and high fats, mainly as grain consumption decreases year by year, while animal-based food and oilseeds intake increase year by year (Poore and Nemecek, 2018). Such a trend will continue to increase the consumption of water-land resources caused by global agricultural expansion and become the primary driving factor for global food insecurity. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has called for the strengthening of the food environment, changing consumer behavior and advocating dietary patterns with a positive impact on human health and environment (FAO et al., 2021). Therefore, knowing how to minimize the utilization of water-land resources in food supply to meet the nutrition demand has become a significant subject of sustainable consumption.
The change in dietary patterns increased the pressure on agricultural resources and the environment, especially the small change in animal-based food consumption structure that would greatly affect the demand for water-land resources, thus aggravating the vulnerability of the ecological environment. A study proved that under the same nutritional supply level, plant-based foods had a smaller environmental effect (Sun et al., 2022). Since energy is gradually lost in the food chain, providing animal-based food for human beings requires more land to plant feed and grassland to feed livestock than directly eating plant-based foods. In 2010, approximately 34% of the global grain output was used for livestock feed, and this proportion is expected to increase to nearly 50% by 2050 (FAO, 2012). The rapid development of animal husbandry caused the increase in manure, which made the dilution of environmental excess nitrogen require numerous water resources. A study on Spanish food consumption revealed that conversion to Mediterranean Diet would reduce energy consumption by 52%, land resources consumption by 58% and water resources consumption by 33% compared with the current patterns (Sáez-Almendros et al., 2013). Therefore, in terms of food regarded as the water-land resources’ intensive products, the evolution of residents’ dietary patterns has a great influence on the utilization effect of water-land resources.
Global researchers have explored a series of theories and methods in sustainable food safety research from dietary patterns and water-land resource utilization. Researchers compared virtual water trade flows among 205 countries (Hoekstra and Chapagain, 2007), consumption level and consumption structure of urban and rural groups (Yuan and Hu, 2011), different dietary patterns (Arnoult et al., 2010; Blas et al., 2019), and water footprint of animal-based and plant-based food consumption (He et al., 2019; Souissi et al., 2019; Liu et al., 2020). Moreover, they predicted future water demand from the consumption perspective (UNESCO, 2018; Kim et al., 2020; Halpern et al., 2022; Tuninetti et al., 2022). Based on the concept of virtual land, many studies have explored LRF from the perspectives of diet patterns (Dong et al., 2019; Yawson, 2021; Zhu et al., 2023), population scale (Feng, 2007), urban-rural structure (Meng et al., 2010; Wang et al., 2021), etc. Furthermore, the studies have shown that changes in dietary patterns can serve as critical determinants of future LRFs, rather than continuing population growth (Gerbens-Leenes and Nonhebel, 2002). Globally, advances in science and technology couldn’t fully offset the increase in LRF resulting from population growth and changes in diet patterns (Kastner et al., 2012). All agricultural land on earth can produce agricultural products that meet the basic survival needs of the global population. Still, their number is insufficient to support a meat-based diet for the worldwide population (Penning et al., 1995). The above studies promoted the improvement and application of the contents and methods of sustainable research on food safety.
In summary, the studies in the reviewed literature were mainly conducted in Western developed countries. Few studies have been carried out regarding China and its rapid shift in food consumption patterns due to urbanization and income changes. Considered a populous country with a large agricultural base, China used only 9% of the world’s land and 6% of freshwater resources, contributing 25% of the global food, raising one-fifth of the world’s population, and making outstanding contributions to the protection of global food security. Statistics showed that China’s agricultural water and land resources had been in a state of high pressure for a long time, the per capita water resources were only 28% of the world average, and the per capita land resources were less than one-half of the world average (Chen et al., 2021). Since 2010, China experienced the most significant reduction in land resources among the world’s top land resources (Zheng et al., 2022), and nearly a quarter of the world’s meat production could be attributed to China (Zhu et al., 2022). Liu et al. (2021) had shown that only the increasing demand for meat and animal feed made the environmental effect of dietary structure change in China more than twice the impact of increasing food production due to population growth. More recently, in April 2021, the Anti-Food Waste Law of China had come into force, which explicitly advocates “civilized, healthy, resource-saving, and environmentally friendly consumption patterns.” Therefore, knowing how to effectively solve the contradiction between residents’ food consumption and demand for water-land resources is a major challenge for China at present and in the future. Our study focused on the analysis of changes in WFs and LRFs under the evolution of Chinese dietary patterns from 1987 to 2020, and discussed the utilization effect of water and land resources from the perspective of nutrition balance. The results of this research can provide a theoretical menu for the effective allocation of national resources in China and the global sustainable development.

2 Materials and methods

2.1 Research framework

Diet, health, and environment are closely related concepts, and the consumption levels of water-land resources under different dietary patterns are significantly diverse. Figure 1 shows the $WF=\underset{i=1}{\overset{n}{\mathop \sum }}\,\left( V{{W}_{i}}\times C{{Q}_{i}} \right)$relationship between water-land resources consumption under different dietary patterns. Among them, A1 and B are the actual supply and demand relationship, A2 and B are the theoretical supply and demand relationship under the dietary guidelines. We calculated the consumption of water resources and land resources under different patterns separately: 1) Water resources: By using virtual water theory and the WF method proposed, we introduced the virtual water of unit weight food to calculate the water consumption of Chinese urban-rural residents under the actual dietary patterns and the dietary guide patterns, respectively, and then estimated the water resource utilization effect under the evolution of Chinese dietary patterns. 2) Land resources: On the basis of the method of LRF suggested by Kastner and Nonhebel (2010), we introduced the conversion rate of crop to food, the conversion coefficient of grains to animal-based food, the yield per unit area, the multiple-cropping index and other data to calculate the land resources consumption of urban and rural residents in China in the past 33 years under the actual dietary patterns and dietary guidelines and thereafter analyzed the land resource utilization effect under the evolution of Chinese dietary patterns.
Figure 1 Research framework of water-land resource utilization effect under the evolution of dietary patterns

2.2 Methods

2.2.1 Water footprint

The calculation formula of WFs of food consumption are expressed as follows:
$WF=\underset{i=1}{\overset{n}{\mathop \sum }}\,\left( V{{W}_{i}}\times C{{Q}_{i}} \right)$
$W{{F}_{total}}=p\times WF$
where WF represents the water footprint per capita food consumption (m3/year), WFtotal represents the total water footprint of residents’ food consumption (Gm3/year), VWi represents the virtual water of unit weight (m3/kg) of category i food, CQi represents the per capita consumption quantity (kg) of residents’ category i food, n represents food categories, p represents the population.

2.2.2 Land requirement for food

The calculation formula of LRF is given as follows:
$LR{{F}_{P}}=\underset{i\text{=1}}{\overset{n}{\mathop \sum }}\,\frac{{{F}_{i}}}{{{T}_{i}}\times {{Y}_{i}}}\times \frac{1}{c}$
$LR{{F}_{A}}=\underset{i\text{=1}}{\overset{n}{\mathop \sum }}\,\frac{{{F}_{i}}}{{{T}_{i}}\times {{Y}_{i}}}\times \frac{{{G}_{i}}}{c}$
$LR{{F}_{total}}=p\times LRF$
where LRFP represents the land requirement for plant-based food per capita (ha), LRFA represents the land requirement for animal-based food per capita (ha/year), LRFtotal represents the total land requirement for food (Mha/year). In formula (3), Fi represents the consumption quantity of certain plant-based food, Ti represents the conversion rate of crop to food, and Yi represents the yield per unit area. In formula (4), Fi represents the consumption quantity of certain animal-based food, Ti represents the conversion rate of crop to food, Gi represents the conversion coefficient of grains to animal-based food, and Yi represents the yield per unit area of the original crop that produces this feed, n represents food categories, c represents the multiple-cropping index, p represents the population.

2.3 Data resources

In this study, the food categories were defined based on the FAO classification, which includes eight categories of food commodities: 1) cereals; 2) vegetables; 3) fruits; 4) oilseeds; 5) sugar; 6) eggs; 7) milk; 8) meat (pork, beef and mutton, and poultry). The per capita food consumption, population data, the yield per unit area and multiple-cropping index of urban and rural households in China from 1987 to 2020 were obtained from the National Bureau of Statistics. The conversion rate of crop to food (Table 1), the conversion coefficient of grains to animal-based food (Table 2), etc. were obtained from the Prices for the National Development and Reform Commission (2020). Virtual water content per unit weight for various categories of food reference to Mekonnen and Hoekstra (2012) about China (Table 3). The balanced dietary structure was based on the Chinese Dietary Guidelines (CNS, 2021) (Table 4). In addition, a few scholars investigated the consumption cost of water and land resources in different years of aquatic products, but these parameters are difficult to quantify; hence, the categories of food commodities in this study do not include aquatic products. Among them, the unit weight products of livestock products such as cattle, sheep and milk needed both a certain amount of land and a certain amount of grassland. This study only calculated the consumed land resources.
Table 1 The conversion rate of various categories crop to corresponding food (%)
Years Cereal crops Vegetable crops Fruits Oilseed crops Sugar crops
2000 59.6 Transportation loss 20% Transportation loss 10 % 21.0 12.5
2010 75.8 30.6 14.5
2020 89.7 38.4 18.0
Average 75.0 80.0 90.0 30.0 15.0
Food Cereals Vegetables Fruits Oilseeds Sugar

Note: Given the large difference in the loss coefficient of each vegetable and fruit, and the difficulty of obtaining parameters, this study set the average loss coefficient of fruits in the entire food supply chain as 10% according to the characteristics of vegetable and fruit loss, taking into account that the loss of vegetables was greater than that of fruits, the average loss factor of vegetables in the entire food supply chain was set at 20%.

Table 2 The conversion coefficient of grains to animal-based food
Categories of animal-based foods Pork Beef and mutton Poultry Eggs Milk
Grain consumption conversion coefficient 3.3 2.6 2.1 2.5 2.3
Table 3 Virtual water content per unit weight food (m3/kg)
Categories Virtual water content per unit weight food Categories Virtual water content per unit weight food
Cereals 1.10 Pork 6.1
Vegetables 0.32 Beef and mutton 10.9
Fruits 0.97 Poultry 3.97
Oilseeds 2.36 Eggs 3.09
Sugar 0.69 Meat 1.28
Table 4 Chinese Dietary Guidelines (2021)
Categories Min (g/day) Max (g/day) Average (g/day) Categories Min (g/day) Max (g/day) Average (g/day)
Cereals 250 400 325 Sugar 0 50 25
Vegetables 300 500 400 Eggs 40 50 45
Fruits 200 350 275 Milk 300 300 300
Oilseeds 0 30 15 Meat 40 75 57.5

Note: The Chinese Dietary Guidelines stipulates that Oilseeds and Sugar were not higher than 30 g/day and 50 g/day, respectively, so the min was set to 0. For the convenience of calculation, the average value was selected in this study when calculating the intake of various foods under the balanced diet.

3 Results

3.1 Evolutionary characteristics of Chinese dietary patterns

From 1987 to 2020, the Chinese dietary patterns gradually changed from “cereal- vegetable-based consumption” to “diversified consumption,” and dietary quality had improved significantly, but high-quality protein intake was far from enough (Figure 2). In particular, the per capita cereal consumption and total cereal consumption of Chinese continued to decline, from 198.4 kg/year and 249.6 Mt/year in 1987 to 126.3 kg/year and 161.8 Mt/year in 2020, respectively. The per capita cereal consumption decreased by 36.3%, whereas the total cereal consumption decreased by 35.2%, on the basis of a 29.1% increase in population. The per capita consumption of vegetables decreased from 136.3 kg/year in 1987 to 99.5 kg/year in 2020. The per capita consumption of fruits rose 1.6 times from 19.4 kg/year in 1987 to 50.0 kg/year in 2020. The per capita consumption of oilseeds rose from 4.5 kg/year in 1987 to 9.9 kg/year in 2020. The per capita consumption of sugar decreased from 2.1 kg/year in 1987 to 1.3 kg/year. The per capita consumption of eggs increased from 3.9 kg/year in 1987 to 12.7 kg/year in 2020, which was 3.3 times higher than in 1987, but it was still below the minimum intake in dietary guidelines. The per capita consumption of milk increased from 1.9 kg/year in 1987 to 12.1 kg/year, only 11.1% of the milk intake in the dietary guidelines. The per capita consumption of meat increased from 22.5 kg/year in 1987 to 61.1 kg/year in 2020, and the research period increased to 2.7 times in 33 years. The results were basically consistent with the research of Xin (2021). Overall, the consumption of plant-based foods continued to decrease, while the animal-based food continued to grow. From a global perspective, meat consumption increased with the growth of per capita income. As countries turned from poverty to prosperity, diets gradually shifted towards meat- and protein-rich structures, which led to low cereal demand and high animal-based food demand.
Figure 2 Evolutionary characteristics of Chinese dietary patterns
According to the difference of Chinese urban-rural dietary patterns, urban residents’ dietary structure tended to be diversified steadily and rural residents’ dietary structure had been greatly improved, but the imbalance between urban and rural development led to significant differences in the total dietary demand between urban and rural residents in China (CNS, 2021). During the 30 years of the study period, with the rapid development of economy and the continuous advancement of urbanization, income had increased substantially and a large number of people had flowed from rural areas to urban areas, which had led to the rapid growth of urban residents’ food consumption and the continuous decline of rural residents’ food consumption. In addition, the per capita and the total consumption of animal-based food in urban-rural residents showed a rapid increase trend from 1987 to 2020, but the intake of animal-based food and fruits in rural residents was far lower than that of urban residents, and the cereal consumption was much higher than that of urban residents, resulting in the insufficient intake of nutrients such as vitamins and high-quality proteins in rural residents. Studies had shown that the incidence of vitamin A deficiency in rural residents was always higher than that in urban residents (CNS, 2021). Therefore, on the basis of following the principle of dietary balance in China, much attention should be paid to the dietary patterns of residents in rural areas. In particular, in underdeveloped areas, the consumption of animal-based food should be increased and the consumption proportion of animal-based food should be optimized. We should promote urban residents to reduce the consumption of animal-based food and oilseeds and solve the practical problems of urban residents’ overnutrition.

3.2 Changes in demand for water-land resources under the evolution of Chinese dietary patterns

3.2.1 Changes in water resource demand

The WF and the total WF of Chinese showed a fluctuating upward trend from 1987 to 2020 (Figures 3a and 3d). The WF of plant-based food consumption both increased and decreased, but the total WF of animal-based food consumption increased. During the 33 years of the study period, the WF of Chinese rose from 449.4 m3/year in 1987 to 684.8 m3/year in 2020, and the total WF of food consumption rose from 471.1 Gm3/year in 1987 to 848.8 Gm3/year in 2020. In particular, the WF of cereals, vegetables and sugar consumption had gradually decreased, especially the WF of cereal consumption had reduced by 36.4%, while the total WF of cereal consumption had descended by 49.4% with the increasing population, which were mainly due to the decrease in water consumption per unit mass of grain caused by changes in unit yield. The WF of fruits, oilseeds and animal-based food increased, especially the WF of animal-based food consumption increased by 1.8 times. Among them, the proportion of WF about milk had the largest change, increasing by 5.2 times, but the WF of meat consumption had the largest increase, increasing by 244 m3/year, and the contribution rate to the increase in WF was as high as 104.0%.
Figure 3 Changes in water demand under the evolution of residents’ dietary patterns
From the perspective of different groups in urban and rural areas (Figures 3b, 3c, 3e, and 3f), the varying regularity of WF about all categories of food in urban and rural areas was basically the same, but the total WF in urban areas increased rapidly, while that in rural areas increased first and then decreased. Concretely speaking, the total WF of urban residents in 2020 was 547.4 Gm3/year, which was nearly 3.8 times higher than that in 1987. The increase in WF of animal-based food contributed 72.4% to the increase in the total WF. In terms of the added value of WF about various food consumption, the increase in WF of fruits and meat consumption increased most obviously, which increased by 43.2 and 262.3 Gm3/year, respectively, compared with those in 1987. From the perspective of the increase in WF about various food consumption, milk and eggs increased by 16.0 and 6.9 times, respectively. The change in the total WF of rural residents had periodic characteristics. The total WF of rural residents rose to a peak of 396.7 Gm3/year from 1987 to 2000, and then decreased slowly to a valley of 279.1 Gm3/year in 2012. After 2012, the numbers increased slightly and stabilized to 301.4 Gm3/year in 2020. In particular, the decrease in WF for cereals and vegetables consumption exceeded the increase in WF for other categories. The total WF of cereal consumption decreased by 138.1 Gm3/year, The total WF of vegetables consumption decreased by 18.7 Gm3/year, the total WF of fruits consumption increased by 16.9 Gm3/year, the total WF of oilseeds consumption increased by 5.9 Gm3/year, the total WF of sugar consumption remained basically unchanged, the total WF of eggs consumption increased by 12.9 Gm3/year, the total WF of milk consumption increased by 4.1 Gm3/year, and the total WF of meat consumption increased by 62.4 Gm3/year. From the change range of total WF about various categories, fruits and milk were the most prominent, which were 5.9 and 5.7 times higher than those in 1987, respectively. Among them, the increase in food consumption caused by the improvement of people’s living standards was the major reason for the increase in the total WF of rural residents before 2000, and then the continuous reduction of rural population under the urbanization process led to the decrease in the total WF of rural residents.

3.2.2 Changes in land resource demand

From 1987 to 2020, the LRF and the total LRF in China showed an upward trend Figures 4a and 4d). The LRF of plant-based food consumption both increased and decreased, but the total LRF of animal-based food consumption increased. During the 33 years of the study period, the LRF and the total LRF in China increased from 0.079 ha/year and 88.8 ha/year in 1987 to 0.101 ha/year and 129.9 ha/year in 2020, respectively. From the perspective of the consumption structure of land resources for all categories of food, the LRF of cereals, vegetables and sugar gradually decreased, especially the proportion of LRF for cereal consumption decreased by 31.3%. The LRF for fruits, oilseeds and animal-based food showed an increasing trend, especially the proportion of LRF for animal-based food increased by 26.0%. The proportion of LRF for milk changed the most, increasing by 3.9 times. However, the LRF for meat increased the most, increasing by 18.2%, contributing up to 102.1% of the total LRF. In addition, from the perspective of different groups in urban and rural areas (Figures 4b, 4c, 4e, and 4f), the changes in LRF and WF in China were basically consistent, which indicated that the evolution of dietary patterns had overall consistency with the WF and LRF.
Figure 4 Changes in land demand under the evolution of residents’ dietary patterns

3.3 Effects of water-land resource utilization on actual food consumption based on dietary guidelines

To further explore the utilization effect of water-land resources under the evolution of Chinese dietary patterns, we calculated the theoretical demand of water-land resources based on the Chinese Dietary Guidelines 2021, and the results were compared with the actual consumption of water-land resources in results of the previous section (Table 5). The findings showed that the theoretical demand for water resources of China increased from 674.9 to 871.9 Gm3 between 1987 and 2020, while the theoretical demand for land resources increased from 132.1 to 170.7 Mha. In fact, from 1987 to 2020, the actual consumption of water resources for food consumption in China increased from 471.2 to 848.8 Gm3, while the land resources increased from 88.8 to 129.9 Mha. Furthermore, the actual consumption of water-land resources in urban and rural areas from 1987 to 2020 was lower than the theoretical demand of water-land resources under the balanced diet.
Table 5 The consumption of water-land resources by the actual consumption of various foods and the balanced diet patterns of residents from 1987 to 2020
Regions China Urban Rural
Resources Conditions Actual consumption In a balanced diet Actual consumption In a balanced diet Actual
In a balanced diet Actual consumption In a balanced diet Actual consumption In a balanced diet Actual consumption In a balanced diet
Categories 1987 1987 2020 2020 1987 1987 2020 2020 1987 1987 2020 2020
Water (Gm3) Cereals 274.5 142.6 178.0 184.3 42.0 36.1 83.5 117.7 232.6 106.5 94.5 66.5
Vegetables 46.6 51.1 45.7 66.0 12.6 12.9 30.4 42.2 34.0 38.1 15.3 23.8
Fruits 12.3 106.4 72.3 137.5 9.4 26.9 52.6 87.8 2.9 79.5 19.7 49.6
Oilseeds 10.1 14.1 32.5 18.2 3.7 3.6 20.2 11.7 6.4 10.5 12.3 6.6
Sugar 1.4 6.9 1.2 8.9 0.5 1.7 0.7 5.7 1.0 5.1 0.5 3.2
Eggs 10.4 55.5 56.2 71.7 4.8 14.0 37.6 45.8 5.7 41.4 18.6 25.9
Milk 1.9 153.2 24.1 197.9 1.1 38.8 19.3 126.5 0.7 114.4 4.8 71.5
Meat 114.0 145.1 438.7 187.4 40.7 36.7 303.0 119.7 73.4 108.3 135.8 67.7
Total 471.2 674.9 848.8 871.9 114.7 170.9 547.4 557.0 356.4 504.0 301.4 314.8
Land (Mha) Cereals 62.8 32.6 40.7 42.1 9.6 8.3 19.1 26.9 53.2 24.3 21.6 15.2
Vegetables 5.8 6.4 5.7 8.3 1.6 1.6 3.8 5.3 4.3 4.8 1.9 3.0
Fruits 1.1 9.6 6.5 12.3 0.8 2.4 4.7 7.9 0.3 7.1 1.8 4.5
Oilseeds 6.4 9.0 20.8 11.7 2.4 2.3 12.9 7.5 4.1 6.7 7.9 4.2
Sugar 0.2 1.2 0.2 1.5 0.1 0.3 0.1 1.0 0.2 0.9 0.1 0.6
Eggs 1.6 8.5 8.6 10.9 0.7 2.1 5.7 7.0 0.9 6.3 2.8 3.9
Milk 0.6 51.9 8.2 67.1 0.4 13.1 6.5 42.8 0.2 38.8 1.6 24.2
Meat 10.2 13.0 39.2 16.8 3.6 3.3 27.1 10.7 6.6 9.7 12.1 6.1
Total 88.8 132.1 129.9 170.7 19.2 33.5 80.1 109.1 69.6 98.7 49.8 61.6
Subsequently, to evaluate the consumption of water-land resources of various categories of food comprehensively, we took the consumption of water-land resources under the nutritional goal as a benchmark to calculate the overall and eight categories of food waste rate of water-land resources (Figure 5, positive value represented the waste rate, negative value represented the saving rate). The results showed that: 1) Overall, waste was not documented for water-land resource consumption with respect to the food consumption of urban-rural residents in China between 1987 and 2020. However, the consumption of water resources would gradually approach the resource cost under the balanced diet patterns and would eventually break through the critical value and reach the state of resource waste. 2) From the perspective of internal structure. In 1987, the WF (LRF) for cereals of urban-rural residents, oilseeds of urban residents, and meat of urban residents showed different degrees of waste of resources, and the water-land resource waste rate of cereal consumption of rural residents was as high as 118.3%. In 1998, the urban residents had shown high resource waste in oilseeds consumption and meat consumption. With the improvement of people’s living standards, there were also significant resources waste of oilseeds and meat consumption in rural areas in 2009. Notably, the WF (LRF) for cereals of rural residents in the 33 years of the study period was still higher than the cost of water-land resources in the balanced diet, which indicated that rural residents still have high demand for cereals, and that the income level of rural residents in China still has greater potential for improvement. Besides, from 1987 to 2020, the water-land resources cost of Chinese consumption of vegetables, fruits, sugar, milk and eggs did not exceed the balanced dietary patterns. In the future, China should actively adjust the dietary patterns, reduce the consumption of oilseeds and meat, and advocate for residents to eat more vegetables, fruits, and high-quality proteins to achieve the sustainable development goal of minimized utilization of water-land resources for food supply as a means of meeting the nutritional needs of residents.
Figure 5 Waste rate of water-land resources for various foods by residents from 1987 to 2020

Note: The waste rate/saving rate of water resources and land resources consumed in all categories of food were completely consistent. Thus, this study combined the two when discussing the resource consumption of all categories of food.

4 Discussion and conclusions

4.1 Discussion

Knowing how to deal with the relationship between the evolution of dietary patterns and the utilization of agricultural water-land resources scientifically is the key to ensuring national food safety and regional sustainable development. In contrast to other studies, we discussed the evolution characteristics of Chinese dietary patterns for 30 years, from 1987 to 2020. Based on dietary balance patterns, this study comprehensively analyzed the utilization effect of water-land resources on food consumption in China, which provided a scientific basis for sustainable food consumption.
From 1987 to 2020, the Chinese dietary patterns gradually changed from cereal-vegetable-based consumption to diversified consumption and meat consumption improved significantly. The global average per capita meat consumption and the total amount consumed is rising, driven by increasing average individual incomes and population growth (Xu et al., 2021). Growth rates varied across different regions, with consumption in high-income countries (the USA and European countries) static or declining and in middle-income countries (India, China) moderately to enormously increasing. In contrast, meat consumption in low-income countries (African countries) was, on average, low and stable (Godfray et al., 2018). Global poultry and pork consumption growth were particularly pronounced in China, too. A well-established empirical relationship known as Bennett’s law showed that as people become wealthier, their diets changed from being primarily based on starchy staples to diets that incorporate increasing amounts of refined grains, fruits, vegetables, meat, and milk. According to the forecast, five billion people (nearly two-thirds of the global population) will become middle class in 2030. Almost all the growth in the number of intermediate classes will occur in Asia (AASSA, 2018). Demand for high-value foods such as meat, dairy, and eggs will continue to increase from an expanding middle class. FAO predicted that the total meat consumption would increase by 76% in the middle of this century compared with 2005 (Tilman et al., 2011).
Moreover, meat is a resource-intensive product, and its production efficiency depends on natural resources (water, land, etc.) sustainable supply, hence the problems related to global sustainable consumption. Uncertainties such as socio-economic changes, COVID-19, trade frictions, natural disasters, etc., may affect these forecasts, especially the exact relationship between meat demand and income growth and food culture in different geographic regions. Moreover, dietary guidelines are a dynamic system, and they are also changing with the continuous progress of social and economic development and cognition. For example, the previous nutritional guidelines in the United States emphasized the income of meat and milk in contrast to the increase in the incidence of malignant diseases, but the situation is slowly changing. In recent years, the United States Dietary Guidelines have also advocated more intake of fresh fruits and vegetables. However, the transformation process is complicated, and the political and economic barriers are plenty, including the mighty meat and dairy industries (Stoll-Kleemann and O’Riordan, 2015; Delabre et al., 2021). Overall, researchers generally believe that meat consumption growth occurs mainly in low- and middle-income countries, especially in China, an emerging economy experiencing rapid shifts in food consumption patterns (HLPE, 2020). Therefore, an essential and challenging task is to clarify how the dietary patterns of residents in different regions evolve.
In contrast to the balanced diet patterns, there was no waste of water-land resource consumption for the food consumption of urban-rural residents in China between 1987 and 2020. However, the consumption of water resources would gradually approach the resource cost under the balanced diet patterns. It would eventually break through the critical value and reach the state of resource waste. As a country with a shortage of agricultural resources, approximately 35% of China’s land is severely degraded, and only 7% is suitable for food crops. China’s per capita cultivated land resources are less than half the global average. Still, the current food consumption of cultivated land has exceeded domestic supply and has become the world’s largest net importer of virtual cultivated land in recent years (Liang et al., 2022). By 2050, the global population is expected to reach 9.8 billion people. The need for global crops will increase by 100% to 110% compared with the data in 2005 (Tilman et al., 2011), which requires improved agricultural land or productivity. However, the productivity increases have not kept up with increasing demand, suggesting that the continued expansion of agricultural land is inevitable. As the world’s largest net importer of virtual cultivated land, China’s cultivated land had minimal space for food production and a severe shortage of national reserve land resources (Wang and Li, 2021). Survey data in 2017 showed that the total area of national reserve land resources was 5350 thousand hectares, of which only 627 thousand were concentrated and contiguous (Zheng et al., 2022). Therefore, the supply of cultivated land resources for food consumption will become an essential bottleneck in China’s food security. It is imperative to alleviate the pressure on agricultural resources by adjusting the food consumption patterns. In addition, global water competition is intensifying, with approximately 1 billion people in Asia likely to face water shortages over the next 35 years (AASSA, 2018). However, as a populous country with per capita water resources less than one-fourth of the global average level, China’s overall agricultural water resource utilization efficiency is low.
The effective utilization coefficient of China’s cultivated land irrigation water in 2020 was only 0.565, and the country is still lagging compared with the level of 0.7-0.8 in developed countries. Furthermore, the irrigation water output per unit is still far behind that of developed agricultural countries (Zheng et al., 2022). Compared with the balanced diet, the resource waste rate of meat consumption of Chinese in 2020 was as high as 134.1%, and the resource waste rate of meat consumption of urban residents increased by 142.3% compared with that in 1987. Meat production will need conversions of natural habitats to grassland and grazing and conversion to cultivated land to produce grain and soya for livestock consumption. The WF of meat production is more than three times that of plant-based food. In the High Plains aquifer in the central United States, where increasing production of cattle fed with irrigated corn resulted in severe aquifer depletion (Steward et al., 2013). Changes in global meat consumption in the future will have a significant impact on water-land resources and ecological and environmental systems. A world that can provide 10 billion or more people with the amount of meat currently consumed by most high-income countries without having a significant negative impact on resource and environmental sustainability is difficult to imagine. Therefore, an urgent task is to comprehensively analyze China’s water-land resource utilization effects on food consumption.
We believe that the relationship between dietary patterns and water-land resource utilization should be examined from multiple dimensions in the future, focusing on the discussion from a “system perspective-global perspective-regional perspective-resource perspective,” as follows: 1) From a system perspective, we can incorporate the existing researches about diet and resources into the “food system.” A food system is an “open and complex giant system” composed of subsystems such as food production, processing, circulation, consumption, and waste disposal; it is influenced by factors such as resources, capital, technology, culture, and institutions. On the one hand, the food system is related to the utilization of agricultural water-land resources, and on the other hand, it affects human consumption and health. Exploring the organic connection between the multiple elements of the food system behind the evolution of residents’ dietary patterns entails far-reaching significance for sustainable food consumption. 2) From a global perspective, trade in agricultural products is a virtual transfer of water-land resources. Under the new patterns, we should organically combine food security with building a human community with a shared future. To make a system of high-quality agricultural development and sustainable utilization of water-land resources in China, we should scientifically coordinate the balance between domestic and international imports and comprehensively adjust the residents’ dietary patterns. 3) From a regional perspective, as the essential medium of the human-land relationship, the relationship between food consumption and resource utilization is a typical geographical issue that focuses on showing humans’ demand for land and land supply to humans. In the future, we can explain the evolution of dietary patterns from the aspects of planting structure, mode of production, and spatial allocation of water-land resources in different regions of China, and the geographical practices of the agricultural output should be scientifically delineated. 4) From the perspective of resources, water resources and land resources include multiple attributes (quantity, quality, ecology, space, and time) with multiple values (economic output, social security, food security, and ecological security. We need to establish a “comprehensive elements” value realization approach and a long-term compensation mechanism and promote the sustainable use of agricultural water-land resources and national food security by division and classification. The above discussion provides many research topics for the future, for example, knowing how to promote the ecologically sustainable development of resources and reduce the environmental and ecological costs of food security while ensuring food security. In relation, learning how to ensure food security while maintaining other services for ecosystem safety. In addition, we can solve the contradiction between upgrading dietary consumption and water-land resources from the perspective of “Production-Living-Ecological-Life” space (Figure 6). We can use National Land and Space Planning to co-ordinate the land-ocean food system, adjust the planting structure with the help of Multifunctional Agricultural Production Areas, and regulate and control different levels of stakeholders from the international market, government, agricultural management, and individuals and families.
Figure 6 Optimization path of dietary patterns and water-land resources use based on the “Production- Living-Ecological-Life” space
However, this study also has certain limitations. One limitation is related to the virtual water, which selected in this study does not consider the difference in time. Second, because few studies mention the virtual water content of aquatic products, and the land demand for aquatic products is difficult to quantify, this study does not include aquatic products in the dietary structure for discussion. Another limitation is that this study mainly estimates the land demand for animal-based food consumption through the ratio of feed to meat, and does not discuss the land use of grassland, which needs to be further discussed and analyzed in future research. Fourth, related research indicated that the average daily demand for food nutrition in China showed a downward trend, which reflected the aging problem of China’s population. Therefore, nutrition security further extends China’s food security research. In the future, we should gradually shift the quantitative analysis about weight form to the equilibrium research under nutrition.

4.2 Conclusions

Water-land resources are the key factors to ensure the sustainable development of food consumption of Chinese. Therefore, knowing how to minimize the utilization of water-land resources in food supply to meet the nutrition demand has become a significant subject of sustainable consumption. Our study focused on the analysis of changes in WFs and LRFs under the evolution of Chinese dietary patterns in the 33 years from 1987 to 2020, and discussed the utilization effect of water and land resources from the perspective of nutrition balance. The results showed that the Chinese dietary patterns gradually changed from cereal-vegetable-based consumption to diversified consumption, and the imbalance between urban and rural development led to significant differences in the total dietary demand between urban and rural residents in China. From 1987 to 2020, the LRF and the total LRF in China showed an upward trend, the changes in LRF and WF in China were basically consistent, which indicated that the evolution of dietary patterns had overall consistency with the WF and LRF. In contrast to the balanced diet patterns, waste was not documented for water-land resource consumption with respect to the food consumption of urban-rural residents in China between 1987 and 2020. However, the consumption of water resources would gradually approach the resource cost under the balanced diet patterns and would eventually break through the critical value and reach the state of resource waste. Notably, the WF (LRF) for cereals of rural residents in the 33 years of the study period was still higher than the cost of water-land resources in the balanced diet, which indicated that rural residents still have high demand for cereals, and that the income level of rural residents in China still has greater potential for improvement. Besides, from 1987 to 2020, the water-land resources cost of Chinese consumption of vegetables, fruits, sugar, milk and eggs did not exceed the balanced dietary patterns. Therefore, on the basis of following the principle of dietary balance in China, much attention should be paid to the dietary patterns of residents in rural areas. In particular, in underdeveloped areas, the consumption of animal-based food should be increased and the consumption proportion of animal-based food should be optimized. We should promote urban residents to reduce the consumption of animal-based food and oilseeds and solve the practical problems of urban residents’ overnutrition. Furthermore, all Chinese residents should be encouraged to consume more vegetables, fruits and high-quality protein.
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