Research article

Spatiotemporal distribution of sea-island prehistoric dune sites, Holocene sea levels, and aeolian sand activities in Fujian Province, China

  • JIN Jianhui , 1, 2 ,
  • LING Zhiyong 3 ,
  • LI Zhizhong 1 ,
  • ZUO Xinxin 1, 2 ,
  • FAN Xuechun 4 ,
  • HUANG Yunming 5, 6 ,
  • WANG Xiaoyang 5 ,
  • WEI Changfu 5 ,
  • REN Yongqing 1 ,
  • QIU Junjie 1
  • 1.Key Laboratory of Subtropical Resources and Environment of Fujian Province, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007, China
  • 2.Center for Southeast Environmental Archaeology of China, Fujian Normal University, Pingtan 350400, Fujian, China
  • 3.Qinghai Institute of Salt Lake, CAS, Xining 810008, China
  • 4.International Institute of Austronesian of Pingtan, Pingtan 350400, Fujian, China
  • 5.Fujian Provincial Institute of Archaeology, Fuzhou 350001, China
  • 6.College of Humanities, Minjiang University, Minhou 350108, Fujian, China

Jin Jianhui (1981-), Associate Professor, specialized in aeolian geomorphology and luminescence chronology. E-mail:

Received date: 2021-09-09

  Accepted date: 2021-12-23

  Online published: 2022-08-25

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China(41301012)

National Natural Science Foundation of China(41771020)

Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province(2020J01185)


The lower reaches of the Minjiang River and its adjacent areas were among the most active prehistoric archaeological areas in Fujian Province. The accumulation types of Neolithic archaeological strata are roughly divided into dune sites and dune/shell mound sites. The sites can also be roughly divided into estuarine, coastal, and sea-island sites based on their geomorphic features. The cultural development of these prehistoric sites is of great significance for understanding the migration and spread of Austronesian civilization. Based on luminescence dating of typical Neolithic sites on Haitan Island, their quartz-OSL (optically stimulated luminecesence) burial ages were determined. Synthesizing previously published results, the temporospatial distribution characteristics of the sea-island sites on Haitan Island are discussed, and the relationship between Neolithic human activities and regional geomorphic processes is analyzed. The results show that: (1) the spatial and temporal distribution of the Haitan Island Neolithic sites are closely related to small-scale geomorphic features and are controlled by mesoscale geomorphic processes. The sites were mainly distributed in the foothills of two high hills along an NNE-SSW trend. With an increase in altitude, the features were distributed as “single site (I) - superimposed site - single site (II)” and appear successively. Single type sites (I) mainly appeared at low sea level, whereas single type sites (II) mainly appeared at high sea level. Superimposed sites were not subject to sea level changes. The relative elevation of the superimposed sites in the study area indicates the optimal residential area for human activities in the region. The single site with an elevation lower than the optimal residential area was mainly restricted by the lowest residential area, whereas the single site at a higher elevation than the optimal residential area was mainly affected by livelihood patterns. (2) High sea level caused by the “backwater effect” in low latitude areas in the southern hemisphere, and coastal aeolian sand activity influenced by sea level fluctuations in the middle Holocene correspond well with human activities recorded in the cultural stratigraphy of sea-island type sites. The altitude of coastal aeolian sand accumulation can be used as an indirect index to estimate the age of coastal dunes.

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JIN Jianhui , LING Zhiyong , LI Zhizhong , ZUO Xinxin , FAN Xuechun , HUANG Yunming , WANG Xiaoyang , WEI Changfu , REN Yongqing , QIU Junjie . Spatiotemporal distribution of sea-island prehistoric dune sites, Holocene sea levels, and aeolian sand activities in Fujian Province, China[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2022 , 32(6) : 1157 -1176 . DOI: 10.1007/s11442-022-1990-9

1 Introduction

Tracing the evolution process of geographical environmental elements, analyzing the relationship between geographical environmental change and the evolution of human civilization, and clarifying the processes and mechanisms of human-environment interactions are frontier issues in geographical science research (Chen et al., 2019; Dong et al., 2021). The geographical environment provides the material basis for the evolution of human civilizations, and concurrently, human beings are constantly adapting to and transforming the geographical environment (Xiong et al., 2020). Coastal areas are densely populated, have high levels of human activity, and are home to >60% of the world’s population. Against the background of global climate change and sea level fluctuations, geomorphic evolution and coastal aeolian activities have different effects on coastal, social and economic development (Tamura et al., 2011; Tamura et al., 2012; Dong et al., 2016; Zheng et al., 2018). The eastern coastal area of Fujian Province is an important cradle of human activity and Chinese marine civilization. The landforms show characteristics typical of interlaced capes, bays, and hilly platforms, along with coastal plains interlaced with winding coastlines, scattered coastal islands, and extensive coastal sand (Wu et al. 1995a). “The Southern Classic Within the Sea” of the book “The Classic of Mountains and Seas” records that “Ou lives in the sea and Fujian lives in the sea.” Fujian is the only recorded region and ethnic group that lived in the sea and was proficient at sailing, which has a unique influence on the development of Chinese prehistoric civilization. It is an important frontier of the prehistoric cultural exchange between Fujian Province and Taiwan, as well as a key node and an important area for exploring the origin and spread of the Austronesian civilization (Figure 1) (Chang, 1987).
Figure 1 The location and the distribution of prehistoric sites and Austronesian migration routes
Prehistoric human activities are closely related to the regional, physical, and geographical environment (Xia et al., 2003; Yang et al., 2004; Dong et al., 2021). In coastal areas, especially on coastal islands and reefs, they are mainly affected by sea level changes and coastal aeolian activities (Wu et al., 1995b; Zheng et al., 2009; Jin et al., 2015; Jin et al., 2017; Zheng et al., 2018). For example, the number and spatiotemporal distribution pattern of Neolithic sites in the Yangtze River Delta and Ningshao Plain are controlled by the evolution of the regional geomorphology, which in turn is controlled by Holocene sea level changes (Zheng et al., 2018). During the Holocene, changes in the land, sea, and the ecological environment of the Pearl River Estuary also played a significant role in changing the original inhabitants’ agricultural production and lifestyle (Zheng et al., 2009). The lower reaches of the Minjiang River and its adjacent areas were among the most active prehistoric archaeological areas in Fujian. In recent years, with the rapid increase in archaeological work in the region, new prehistoric cultural sites have been discovered. According to incomplete statistics, over 150 sites from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age have been discovered (FTM, 2018).
In terms of geomorphic units, the sites can be roughly divided into estuarine, coastal, and sea-island sites. The geomorphic environments of these prehistoric sites include islands, sandy and silty coasts, estuarine basins, high hills, and low mountains. The cultural development of these sites is of great significance for understanding the migration and spread of Austronesian civilization. Their spatial and temporal distribution characteristics are closely related to the small-scale geomorphic environment and are controlled by mesoscale geomorphic processes (Yang et al., 2005). In the coastal area of Fujian Province, hills and mountains are widely distributed; the geomorphic processes at the mesoscale and small scale are complex and differ from the pattern of geomorphological evolution of the Yangtze River Delta (Zhu et al., 2002; Zhang et al., 2014; Chen et al., 2015; Zheng et al., 2018) and the Pearl River Delta (Zheng et al., 2009; Zong et al., 2013). The distribution of estuarine and coastal sites (shell mound sites) and sea-island sites (dune sites) in the study area may be controlled by different coastal geomorphological processes, but the timeframe of emergence of different cultural stages is unclear at present, and the relationship between the rise and fall of cultures and the evolution of the coastal environment remains to be established. Therefore, systematically determining the chronological framework of prehistoric cultural sites is key to studying regional human-earth relationships.
In the coastal areas of South China, owing to the limitations of the dating materials and methods, geochronology has always presented a technical bottleneck in the study of regional human-earth relationships. Optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) is an extremely advantageous method in dating aeolian deposits (Aitken, 1998), especially OSL dating of different minerals and using the methods developed in the last two decades; therefore, it is a reliable technique for dating sediments deposited since the late Pleistocene (Aitken, 1990; Murray and Wintrulle, 2000; Duller, 2008; Li and Li, 2011; Li et al., 2017; Zhang and Li, 2020).
Currently, there are many available absolute dating techniques for prehistoric and historical archaeological sites, among which AMS14C dating is a commonly used and reliable method. However, under the influence of a humid subtropical monsoon climate, AMS14C dating materials of prehistoric archaeological sites in South China are often scarce, as the sites are mainly dunes or dune/shell mounds. It is difficult to obtain traditional AMS14C dating materials in the archaeological cultural layers. Thus, the ubiquity of minerals such as quartz and feldspar in the cultural strata makes OSL a more suitable dating tool. OSL is a reliable dating method that has found widespread application in recent years, both in the sedimentary dating of coastal dunes (Jin et al., 2015; Jin et al., 2018a; Jin et al., 2019a) and in the archaeological dating of prehistoric dune/shell mound sites (Jin et al., 2017; Jin et al., 2018b; Jin et al., 2019b). These studies provide key data to solve the origin, propagation processes, and evolution of the prehistoric Chinese civilization and provide a powerful means to further explore the relationship between humans and the environment. In this study, a systematic field survey was conducted on Haitan Island and its adjacent reefs in the lower reaches of the Minjiang River, Fujian Province, China. Small-scale trial excavations were conducted on typical sites with stratigraphic accumulation and samples were collected for OSL dating. By constructing a chronological framework for the archaeological strata, the relationship between the spatiotemporal distribution characteristics of prehistoric human activities and the physical geographical elements on Haitan Island were analyzed, providing a new perspective for a comprehensive understanding of regional human activities.

2 Research area

Haitan Island is the largest island in Fujian Province (Figure 1). It is located south of the Minjing River estuary, faces the Taiwan Strait to the east, and has an area of 278.61 km2. It is located at the northeast end of the Changle-Zhao’an active fault belt, and the rock outcrop is mainly of igneous origin from the late Yanshanian. The average annual wind speed was 6.9 m/s, and the annual average number of gale days (≥8) was 98.3 days. The dominant wind direction was NNE. The area covered by aeolian sand accounts for 66% of the total island area, which together with 126 adjacent islands constitutes a typical coastal aeolian geomorphic landscape in southern China (Wu et al., 1995b; Zeng et al., 1999). Haitan Island was also a core area of Neolithic human activity in the lower reaches of the Minjiang River, where numerous Neolithic-Bronze age dune/shell mound sites have been found (Figure 1). In the Neolithic cultural sequence of the lower Minjiang River, the earliest Keqiutou culture (6.5-5.5 ka) was named after the Keqiutou dune/shell mound site found on the northern part of Haitan Island.
From 2015 to 2019, the Fujian Provincial Institute of Archaeology and the Institute of Archaeology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences jointly conducted a comprehensive survey on Haitan Island and its adjacent islands. The Center for Southeast Environmental Archaeology of China, Fujian Normal University, also participated in part of the surveying and sampling.
A total of 15 Neolithic-Bronze age sites were found in this survey (Figure 1), and the spatial distribution and burial conditions of the prehistoric sites on Haitan Island are well understood (Table 1). In this study, in order to comprehensively understand the temporospatial characteristics of human activities and the environmental background of the islands, four sites typical of the area (called typical sites) were selected for methodological sampling to establish a systematic archaeological and cultural sequence of the study area. Additionally, the relationship between Neolithic human activities and the evolution of the regional environment is discussed.
Table 1 Overview of Neolithic-Bronze age sites in Haitan Island and its adjacent islands
No. Name of site Types Location Elevation
Remains General characteristics
1 Guishan Settlement 25°37°53"N,
16 1600 Pottery, shell It can be divided into 4 layers, from bottom to top, red brown old red sand, red brown medium sand (containing a small amount of pottery), gray brown medium and fine sand (containing a large number of pottery and stone tools), cultivated soil layer.
2 Rongshan Settlement 25°37°32"N,
25 800 Pottery It can be divided into 4 layers, from bottom to top: red-brown old red sand layer (20 cm), light brown medium coarse sand layer (15 cm), yellow-brown medium coarse sand layer (40 cm) and light gray medium sand layer (20 cm).
3 Donghuaqiu Settlement 25°37°59"N,
8 1500 Pottery It can be divided into 5 layers, which are yellow and orange medium sand, gray and brown clay sand, gray and yellow medium sand, gray and brown medium sand (including a small amount of sand-embedded ceramics and gray hard pottery) and light gray medium and fine sand from bottom to top.
4 Keqiutou Settlement 25°37°50"N,
10 4000 Pottery, shell It can be divided into 7 layers, including 7-5 layers of red-brown old red sand layer (70-90 cm), yellow-orange medium sand layer (25 cm), yellow loose medium sand layer (15-20 cm), light yellow medium and fine sand layer (18-20 cm), gray yellow medium and fine sand layer (10-15 cm) from bottom to top.
5 Shengloushan Settlement 25°36°50"N,
19 10000 Pottery It can be divided into 6 layers, from bottom to top, reddish-brown old red sand, reddish-brown old red sand containing a small amount of embedded pottery (5-28 cm), reddish-brown medium coarse sand containing a large amount of pottery (12-26 cm), gray-brown medium sand (12-21 cm), gray-yellow medium sand (18-26 cm), cultivation layer (24-30 cm).
6 Dongbiansha Settlement 25°36°59"N,
14 10000 Pottery It can be divided into 6 layers. From bottom to top, the layers are reddish-brown medium sand, dark brown fine sand (including a small amount of rope grain, cloud thunder grain sand and clay clay), yellow-brown medium sand, dark brown fine sand, yellow-orange medium sand (including a small amount of porcelain), brown medium sand and cultivation layer.
No. Name of site Types Location Elevation
Remains General characteristics
7 Wayaoshan Settlement 25°35°41"N,
13 1500 Pottery It can be divided into 4 layers, from bottom to top, the yellow medium coarse sand layer, gray brown medium sand layer (20-30 cm) containing sand red pottery and yellow pottery, a small amount of shell and terra-cotta soil, light gray medium sand layer (50cm) and cultivation layer (10-20 cm).
8 Hubiancun Settlement 25°35°27"N,
5 2500 Pottery A small amount of sand-gray and gray printed hard pottery was collected.
9 Songcuo Houshan Settlement 25°33°38"N,
40 4000 Pottery It can be divided into 4 layers, from bottom to top, the reddish brown sandy clay, the light gray sandy clay containing pottery (18-23 cm), with carved patterns, the light gray sandy clay containing a small amount of terrazzo (6-14 cm), and the top layer of gray sandy clay (10-18 cm).
10 Baiyunshan Settlement 25°33°15"N,
8 3000 Pottery, stone tools A small amount of stone tools and pottery were collected.
11 Huangguan-
Unknown 25°34°24"N,
15 1000 Stone tools, pottery A small amount of stone tools and pottery were collected.
12 Citanghou Settlement 25°28°50"N,
30 600 Pottery, shell It can be divided into 5 layers. From bottom to top, the layers are gray black clay, yellowish brown fine sand, gray black medium sand (including terra-cotta soil, sand embedded red pottery), gray yellow medium sand, gray brown medium sand.
13 Guitoushan Settlement 25°28°13"N,
10 Unknown Stone tools, pottery No cultural layers.
14 Nancuochang Settlement 25°26°02"N,
10 1500 Pottery, shell It can be divided into 5 layers, from bottom to top, they are reddish brown medium coarse sand, silty sand, black brown shell layer with a little corded sand red pottery, reddish brown medium sand and cultivation layer.
15 Houqishan Unknown 25°22°35"N,
25 800 Stone tools, pottery It can be divided into 3 layers, from the bottom to the top, they are red-brown old red sand (containing a small amount of terra-cotta and sand-embedded pottery), red-brown medium sand (including printed hard pottery), and red-brown clay sand.

3 Materials and methods

Based on the geomorphological survey of the sea-island cultural sites, four typical sites (from Guishan, Chitanghou, Donghuaqiu, and Houqishan) were selected for OSL dating, and their sampling profiles and locations are shown in Figure 2. Among them, the Donghuaqiu, Guishan, and Chitanghou sites are key components of the Keqiutou site group on the northern part of Haitan Island. The archaeological strata have been systematically excavated several times, and the cultural layers have been defined by stages. The OSL results determined the age of the island-like sites represented by the Keqiutou site group, which was officially approved as part of the eighth batch of the national key cultural relics’ protected sites list by the State Council in October 2019. The archaeological survey from the adjacent islet is not yet complete. Houqishan site is a typical example of the prehistoric sites that have been investigated.
Figure 2 The sampling locations and sedimentary structure of typical Neolithic sites in Haitan Island and its adjacent islands (a-e. Donghuaqiu Site; f-h. Guishan Site; i-j. Chitanghou Site; k-l. Houqishan Site)

3.1 Sampling

A total of 46 samples were collected from four typical site profiles for OSL dating. The samples were prepared under subdued red-light conditions using standard laboratory methods. The purity of the quartz particles was determined using the infrared method. Small aliquots were used in our test, and the sample distribution diameter of the particles was approximately 2 mm.

3.2 Dating

The radioactive energy absorbed by the samples mainly emanates from the decay of 235U, 238U, 232Th, and their daughters, as well as 40K of the geological environment and the sample itself (Aitken, 1998). The concentrations of U, Th, and K were measured by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and atomic absorption spectrophotometry in the key Laboratory of subtropical resources and environment of Fujian Province at Fujian Normal University. The contribution of the cosmic dose rate to the total dose rate was calculated according to Prescott and Hutton (1994) and Prescott and Stephan (1982). The final dose rate was calculated using the DRAC program (Durcan et al., 2015). An automated Risø TL/OSL DA-20C/D reader installed with a 90Y/90Sr beta source was used for the quartz equivalent dose (De) test in a laboratory at Fujian Normal University. The improved single-aliquot regenerative-dose (SAR) protocol was used to estimate the single-aliquot De of the quartz grains (Jin et al., 2017).

4 Results

4.1 Preheating-plateau and dose recovery tests

A preheat-plateau test was performed to observe the electron transfer in the samples during preheating. Six different preheat temperatures between 180℃ and 280℃ in 20℃ increments were used in the De test with the SAR protocol, where the cut-heat was 20℃ less than the preheat temperature. Three aliquots were measured at each preheat temperature. The results showed that the preheat temperature had no significant influence on the De values in the range of 180-240℃ (Figure 3a). Therefore, the preheat temperature was set to 220℃ for 10 s.
Figure 3 Results of preheat plateau test and dose recovery test for sample DHQ-09
A dose recovery test was performed on 16 aliquots of sample DHQ-09 at a preheat temperature of 220℃ for 10 s. First, we bleached the natural signal in the aliquots for 48 h, and then administered a known dose of 18 Gy. Figure 3b shows that the De values of the sample were largely consistent with the supplied dose within the error range, and that the De test is reliable at a preheat temperature of 220℃.

4.2 Luminescence characteristics of the quartz grains

The quartz OSL signal comprises a variety of components (commonly 2-7) with different bleaching characteristics, decay rates, saturation limits, thermal stabilities, and susceptibilities to recuperation and sensitization (Bailey et al., 2001). Dating using quartz OSL involves measuring the optical signal from the so-called fast component (Jin et al., 2021). Figure 4a shows the OSL signal decay curve and the regeneration dose growth curve of sample DHQ-09. The decay curve of the natural luminescence signal shows that the luminescence signal has a rapid decay rate, and will fade to the background value in approximately 1 s. This indicates that the OSL signal is composed mainly of fast components, and that the SAR protocol is suitable to measure De.
Figure 4 The dose response curve obtained using the SAR protocol for sample DHQ-09 and CW-OSL signals from natural quartz for the corresponding sample
On multi-grain aliquots from sample DHQ-09, linearly modulated (LM) OSL measurements were performed, and the curves were deconvoluted using the ‘fit-LMCurve’ feature in R to determine the signal components after different treatments (Kreutzer, 2020). The results show that the natural luminescence signals of the samples were mainly composed of fast components. Supplying a laboratory dose (5.7 Gy) after bleaching the luminescence signal of the sample, and simultaneous stimulation with blue light at 220℃ for 10 s, the results showed that the decay curves of the samples showed one fast, one medium, and two slow components (Figure 4d). This indicates that the ratio of medium and slow component signals may be increased during the regenerating dose measurements.
To further understand the characteristics of the natural luminescence signal of quartz samples, we calculated the fast ratio (FR value) of all aliquots (n=16) from sample DHQ-09 (Durcan and Duller, 2011). The photoionization cross-section values were used to calculate the FR of all aliquots using the method described by Durcan and Duller (2011). The FR values of the 16 quartz aliquots were found to be dominated by the fast component of the sample (Figure 5). Comparisons between the supplied dose and the regenerative dose signal FR ratios in the dose recovery test data by contrast, showed no systematic differences. This suggests that the aliquots may have been bleached and then irradiated before dose recovery and are affected by the same medium and slow components as the regenerative dose signals (Neudorf et al., 2019; Jin et al., 2021). Thus, these signal components are largely non-existent in natural OSL signals and are probably thermally unstable over geological time.
Figure 5 OSL fast ratios of sample DHQ-09 measured from the natural OSL signals and regenerative dose OSL signals
The distribution of De values can be used to indicate whether the sediment has been completely bleached before burial (Fuchs et al., 2012). The frequency density distribution of the De values in the samples that were completely bleached before burial showed obvious symmetry and narrow peaks. In contrast, the frequency density distribution of the De values of sample DHQ-09 showed a roughly normal distribution (Figure 4b), meaning that the sample was not completely bleached. The above luminescence signal characteristics indicate that the OSL samples of Haitan Island are suitable for dating.

4.3 OSL chronology

The OSL ages of all the samples were calculated and are shown in Table 2.
Table 2 The optically stimulated Luminescence dating results of sediment of typical Neolithic sites
Lab. No. name U (µg/g) Th (µg/g) K (%) Moisture
content (%)
Aliquots Dose rate (Gy/ka) De
Age model Age
2018029 DHQ-01 1.61±0.08 5.17±0.26 0.91±0.05 10±5 9/20 1.67±0.09 0.23±0.12 CAM 0.14±0.07
2018030 DHQ-02 1.37±0.07 5.25±0.26 1.00±0.05 10±5 17/20 1.71±0.09 0.13±0.06 CAM 0.08±0.04
2018031 DHQ-03 1.19±0.06 4.84±0.24 1.08±0.05 10±5 7/20 1.70±0.09 0.68±0.20 CAM 0.40±0.12
2018032 DHQ-04 1.52±0.08 9.39±0.47 0.65±0.03 10±5 6/20 1.68±0.08 0.51±0.02 CAM 0.31±0.02
2018033 DHQ-05 1.36±0.07 6.19±0.31 0.92±0.05 10±5 8/20 1.69±0.09 0.82±0.10 CAM 0.49±0.07
2018034 DHQ-06 1.93±0.10 9.36±0.47 0.83±0.04 10±5 16/16 1.93±0.10 3.49±0.30 CAM 1.82±0.18
2018035 DHQ-07 1.61±0.08 8.11±0.41 0.77±0.04 10±5 36/36 1.74±0.09 5.06±1.94 CAM 2.96±1.14
2018036 DHQ-08 1.79±0.09 8.11±0.41 0.97±0.05 10±5 20/25 1.95±0.10 4.54±1.13 CAM 2.36±0.60
2018037 DHQ-09 1.87±0.09 9.02±0.45 0.91±0.05 10±5 18/20 1.97±0.10 5.12±0.37 CAM 2.63±0.23
2018038 DHQ-11 1.98±0.10 9.84±0.49 0.85±0.04 10±5 18/25 2.00±0.10 11.84±1.86 CAM 6.01±0.99
2018039 DHQ-10 2.09±0.10 10.58±0.53 0.74±0.04 10±5 21/25 1.97±0.10 7.13±0.71 CAM 3.67±0.44
2018040 DHQ-12 2.12±0.11 10.08±0.50 0.79±0.04 10±5 23/25 2.00±0.10 12.05±1.74 CAM 6.14±0.97
2018041 DHQ-13 2.09±0.10 9.72±0.49 1.08±0.05 10±5 19/25 2.21±0.11 11.58±1.87 CAM 5.29±0.89
2018042 DHQ-14 1.41±0.07 5.82±0.29 0.83±0.04 10±5 15/25 1.59±0.08 10.38±0.87 CAM 6.59±0.65
2017007 DHQ-15 1.49±0.07 5.85±0.20 1.44±0.05 10±5 15/32 2.24±0.12 0.10±0.05 CAM 0.05±0.02
2017008 DHQ-16 1.18±0.06 5.45±0.19 1.42±0.05 10±5 12/32 2.11±0.12 0.47±0.02 CAM 0.23±0.02
2017009 DHQ-17 1.45±0.07 8.72±0.27 1.44±0.05 10±5 19/30 2.40±0.13 0.70±0.03 CAM 0.30±0.02
2017010 DHQ-18 1.08±0.06 5.13±0.18 1.33±0.05 10±5 30/30 1.92±0.11 1.11±0.04 CAM 0.58±0.04
2017011 DHQ-19 1.41±0.07 5.69±0.20 1.29±0.05 10±5 29/30 2.01±0.11 4.90±0.30 CAM 2.48±0.20
2016100 DHQ-20 1.08±0.06 7.10±0.23 1.36±0.05 10±5 35/40 2.02±0.11 3.29±0.17 CAM 1.60±0.12
2017001 DHQ-21 0.94±0.05 7.67±0.25 1.14±0.05 10±5 40/40 1.84±0.10 2.19±0.13 CAM 1.18±0.09
2017002 DHQ-22 1.09±0.06 6.19±0.21 1.14±0.05 10±5 40/40 1.79±0.09 2.04±0.26 CAM 1.13±0.16
2017003 DHQ-23 0.97±0.05 5.23±0.18 1.33±0.05 10±5 70/70 1.91±0.11 2.11±0.13 CAM 1.12±0.10
2017004 DHQ-24 0.66±0.04 2.75±0.12 0.93±0.04 10±5 26/32 1.38±0.08 6.60±0.50 CAM 5.06±0.48
2017005 DHQ-25 1.23±0.06 7.12±0.23 1.2±0.05 10±5 28/32 1.98±0.10 13.77±1.51 CAM 7.08±0.86
2017006 DHQ-26 1.04±0.06 6.21±0.21 1.34±0.05 10±5 30/32 2.12±0.12 0.72±0.11 CAM 0.37±0.06
2020022 DHQ-M1 1.99±0.10 10.6±0.53 1.21±0.06 10±5 21/32 2.34±0.12 9.56±1.20 MAM 4.09±0.56
2020023 DHQ-M2 2.04±0.10 11.3±0.57 1.34±0.07 10±5 25/32 2.51±0.13 11.03±1.51 MAM 4.39±0.65
2020024 DHQ-M3 1.97±0.10 11.3±0.57 1.19±0.06 10±5 26/32 2.36±0.12 6.71±0.88 MAM 2.84±0.4
2017012 GS-04 1.40±0.07 10.90±0.32 1.11±0.04 10±5 20/20 2.06±0.10 22.50±0.68 CAM 10.51±0.6
2017013 GS-03 1.44±0.07 10.30±0.30 1.24±0.05 10±5 19/20 2.14±0.11 11.48±0.67 CAM 5.15±0.4
2017014 GS-02 1.71±0.08 10.30±0.30 1.18±0.05 10±5 20/20 2.21±0.11 7.25±0.27 CAM 3.25±0.25
2017015 GS-01 2.45±0.10 15.60±0.42 1.66±0.06 10±5 13/20 3.35±0.17 0.11±0.02 CAM 0.03±0.01
2020020 GS-05 0.97±0.05 10.30±0.30 1.21±0.06 10±5 15/16 2.10±0.11 15.44±1.52 MAM 7.36±0.82
2020021 GS-06 1.91±0.10 15.30±0.42 1.13±0.06 10±5 22/32 2.55±0.13 15.05±2.25 MAM 5.90±0.93
2020025 CTH-01 1.28±0.06 8.36±0.42 2.95±0.15 10±5 12/12 3.58±0.23 0.24±0.06 CAM 0.07±0.02
2020026 CTH-02 1.57±008 9.92±0.50 2.54±0.13 10±5 32/32 3.38±0.21 1.55±0.17 CAM 0.46±0.06
2020027 CTH-03 1.53±0.08 10.6±0.53 2.36±0.12 10±5 10/32 3.26±0.20 2.92±0.51 MAM 0.90±0/17
2020028 CTH-04 1.66±0.08 13.2±0.66 1.89±0.09 10±5 14/32 3.03±0.17 7.43±0.40 CAM 2.45±0.19
2020029 CTH-05 1.79±0.09 14.9±0.75 1.79±0.09 10±5 14/16 3.08±0.17 18.58±1.45 CAM 6.03±0.58
2020030 CTH-06 1.38±0.07 11.2±0.56 1.84±0.09 10±5 21/22 2.80±0.16 15.23±0.45 CAM 5.44±0.35
2020031 CTH-07 1.69±0.08 14.7±0.74 2.50±0.13 10±5 4/22 3.67±0.27 5.16±1.15 CAM 1.40±0.33
2020032 CTH-08 1.87±0.09 14.2±0.71 2.65±0.13 10±5 20/20 3.81±0.28 9.82±0.35 CAM 2.57±0.21
2017029 NH-01 2.00±0.09 7.97±0.26 1.11±0.04 10±5 10/15 1.99±0.11 1.81±0.04 CAM 0.87±0.05
2017030 NH-02 2.23±0.09 8.27±0.26 1.20±0.04 10±5 15/15 2.11±0.11 6.19±0.69 CAM 2.77±0.36
2017031 NH-03 1.40±0.07 6.95±0.23 1.29±0.05 10±5 15/15 2.05±0.11 9.66±0.51 CAM 4.71±0.35
Among the four sites selected for this study (Figure 2), two samples were taken from Donghuaqiu site (DHQ). Figures 2d-2e shows the sampling site of the first field survey (sample numbers DHQ-15 to DHQ-26). The red sand layer (also called the “old red sand”) at the bottom of the site is approximately 7.08±0.86 ka in age, and a Neolithic cultural layer appeared at 5.06±0.28 ka. According to the dating results and the artifacts excavated from the site, the other cultural layers were severely disturbed by human activities. Figures 2a-2c shows the location of the second sampling site. The median luminescence ages of the four “old red sand” samples (DHQ-11 to DHQ-14) at the bottom of the site were 6.01±0.88 ka in age. The burial stratigraphic ages of the three layers were 4.39±0.65 ka, 4.09±0.56 ka and 2.84±0.4 ka, respectively (Figure 2c). In general, the quartz burial luminescence ages of the cultural layers at the site were concentrated between 4.39±0.65 ka and 1.82±0.18 ka, corresponding roughly with the Huangguashan cultural period in the coastal area of Fujian Province.
Guishan site (GS) has undergone several formal archaeological excavations. The samples reported in this study were collected from the main excavation area in the first survey (Figures 2f-2h). Figures 2f-2g shows the main sampling profiles. The buried age of the “old red sand” at the bottom of the site is 10.51±0.6 ka, and the ages of the cultural layers are 5.15±0.4 ka and 3.25±0.25 ka, corresponding to the Tanshishan and Huangguashan cultural periods, respectively. Figure 2h shows the sampling location of the trench excavated approximately 100 m northwest of the main excavation area. The two OSL ages are 7.36±0.82 ka and 5.90±0.93 ka, which is consistent with the archaeological ages of the excavated artifacts and correspond to the Keqiutou cultural period. According to the classification of Yang et al. (2004), Guishan site should be classified as a culturally superimposed site.
Unlike the DHQ and GS sites, Chitanghou (CTH) site was formed on a low hill of weathered granite. Therefore, the OSL samples were often mixed with granite debris. At the same time, due to long-term cultivation, mineral particles close to the surface cultural layer were likely to be exposed. The three ages obtained from the main cultural layer at the site are 2.45±0.19 ka, 6.03±0.58 ka and 5.44±0.35 ka, corresponding to the Keqiutou cultural period.
Houqishan site (NH) is approximately 25 m above sea level and has not been formally excavated; only three OSL samples were collected from the cultural layer (Figure 2i). The burial age of the main cultural layer is 4.71±0.35 ka, which is classified as a single site from the Tanshishan cultural period.
Figure 6a integrates the age data from the four typical sites and statistically analyzes the frequency density, relative frequency, and cumulative frequency to understand the spatial and temporal distribution of sites in the region. The results show that the dune/shell mound site of Haitan Island was mainly formed at 8 ka, which is consistent with the results of regional sea-level change and archaeochronology. Human activities on Haitan Island were mainly concentrated in two high sea level stages about 7-5 ka and 4-2 ka, which roughly correspond to the Keqiutou cultural period (6.5-5.5 ka) and the Huangguashan cultural period (4.3-3.5 ka) in the lower Minjiang River (Lin, 2011).
Figure 6 Comparison of the age of typical dune sites on Haitan Island and the Holocene aeolian sand along the coast of Fujian Province

5 Discussion

5.1 Regional scale environmental factors affecting Neolithic human activities on Haitan Island

Sea level change is one factor that affected prehistoric human activities in coastal areas. Due to the influence of climate, geological structure, and paleotopography, there are many Holocene sea-level patterns in different regions (Chen et al., 2015). Sea level during the early Holocene was lower than modern sea level and in the middle Holocene (7-4 ka), due to hydro-isostacy caused by the continuous influx of Arctic meltwater to the Atlantic Ocean. Sea water was also affected by topographical features in the process of upwelling to the estuary. This was followed by a relatively high sea level stage through a phenomenon called the backwater effect (Baker et al., 2003). For example, the relative sea level near the equator, South America, Southeast Asia along the Mekong River, the Red River, Singapore, and the delta areas of northern Australia were 1-5 m above modern mean sea level (Hesp et al., 1998; Tanabe, 2003). In contrast, the sea level near the Yangtze River Delta did not rise above modern sea levels in the middle Holocene (7-4 ka) (Wang et al., 2018) or during the high sea level phase of the Holocene that occurred before 7 ka (Zhu et al., 2002); this was verified by a continuous Neolithic cultural sequence in the Ningshao Plain. The Neolithic cultural period in the lower reaches of Minjiang River was not found to be continuous at a small temporal scale. Human activities from 7-5.5 ka were concentrated on the coastal islands. In contrast, human activities from 5.5-4 ka were mainly concentrated on the low hills or tableland near the inland margin of the Fuzhou Basin. Humans from 4-3 ka mainly lived near the coastal zones. The temporal and spatial distribution characteristics indicate that there was a secondary fluctuation trend of “low-high-low” sea levels in the lower reaches of the Minjiang River during the period of high sea level between 7 and 4 ka. Table 1 shows that the Neolithic sites dated to 7-5 ka on Haitan Island all accumulated on the platform formed by the old red sand or by the granite weathering crust at an elevation of 10 m above sea level during the late Pleistocene. This may indicate that there was a high sea level stand caused by “backwater” in the middle Holocene. Such distribution characteristics are consistent with sea level changes in the coastal areas of Fujian Province (Zeng, 1991), indicating that the period of prehistoric human activities on Haitan Island corresponds to the Holocene high sea level stage, and that the landscape differed significantly from that of the present day.
Coastal aeolian activities under the background of sea level change is another important factor affecting prehistoric human activities on Haitan Island. The stratigraphic structure of the Neolithic sites on Haitan Island indicates that most sites were distributed in the late Pleistocene to early Holocene aeolian sand (old red sand), which was associated with Holocene aeolian sand. This suggests that the development of the Neolithic culture on Haitan Island was accompanied by aeolian activities in the region. The sedimentary processes of coastal dunes in Fujian Province are mainly affected by the sediment source, prevailing wind, and topography (Wu et al., 1995b). Yanshanian granites are widely distributed along the coast of South China, and it is easy to form a huge, thick weathering crust under the humid monsoon climate conditions of tropical and subtropical regions, and produce a large amount of sand through erosion by flowing water, coastal currents, and waves, providing rich sand sources for the development of coastal dunes in South China (Wu et al., 1995b). The average annual runoff and sediment transport of the Miniang River can reach 5.9×1012 m3 and 1.02×107 t, respectively. In the middle and late Holocene, sea level fluctuations were small, the sand source was abundant, and the geomorphology was relatively stable; therefore, the development of coastal dunes was mainly affected by wind conditions.
Coastal dune deposits can reflect variations in the East Asian monsoon on the millennium-centennial scale (Jin et al., 2015; Xu et al., 2017; Jin et al., 2019b). Coastal dunes on the Fujian coast mainly accumulated during the middle and late Holocene, and can be roughly divided into three stages: 7-5, 4-2 and 1-0 ka (Figure 6b). This division is closely related to the intensity of regional aeolian sand activities and regional coastline changes (Wu et al., 1995a; Jin et al., 2015). The first stage from 7-5 ka is an important active aeolian period, which is consistent with the intensity of the East Asian winter monsoon reflected in Huguangyan Maar Lake deposition (Yancheva et al., 2007) and sea surface temperature (SST) variability in the Okinawa Trough (Jian et al., 2000). There are also several obvious millennial-centennial scale depositional gaps during this period. Cai et al. (1992) analyzed the aeolian sand sequence from the Luyangpu Plain on Haitan Island through borehole deposition and determined that the aeolian sand in Luyangpu was deposited at 2.4 ka. Therefore, aeolian sand deposition in ancient Changjiang bay, where the site group is located, should be the product of the third active aeolian period, which is related to the backwater effect in the middle Holocene in the low-latitude area (Chen et al., 2015). The rising water stripped away previously formed dunes. The periods of human activity recorded in the cultural stratigraphy correspond well with the periods of regional coastal aeolian sand activity (Figure 6b). There are several centennial-scale depositional discontinuities in most dunes over 2 ka of age (Jin et al., 2015). Due to numerous high tides and storm surges in the region, the elevation of most coastal dunes older than 1 ka is above 10 m. Below 10 m, coastal dunes have been deposited mainly over the last thousand years, especially since the Little Ice Age. In future studies, the altitude of the dunes can be used as an index to indirectly determine the age of regional coastal dunes.
In addition, this study also found that most of the old red sand was late Pleistocene deposits. Old red sand, developed over the past 20 ka, is rarely found and reported on; it is only found on leeward slopes and at higher elevations. Globally, red aeolian sand during this period did not exist in isolation (Jin et al., 2018b; Jin et al., 2019b; Reuter et al., 2020), and its distribution and paleogeographic significance need further study.

5.2 Small-scale changes in the living environment reflected by spatiotemporal distributions of Neolithic sites

Coastal dunes are products of land-sea-air interactions (Dong, 2010) and also reflect abrupt climate events over short time scales (Dong et al., 2016; Yang et al., 2017). Haitan Island and its adjacent islands are located south of the Minjiang River estuary, and the highest elevation is approximately 400 m. Strong winds and high waves in the Taiwan Strait and the continuous supply of sediment from outside the Minjiang River estuary provide abundant sand sources and energy for the development of aeolian geomorphology on Haitan Island (Cai et al., 1992; Shi et al., 2009). In the Neolithic period, when productivity was reduced, the spatial scope of prehistoric human activities was not only controlled by slow, natural, environmental processes, but it was also affected and restricted by abrupt events such as typhoons and storm surges. Chen et al. (2015) proposed the concept of “lowest habitable surface” in view of the relationship between sea level and human activities in the estuarine area. They pointed out that the height of safe human habitation in estuaries or coastal zones is correlated with the maximum tidal range and the reachability of storm surges. Modern observations show that the maximum spring tide height in the northern part of Haitan Island can reach more than 6 m (Tian et al., 2011). Storm surges occur frequently in the coastal areas of central and southern Fujian Province from July to September. In September, the coastal areas of Fujian Province experience an astronomical high tide period (Yuan et al., 2018), and the increase in water height may exceed 7 m due to the superposition effect of storm surges and high astronomical tides. In other words, the lowest habitable surface for human activity in the region should be 7 m above sea level. Influenced by prevailing winds, topography, and the ocean, prehistoric people chose to inhabit the low hills and high terraces near the leeward slope of the ancient Changjiang’ao bay.
In a study on the environmental background of archaeological remains in Guanting Basin, Qinghai Province, Yang et al. (2004) divided the accumulation forms of archaeological sites into superposed sites and unitary sites, representing stable and unstable lifestyles, respectively. High terraces near the river seem to have been the site of long-term human settlement, representing the continuity of culture. Affected by floods, humans on the lower terraces would have had to migrate to higher terraces periodically, indicating discontinuous cultural inheritance (Yang et al., 2004; Yang et al., 2005). Although the spatial distribution patterns of archaeological sites in coastal zones are not affected by rivers and floods, they are affected by sea level fluctuations and should have similar distribution characteristics (Figure 7). According to the spatial distribution characteristics of the Neolithic sites on Haitan Island, archaeological sites are mainly concentrated in the northeast region of Haitan Island. In terms of geomorphic features, most of the sites are located at the edge of isolated islets or aeolian plains close to the northwest edge of the ancient bay (Figure 1); that is, they are mainly distributed on the slope foothills of the two rows of the NNE-SSW trending high hills. With an increase in altitude, the sites features are distributed as “single site (I)-superposed site-single site (II)” and appear successively. Single type sites (I) mainly appeared at low sea level, while single type sites (II) mainly appeared at high sea level. Superimposed sites are not subject to sea level changes. Dong et al. (2021) proposed the “Fulcrum Cognitive Model” to explore the mechanism of past human-land coevolution based on a case study of past man-land relationships. They pointed out that the balance between natural ecosystems and human social systems is broken by changes in the climatic environment or human activities at certain points in time (Dong et al., 2021). The relationship between Haitan Island’s natural ecosystem and the human social system can be explained by a “quantitative balance model.” Within a certain threshold, the regional human social system is in balance with the natural ecological environment through human migration. The regional environment at 7-5 ka is characterized by high sea level (Zeng, 1991; Chen et al., 2015), strong winter winds (Jian et al., 2000), and strong sandstorm activity; this breaks the balance between the natural and human social systems, shrinks the environment that is suitable for human survival, and increases the pressure for human survival. Faced with this situation, human societies may achieve a new balance between the weakened carrying capacity of the environment by migrating to higher altitudes and to more inland regions. The period between 5-4 ka is the most important period of human activity in the lower reaches of the Minjiang River, and is related to weaker winter monsoon intensity. From 4 to 3 ka, sea level decreased gradually, approaching the modern sea level. Although the intensity of winter winds gradually increased after 5-4 ka and aeolian sand activity increased, the rapid development of rice farming during this period reduced the living pressure of human beings and increased the available living resources and living space. Human beings were able to achieve a new balance between the development of human society and the enhanced carrying capacity of the land by improving the level of productivity (Figure 7).
Figure 7 Schematic diagram of the coupling relationship between Haitan Island settlement site distribution and sea level fluctuation

6 Conclusion

In contrast to rising sea level fluctuations occurring near the Yangtze River Delta, Haitan Island, which is located in a low latitude area, was in a high sea level stand from 7-2.4 ka due to the “backwater” effect (secondary sea level fluctuations cannot be ruled out during the period), and prehistoric humans mainly lived on the low hills and on the old red sand platform. After 2.4 ka, the sea level decreased and approached modern levels, and human activities gradually expanded as the shoreline advanced seaward. In terms of geomorphic features, most of the sites were located at the edge of isolated islets or aeolian plains close to the northwest edge of the ancient Changjiang’ao bay; that is, they were mainly distributed in the slope foothills of the two rows of the NNE-SSW trending high hills. With an increase in altitude, the site features were distributed as “single site (I) - superposed site - single site (II)” and appear successively. Single type sites (I) mainly appeared during low sea level stands, whereas single type sites (II) mainly appeared during high sea level. Superimposed sites are not subject to sea level changes. The relative elevation of the superimposed sites in the study area indicates the optimal residential area for human activities in the region. The single site at an elevation lower than the optimal residential area is mainly restricted by the lowest residential area, while the single site at a higher elevation than the optimal residential area is mainly affected by livelihood patterns.
Among the environmental factors affecting prehistoric human activities on a regional scale, coastline changes resulting from sea level changes and aeolian activities influenced by the East Asian winter monsoon were the main factors. Under the background of a relatively stable sea level, abrupt events occurred on short time scales, including typhoons, storm surges, and aeolian sand activities and these events were the main factors constraining the intensity of human activities at the inter-annual and inter-decadal scales. Neolithic sites of 7-5 ka age were found on Haitan Island and they all accumulated on the platform formed by old red sand or the granite weathering crust at an altitude of 10 m above sea level. This may indicate that the high sea level caused by “backwater” occurred during the middle Holocene and affected the range of the sand source and the development of coastal dunes. The periods of human activity recorded in the cultural stratigraphy correspond well with the periods of regional coastal aeolian sand activity. There are several centennial-scale depositional discontinuities in most dunes over 2 ka. Compared with the maximum height of high tides and storm surges in the region, the elevation of most coastal dunes over 1 ka is above 10 m. Below 10 m, coastal dunes were mainly deposited over the last thousand years, especially since the Little Ice Age. In future studies, the altitude of dunes can be used as an index to indirectly determine the age of regional coastal dunes.
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