Research Articles

Combinatorial knowledge dynamics, innovative performance, and transition studies

  • XUE Shuaijun , 1 ,
  • LIU Chengliang , 2, 3, 4, *
  • 1. Department of Geography, Kiel University, Kiel 24118, Germany
  • 2. School of Urban and Regional Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China
  • 3. Institute for Global Innovation and Development, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China
  • 4. Center of World Geography and Geo-strategical Studies, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China
*Liu Chengliang, Professor, specialized in regional innovation. E-mail:

Xue Shuaijun, PhD Candidate, specialized in knowledge base combination and innovation studies. E-mail:

Received date: 2022-05-16

  Accepted date: 2023-01-23

  Online published: 2023-05-11

Supported by

National Social Science Foundation of China(21ZDA011)

China Scholarship Council(202008080097)


Cross-domain research and development has prevailed in regional transformation and disruptive innovation in the last 15 years. Recently, a new concept, termed combinatorial knowledge bases (CKBs), offers insights into combining knowledge dynamics and is considered a good approach to explore recombinant innovative activities. Here, we review the literature on CKBs in Western economic geography, and we introduce a research agenda for CKBs in China’s economic geography. Concerning the latter, four aspects are elaborated: the co-evolution of the innovation chain and industrial chain, the geography of innovative activities, innovative entrepreneurship and new path development, and innovation system reconfiguration. This paper contributes to theoretical studies of China’s geography by linking CKBs to Chinese-specific phenomena.

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XUE Shuaijun , LIU Chengliang . Combinatorial knowledge dynamics, innovative performance, and transition studies[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2023 , 33(4) : 705 -718 . DOI: 10.1007/s11442-023-2102-1

1 Introduction

The concept of knowledge bases (KBs) was first put forward by Asheim and his colleagues (2005; 2007; 2011) and emphasizes three kinds of knowledge creation, analytical, synthetic, and symbolic KBs, that contribute to a new knowledge distinction. In comparison to old distinctions, such as tacit versus codified knowledge (Gertler, 2003), which are only weakly linked to knowledge generation dynamics, KBs are particularly related to these three kinds of innovation processes, providing a better understanding of the nature of knowledge sharing and innovative activities (Boschma, 2018). Among these, analytical KBs, characterized by formal models, usually characterize innovative science-based projects (Asheim et al., 2011; Davids and Frenken, 2018), as for instance with biomedicine (Ye and Zeng, 2018). In contrast, synthetic knowledge creation is mainly based on experiential learning, such as trial and error. This kind of knowledge is easier to observe in construction and traditional automobile industries (Asheim et al., 2011; Davids and Frenken 2018). The generation of symbolic knowledge is strongly associated with cultural codes or aesthetic elements within cultural industries (Asheim 2007; Klement and Strambach, 2019). Based on this new approach, an extensive body of literature has connected KBs to different fields such as innovation systems, regional innovation policy, institutions, the geography of knowledge, and path dependence (Asheim et al., 2011; Plum and Hassink, 2011; Van Tuijl and Walma van der Molen, 2016; Benneworth et al., 2019; Chen and Hassink, 2020). For example, Asheim and Coenen (2005, p.1180, p.1184) stated that in “a territorially embedded regional innovation system”, the innovation process is mainly based on synthetic knowledge and local buzz between firms, where technological transfer is easier to observe. This stands in contrast to “a regionalized national innovation system”, where analytical knowledge dominates and innovative activities are highly dependent on research institutes and universities. Furthermore, this differs from “a networked regional innovation system”, in which cutting-edge technologies associated with synthetic and analytical knowledge are developed.
Although one kind of KB can reflect the key knowledge generation in some industries, existing studies have indicated that strictly distinguishing KBs from each other in a single industry is unrealistic (Asheim et al., 2017; Manniche et al., 2017). For example, in the eco-building sector, analytical, synthetic, and symbolic KBs can be found (Strambach, 2017). Additionally, in the process of industrial transformation or industrial upgrading, key knowledge creation in the industries may change over time. On this basis, the combinatorial knowledge base (CKB) approach has been suggested and can be viewed as a more advanced alternative.
Combinatorial knowledge bases (CKBs) result from the combination of intra-KBs or inter-KBs, contributing to industrial transformation or cluster transformation (Manniche, 2012; Asheim et al., 2017; Manniche et al., 2017; Plechero and Grillitsch, 2022). Note that the diversified types of KBs in the region suggest a high probability for the emergence of CKBs within the industries or clusters. In comparison to KBs, four features of CKBs can be found. The first concerns the actors carrying knowledge. One kind of KB only refers to one kind of actor, from a scientific or engineering field, or from the field of arts and culture, whereas CKBs may be highly dependent on more agents from different domains. Secondly, a CKB can be understood as a dynamic process, whereas a KB is more static in character. In other words, the evolution of KBs results in CKBs (Boschma, 2018). The third feature concerns the geography. Geographical distance has a bigger effect on synthetic and symbolic KBs than analytical KBs (Boschma, 2018), whereas the space of CKBs varies. Various types of CKBs show different geographical proximity. The fourth feature involves the distinction between codified and tacit attributes. Similar to geographical characteristics, synthetic and symbolic KBs are primarily related to tacit knowledge, and analytical KBs are mostly associated with codified characteristics (Asheim et al., 2011). The diversity of CKBs can lead to some uncertainties in this aspect. In general, the units of observation differ between KBs and CKBs. Research in this area is dominated by two strands (Grillitsch et al., 2017; Marques, 2019; Bennat and Sternberg, 2020). On the one hand, scholars tend to be more concerned with which kind of KB combination is most beneficial to the innovation performance of firms or regions, and with how to facilitate such a combination. On the other hand, transition researchers have long been analyzing combinatorial knowledge dynamics in the process of industrial or cluster transformation (Martin and Trippl, 2015; Zukauskaite and Moodysson, 2016).
Although previous studies are valuable, existing studies on CKBs are mainly used by Western academics with a focus on solving Western problems. There are few studies in the context of China’s economic geography. Nonetheless, there is a need to utilize CKBs in Chinese academic studies for three reasons. The first concerns China’s industrial upgrading and technological revolution. In the current economy, transforming traditional industries based on the combination of new technologies and existing knowledge is a top priority. Disruptive changes and major technological breakthroughs are highly dependent on integrated knowledge creation. As such, they should be explored from the perspective of combinatorial knowledge dynamics. Second, innovation network analysis based on academic papers and patents is challenging. Economic geographers have long been interested in the space and scale of innovation, that is, the typologies of innovation networks, innovation efficiency, and sound innovation environments created by multiple actors based on academic papers and patents. However, previous studies have not comprehensively defined innovation patterns or innovation modes. The third reason concerns state strategy planning. Allocating resources to facilitate emerging industries is key to regional economic development. The CKB approach contributes to an in-depth understanding of innovative resource allocation. Based on these analyses, it is necessary and promising to explore CKBs in China’s economic geography. In this paper, four research directions with uniquely Chinese characteristics are introduced, and concrete cases and scenarios are elaborated. Furthermore, we review the latest approaches to knowledge dynamics and elaborate a research agenda for CKBs in China’s economic geography, offering insights into Chinese-specific phenomena and related strategic planning.

2 Critical review

2.1 CKBs and the innovation performance of firms or regions

Innovation comes from the recombination of knowledge and technology (Martin and Sunley, 2007; Moaniba et al., 2018). In turn, the combination of different types of knowledge (bases) is strongly related to innovation performance. Recently, a research hotspot is the issue of which kind of KB combination or which kind of knowledge source is most beneficial to the innovative performance of firms or regions.
On the one hand, in qualitative studies, scholars have demonstrated that the combination of different types of KBs leads to the innovative characteristics of firms, in which local and nonlocal sources are key. For example, Tödtling and Grillitsch (2015) investigated CKBs in the Austrian ICT sector, elaborating how diversified knowledge sources contribute to regional innovativeness. Grillitsch and his colleagues (2017) found that the mixture of three KBs was most beneficial to regional firms’ innovative output via Swedish community innovation surveys. Moreover, concerning the drivers of CKBs, Bennat and Sternberg (2020) found that national policies had a positive impact on knowledge creation based on their investigation of two regions in Germany, although they also found that local factors hampered the combination of KBs for a long time.
On the other hand, quantitative studies on combinatorial knowledge dynamics and innovative activities have received increasing attention recently. For example, Grillitsch et al. (2019) analyzed the link between knowledge and firm growth via quantile regressions, indicating that CKBs are indeed beneficial to both high-growth and slow-growth firms. Furthermore, Maleki and Rosiello (2019) analyzed how knowledge base complexity leads to different characteristics of spatial innovative patterns through indexes of entropy and complexity. In their study, an interesting result was that key innovative activities usually took place in a few countries, although leading innovators may be located around the world.

2.2 CKBs in transition studies

Industries and clusters are the main research objects in transition studies. Economic geographers and transition scholars have long been interested in how and why industries and clusters transform. In existing studies, four main aspects are discussed: knowledge creation, technological legitimacy, investment mobilization, and market formation processes (Binz et al., 2016; Miörner and Trippl, 2019). Among these, knowledge creation is the first driving force in the transformation process.
For industrial transformation and new regional path development, combinatorial knowledge dynamics are central. New knowledge creation facilitates industrial changes and hence is more pertinent to economic geographers. A vast body of literature has investigated how structure and agency influence combinatorial knowledge dynamics through new path development (Zukauskaite and Moodysson, 2016; Strambach, 2017). According to existing studies, regional preconditions and organizations play decisive roles in the combination of KB. This is in line with the arguments by evolutionary scholars. In their view, industrial development and new knowledge generation are deeply rooted in regional historical environments. Recently, the role of agency (innovative entrepreneurship, institutional entrepreneurship, and place leadership) in the process of industrial transformation has received increasing attention (Sotarauta et al., 2021).
Studies regarding CKBs and cluster transformation have also received much attention. Two types of cases can be identified. First, industrial upgrading leads to the transformation of clusters, for example, from the traditional automobile cluster to the electric vehicle cluster. In this process, the cluster, dominated by synthetic knowledge in the early period, shifts to a broader combination of KBs; that is, analytical knowledge is added. Secondly, developing new industries also facilitates the transformation of a cluster in which combinatorial knowledge dynamics are observed. For example, Martin and Trippl (2015) investigated the ICT cluster (dominated by analytical and synthetic KBs) in Scania, a province in southern Sweden, finding that new media (characterized as the symbolic KB) were encouraged to adapt to some challenges caused by the changing geography of the ICT industry in the last decade. In summary, combinatorial knowledge dynamics can be closely linked to cluster evolution, contributing to studies on complex cluster transformation.

3 Application of CKBs in the background of China’s transformation

The research prospects of CKBs in China’s economic geography are here introduced in terms of four aspects: the co-evolution of the innovation chain and industrial chain, the geography of innovative activities, innovative entrepreneurship and new path development, and innovation system reconfiguration.

3.1 Co-evolution of the innovation chain and industrial chain

Industrial transformation and technological innovation provide new opportunities for local development. In the new round of industrial planning, national and local governments have emphasized the basic principles: (1) the innovation chain design is generally around industrial chains (developing areas); (2) the industrial chain design is primarily around innovation chains (developed areas); and (3) financial systems around innovation chains (developing countries) should be improved. An innovation chain can be understood as the innovation process from research to industrialization, whereas the industrial chain refers to the production process from raw materials to final products (Liu et al., 2019; Xu and Hua, 2020). In such a transformational context, a central question is how to coordinate the development of industrial and innovation chains. To respond to this question, four aspects should be considered: the local knowledge absorption capacity, the interaction approaches of the various actors in the innovation chain, the process by which the innovation (industrial) chain drives the development of the industrial (innovation) chain (dynamic evolutionary process), and the manifestations of innovation chain breakage (See Figure 1).
Figure 1 Four topics and related questions against the background of China’s transformation

Sources: Liu et al., 2019; Xu and Hua, 2020; Cao et al., 2019; Duan et al., 2020; Liu et al., 2018; Liu and Yan, 2022; Fu, 2016; 2020; He et al., 2019; Zhang and Rigby, 2022; Howell, 2020a; Guo et al., 2016 and the authors

Chinese researchers contribute to this topic by comparing the co-evolution of these two chains in different geographical contexts or by exploring effective approaches to facilitate the co-evolution of these two chains. Concerning the latter, two types of strategies prevail: basing the layout planning of the innovation chain on the local industrial chain, and constructing or reconstructing the industrial chain according to local innovative sources (Wang et al., 2020; Xu and Hua, 2020). Among these, Chinese scholars have sought merely to calculate the local knowledge absorptive capacity, innovation input and innovation output, and innovation efficiency (Liu et al., 2019; Howell, 2020b), while neglecting the relationship between basic and applied research, the complex interaction of diversified actors in the synergistic evolution of innovation and industrial chains, and the process of innovation chain breakage and failed evolution (see Table 1).
Table 1 Research progress against the background of China’s transformation and a CKB perspective
Co-evolution of innovation chains and industrial chains Geography of innovative activities Entrepreneurs, innovative entrepreneurship and new path development Innovation system reconfiguration
Research progress in China Have done Local knowledge
absorptive capacity, innovation input and innovation output, and innovation efficiency
Three methods for constructing an innovation network, the linkage between technology transfer and local capacities, a top-down approach and successful assignment Geography of the growth path of entrepreneurs, measurements of entrepreneurship, spatial differences of entrepreneurship and influencing factors, entrepreneurship and economic development/corporate performance An important indicator for evaluating regional innovation capacity, technology transfer between public institutes and firms
Have not done Relationship between basic and applied
research, the complex interaction of diversified actors in the co-evolu- tion, and the process of innovation chain breakage and failed evolution
Attributes of knowledge/
technology and the bottom-up approach
Diversity of regional entrepreneurship and regional new path
Interaction among diversified actors, spillover effects of knowledge and economic growth, and a comparative study of China and other countries.
Focus on The layout planning of innovation chains,
analyzing the complex
interaction of multiple actors
Complementarity or relatedness of knowledge flow between cities,
regional economic complexity
Dynamic capabilities of entrepreneurs and
Innovation output, the interaction between multiple actors associated with the digital R&D platform, and a comparative study of different regions or countries

Sources: Ma et al., 2015; Fu, 2016; 2020; Guo et al., 2016; He et al., 2019; Liu and Qin, 2019; Liu et al., 2019; Yu, 2020; Howell, 2020b; Wang et al., 2020; Xu and Hua, 2020; Zheng and Du, 2020; Li et al., 2022; Ma et al., 2022; Zhang and Rigby, 2022; Zhou and Sun, 2022 and the authors

The CKB approach offers more nuanced insight into the dynamic relationship between innovation chains and industrial chains. First, analyzing the transformation of industries in terms of CKBs helps us to better understand which kind of innovative source is key for the layout planning of innovation chains (see Table 1). For example, if one city is dominated by a creative cultural industry (symbolic knowledge) but then switches to a short video industry (the combination of symbolic and analytical knowledge), then it is necessary to extend the industrial chain by adding an analytical KB. In this process, whether innovative sources related to analytical knowledge are easier to absorb from other cities or regions can be judged according to the characteristics of the KB, which offers insights into the spatial planning of innovative sources and innovation chains. Moreover, the analysis of the complex interaction of multiple actors from a CKB perspective can reflect the coordination of innovation chains and industrial chains. For example, technological legitimacy and the government’s encouragement of applications of certain KBs in existing industries directly influence the innovation strategies of firms (a top-down process), whereas firms that lobby government departments to increase support and subsidies for related KB combinations represent the power of firms in local industrial planning (a bottom-up approach).

3.2 Geography of innovative activities

Institutions influence the perceptions of actors and the speed of knowledge combination, reflecting how regions treat knowledge creation and recombinant innovation activities. The assignment of multi-scalar institutions is central to the flow of innovation elements, especially for the combination of new technologies with existing knowledge, knowledge spillovers, and the speed of technology transfer at the city level (Liu et al., 2018; Cao et al., 2019; Duan et al., 2020; Liu and Yan, 2022; Zhou and Sun, 2022). In this context, three major questions deserve attention (see Figure 1): (1) what are the main methods for constructing inter-city innovation networks? (2) What is the inter-city technological linkage and related influencing factors? (3) How does the successful/failed assignment of institutions at different spatial scales affect the flow of inter-city innovative elements?
In previous studies, four methods for constructing inter-city innovation networks have been identified, namely scientific paper collaborations, technology collaborations in joint patent applications, technology transfers, and multinational R&D collaborations based on the corporate spatial organization (Ma et al., 2015; Gui et al., 2019; Zhang and Rigby, 2022) (see Table 1). In addition, the intrinsic link between the transfer of technology and local preconditions/capabilities has received increasing attention (Li et al., 2022; Ma et al., 2022). Finally, the top-down approach and the successful assignment of multi-scale institutions are the main objectives. In the future, more empirical evidence is needed regarding the attributes of knowledge/technology and the bottom-up approach.
With the fourth technological revolution, cross-domain knowledge creation has been the new momentum to promote urban socio-economic development. Particularly, disruptive innovation based on the combination of different kinds of knowledge (bases) has become the core for China to bridge the gap in many innovative fields. It is thus relevant to ask the following: How do we unravel the innovative links and innovative differences within and between cities and regions based on a new knowledge distinction or a new approach that can reflect characteristics of innovation processes? The knowledge base complexity offers insights into these questions. An analysis of the complementarity or relatedness of knowledge flow between cities (knowledge spillover or technology transfer) in terms of CKBs can contribute to cross-domain knowledge creation. For example, based on the knowledge base complexity, to analyze collaboration and transfer in urban agglomerations, e.g. Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Northeast China, Central China Plains, and Chengdu-Chongqing region, the innovation characteristics of urban agglomerations in different regions are unraveled to further the study of regional innovation in China. In addition, the characteristics of the regional industrial CKB, which results from the local KB and external knowledge absorption, provide a new perspective for regional economic complexity (see Table 1).

3.3 Entrepreneurs, innovative entrepreneurship, and new path development

The application of new technologies in existing industries facilitates new regional path development. The emergence of these new paths is highly dependent on diversified innovative entrepreneurs, as well as on innovative entrepreneurship. Against this background, how do innovative entrepreneurship and entrepreneurs contribute to the new regional path? This question can be broken down into four sub-questions (see Figure 1): (1) how do we measure innovation entrepreneurship? (2) What influences innovative entrepreneurship? (3) What are the spatial differences in innovative entrepreneurship? (4) How does entrepreneurial diversity in transformative economies lead to the emergence of regional economic changes and the industrial revolution?
Existing studies on China have examined the geography of the growth path of entrepreneurs, measurements of entrepreneurship, spatial differences of entrepreneurship and related influencing factors, entrepreneurship and economic development in transformative economies, and corporate entrepreneurship as well as corporate performance (Fu, 2016; 2020; Guo et al., 2016; He et al., 2019; Yu, 2020; Zheng and Du, 2020) (see Table 1). However, little attention has been paid to how the diversity of regional entrepreneurs/entrepreneurship results in the emergence of new regional paths. The diversity of entrepreneurship refers to entrepreneurs entering emerging industries from different fields, characterized by different innovative advantages and social ties.
The CKB approach provides a theoretical lens to fill in such a gap. Analyzing the intrinsic connections between the dynamic capabilities of entrepreneurs (from KBs to CKBs) and new regional path development can help us to better understand the emergence of diverse and innovative entrepreneurship (see Table 1). For example, in a transformative economy, emerging industries, such as high-end medical devices, electrical vehicles, and artificial intelligence, have received much attention from entrepreneurs from different fields and industries. Multiple paths are developed by these entrepreneurs. But how do we distinguish entrepreneurs from different fields in a particular emerging industry, and how do we determine their contributions? For example, in China, entrepreneurs from the traditional automobile industry (dominated by a synthetic KB) are switching to electrical vehicles and contributing to green innovation, whereas entrepreneurs from the internet industry (characterized as an analytical KB) are facilitating the application of digital technologies to electric vehicles, namely the combination of synthetic and analytical KBs.

3.4 Innovation system reconfiguration

Recently, the Chinese state has stressed the importance of comprehensive science centers (CSCs) and large-scale scientific facilities (SFs) as part of a national innovativeness strategy. In this context, local governments are likely to apply for projects regarding national scientific and technological infrastructure. By now, some national-level knowledge infrastructure has been built in some cities, leading to the reconfiguration of regional innovation systems and technological innovation systems. Thus, how does a system reconfiguration bring about positive or negative effects on the region and its surrounding areas? This question can be broken down into three areas (see Figure 1): (1) what is the foundation for locating CSCs and introducing large-scale SFs? (2) Does the aggressive placement of similar SFs in several cities result in a waste of resources? (3) How do the construction of CSCs and the introduction of large SFs affect complex knowledge creation within and outside the region?
In the existing literature, knowledge infrastructure has become an important indicator for evaluating regional innovation capacity and innovation potential in the future (Chen and Hassink, 2020). Technology transfer between public institutes and firms is also attracting increasing attention (Howell, 2020b) (see Table 1). However, few studies have addressed how diversified actors have contributed to system reconfiguration in China. Moreover, the spillover effects of knowledge and economic growth led by system reconfiguration so far remain elusive from a sectoral perspective. Finally, to our knowledge, no one has offered a comparative study of system reconfiguration in China and other countries.
In the process of system reconfiguration, the innovation output of regions and their surrounding areas can be better understood from a CKB perspective. Furthermore, because system reconfiguration is often connected to digital platforms, it is necessary to address the interaction between the multiple actors associated with such platforms (see Table 1). For example, in the Yangtze River Delta (YRD) region, how do digital entrepreneurs (analytical KB) collaborate with companies specializing in battery R&D to realize the digital management of batteries (analytical + synthetic KBs)? The interaction among entrepreneurs from both industries, managers of the digital platform, and official staff should be given enough attention. Finally, the characteristics of system reconfiguration in different institutional contexts and the knowledge spillover effects can be analyzed in terms of CKBs. By comparing the impact of system reconfiguration on innovation output in different regions and countries, we can determine whether it is necessary to learn related rules, regulations, and policies in other countries to accelerate local knowledge spillover.

4 Discussion and conclusion

In the last 15 years, on the one hand, the CKB approach offers more nuanced insight into innovation performance and regional transformation. While such insight is valuable, CKBs are primarily used in Western economic geography, with the aim of solving Western problems. So far, CKBs are rarely seen in the context of Chinese transformation. In such a context, different phenomena are observed, which together drive the theoretical reconstruction of CKBs (Gong and Hassink, 2020). In particular, four differences are evident in the transformation process between China (rapid growth with the import, absorption, and application of technology) and Western countries (with a long history of industrialization and technology accumulation). The first difference concerns innovation chains and industrial chains. The variability regarding the coordination of two chains is strongly related to the innovation capacity of the country or the region. In regions with high innovation capacity, innovation is the engine of industrial development. Industrial chains around innovation have prevailed in the last few decades, as their layout was carefully planned. In contrast, in regions with insufficient innovation resources, progressive improvements to the innovation performance of firms based on industrial chains are efficient and easily achievable. As such, it is common to construct innovation chains around industrial chains, and to improve financial systems around industrial chains. The second difference involves the space and scale of innovation. In China, the state plays an important role in the flow of innovative elements at the inter-city and international levels (Howell, 2020b; Hu et al., 2021; Fu and Lim, 2022). For example, the density of inter-city innovation networks within Chinas urban agglomerations is higher than the density outside of urban agglomerations, whereas transnational R&D investment projects coincide with national industrial planning (Gui et al., 2019; Cao et al., 2022). In Western countries, where local buzz and global pipelines prevail, the state is much more concerned with the spatial mobility of labor and labor mobility across sectors. The third difference pertains to entrepreneurship and innovation research in the context of transformation. In China, cross-sectoral entrepreneurial discovery has become a trend in the last few decades, in which three types of entrepreneurs are identified. Entrepreneurs who achieve capital accumulation in some traditional industries are important forces that facilitate emerging industries. Entrepreneurs from internet companies who excel at attracting venture capital are also entering emerging industries, such as manufacturing high-end medical devices and electric vehicles. Entrepreneurs from overseas often have rich professional experience and social ties at the international level. A common characteristic of these three types of entrepreneurs is that they have been engaged in emerging industries and recombinant innovative activities over a relatively short period; this is related to China’s industrial history. In contrast, in Western countries, combinatorial knowledge creation relies heavily on CEOs from family businesses that have been rooted in the industry for a long time. An example is the small-medium enterprise specializing in optical engineering in Germany. These entrepreneurs are often important forces that fuse knowledge innovation and lead world development trends. The fourth difference is that Chinese scholars pay more attention to outcomes led by innovation system reconfiguration, such as the spillover effects of regional knowledge facilities, network density, and innovation efficiency. Western geographers, by contrast, focus on the interaction of multiple actors in the system reconfiguration process (Friedrich and Feser, 2021).
On the other hand, Chinese economic geography is facing a huge challenge in terms of measuring recombinant innovative activities. In the past, academic papers and patents were the main research objects. In the context of transformation, cross-domain R&D and recombinant innovative activities have been the new engine for the industrial revolution and regional economic growth (Grillitsch et al., 2018; Mewes, 2019; Nieth and Benneworth, 2020). As a country that needed to catch up technologically, China has prioritized technological breakthroughs and disruptive innovation since 2015. The central government has pointed out that one of the crucial goals in the next few decades is to develop cutting-edge technologies and apply them in manufacturing sectors. Against this background, it is necessary to examine, analyze, and discuss the process of knowledge combination and the innovative characteristics of advanced manufacturing. The concept of CKBs provides a theoretical lens for this topic (Davids, 2018).
To conclude, in comparison to industrialized countries, emerging economies and developing countries have a shorter history in radical innovation and cross-domain R&D. Therefore, it is worthwhile to analyze how advanced and lagging cities in emerging economies and developing countries utilize innovative sources at different spatial scales to develop CKBs. In this paper, four research directions were introduced in China’s economic geography: the co-evolution of the innovation chain and industrial chain, the geography of innovative activities from the perspective of the complexity of knowledge bases, innovative entrepreneurship and new path development, and system reconfiguration. Such a research agenda will contribute to China’s economic geography by embedding CKBs in a transformational context that is unique to China.
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