The coupling relationship between urbanization and ecological resilience in the Pearl River Delta

  • WANG Shaojian ,
  • CUI Zitian ,
  • LIN Jingjie ,
  • XIE Jinyan ,
  • SU Kun
  • Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Urbanization and Geo-simulation, School of Geography and Planning, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China

Wang Shaojian (1986-), Associate Professor, specialized in urban geography and regional development. E-mail:

Received date: 2021-03-01

  Accepted date: 2021-12-18

  Online published: 2022-03-25

Supported by

Ministry of Education Humanities Social Sciences Research Project(21YJAZH087)

Guangdong Special Support Program; Pearl River S&T Nova Program of Guangzhou(201806010187)


Urban resilience is an emerging research topic of urban studies, and its essence is described by the ability of cities to resist, recover, and adapt to uncertain disturbances. This paper constructs a “Size-Density-Morphology” urban ecological resilience evaluation system, uses a coupling coordination degree model to measure the degree of coupling coordination between urbanization and ecological resilience in the Pearl River Delta from 2000 to 2015, and conducts an in-depth discussion on its spatiotemporal characteristics. The results show the following. (1) From 2000 to 2015, the urbanization level of cities in the study area generally increased while the level of ecological resilience declined. The coupling coordination degree between the two systems decreased from basic coordination to basic imbalance. (2) In terms of spatial distribution, the coupling coordination degree between urbanization and ecological resilience of cities presented a circular pattern that centered on the cities at the estuary of the Pearl River and increased toward the periphery. (3) Ecological resilience sub-systems played variable roles in the coupling coordination between urbanization and ecological resilience. Specifically, size resilience mainly played a reverse blocking role; the influence of morphology resilience was generally positive and continued to increase over time; the effect of density resilience was positive and continued to decline and further became negative after falling below zero. The main pathways for achieving coordinated and sustainable development of future urbanization and ecological resilience in the Pearl River Delta include: leading the coordinated development of regions with new urbanization, improving ecological resilience by strictly observing the three areas and three lines, adapting to ecological carrying capacity, and rationally arranging urban green spaces.

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WANG Shaojian , CUI Zitian , LIN Jingjie , XIE Jinyan , SU Kun . The coupling relationship between urbanization and ecological resilience in the Pearl River Delta[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2022 , 32(1) : 44 -64 . DOI: 10.1007/s11442-022-1935-3

1 Introduction

Since reform and opening up in 1978, China’s urbanization development has made remarkable achievements. The urbanization rate of the permanent population rose from 17.9% in 1978 to 59.6% in 2018 (XNA, 2019). Urbanization is materially derived from the ecological environment, and human demand for ecological services makes urbanization sustainable. However, the urban ecosystem is also suffering from unavoidable disturbances and shocks. On the one hand, these disturbances and shocks can come from various natural disasters. On the other hand, they can also come from ecological disorders caused by the extensive development of human beings (Lu et al., 2007). In the face of increasing human pressure and encroachment from urbanization, urban ecosystems need to improve their resilience—that is, shock resistance, self-adaptation, and resilience to aftershocks, to eliminate and absorb these disturbances. Therefore, it is important to study the interaction laws between urbanization and urban ecological resilience in this context. In addition, recognizing the underlying causes of lagging ecological resilience of some cities can provide a basis for government policy for their coordinated development.
“Resilience” means the ability to return to the original state (Shao and Xu, 2015). Holling (1973) first applied the concept of resilience to the subdiscipline of system ecology to define the characteristics of stable states of the ecosystem. As the related research gradually extended from natural ecology to human ecology, the concept of resilience has also been extended to the urban field, providing a research foundation for the formation and development of urban resilience (Park and Mckenzie, 1987). The current research on urban resilience centers on three aspects: (1) the conceptual analysis of urban resilience, (2) the measurement of the level of urban resilience, and (3) the theoretical framework for resilient urban planning. In general, the academic community has reached a consensus on the definition of urban resilience, which includes the ability of the urban system to coordinate and organize itself and withstand and recover from uncertain external risks. It can be conceptualized as integrating urban material and non-material elements (Walker et al., 2004; Ahern, 2011; Li and Zhai, 2017). Based upon these concepts, existing literature has adopted different perspectives and methods to quantitatively evaluate the level of urban resilience (Najjar and Gaudiot, 1990; Omer et al., 2009; Li and Zhai, 2017; Du et al., 2019; Zhang and Feng, 2019), and provide basic ideas for the planning and construction of resilient cities (Liu, 2014; Shao and Xu, 2015; Shi, 2016). In terms of research content, scholars have shifted their focus from the built environment to a dynamic social mechanism. The theoretical framework of urban resilience is gradually being developed, which will evolve into a new way to analyze and solve urban problems. However, as an emerging topic, the research on urban resilience is still controversial.
Due to the lack of available data, the secondary indicators of the existing resilience evaluation system often struggle to reflect the true essence of resilience. Taking urban ecological resilience as an example, existing research can well reflect the current “levels” of urban eco-environmental construction and pollutant controls. Still, it cannot fully represent the “ability” of urban resistance to adapt to external disasters and support human consumption. Additionally, discussing the coupling relationship between urbanization and the ecological environment represents an essential link in studying the man-land relationship. Various academic circles have done a great deal of theoretical and empirical analysis in this field. Based on the paradigm of system theory, researchers measure the effects of interactive stress upon the urbanization of ecological environments. To do this, they utilize a variety of methods such as employing a coupling coordination degree model and a gray correlation degree model with the intent of obtaining significant spatiotemporal differentiation characteristics (Huang and Fang, 2003; Liu et al., 2005; Cui, 2015; Wang et al., 2015; Zhang et al., 2016). Moreover, a growing amount of research is directed toward the dynamic evolution of the coupling relationship between urbanization and the ecological environment and try to use system dynamics (SD), artificial intelligence, comprehensive integration, and other technical methods to simulate the dynamic coupling relationship (Cui et al., 2019).
Current academic circles have improved upon their research into the coupling relationship between urbanization and the ecological environment. However, from the perspective of resilience, the interaction between urbanization and ecological resilience is less discussed. The following two themes characterize the inherent challenges to this type of research. First, the interactive mechanism between urbanization and the ecological environment is inherently complex, and a single-paradigm study fails to satisfy the needs of guiding planning practice. Second, it is of great significance to first identify the existing problems in the spatial interaction between urban and ecological environments and then provide additional operational guidance at the spatial planning level. Therefore, this paper introduced the concept of resilience into its research framework of urban ecosystems and drew upon the physical coupling model to analyze the spatiotemporal differentiation of the coordinated relationship between urbanization and ecological resilience in the Pearl River Delta. Consistent with the methods of Xiu et al. (2018), the evaluation system of ecological resilience was reconstructed based on the characteristics of urban space in scale, density, and form to fit the essential connotation of resilience. Finally, through a comparative analysis of the coupling and coordination between urbanization and three major resilience sub-systems, this article identifies the specific reasons for promoting or blocking the coordinated development of urbanization and ecological resilience. The results provide a pathway and basis for promoting the coordinated and sustainable development of the Pearl River Delta region.

2 Theoretical mechanism

2.1 Connotation of urbanization and ecological resilience

Urbanization is a complex process in which fundamental and multi-faceted changes have taken place in economic structure, social structure, and patterns of production and life. Existing studies have summarized the connotation of urbanization in terms of demographic urbanization, economic urbanization, spatial urbanization, and social urbanization (Zheng et al., 2007; Ou et al., 2008; Chen et al., 2009). The internal logic can be understood as follows. (1) Demographic urbanization is the core, (2) economic urbanization is the driving force, (3) spatial urbanization is the carrier of demographic and economic urbanization in regional space, and (4) social urbanization is accompanied by the transformation of people’s lifestyle, behavior habits, and values (Chen et al., 2010; Guo et al., 2015). In terms of ecological resilience, this paper constructed an evaluation system of urban ecological resilience based on three sub-systems, size, density, and morphology. Among these, size resilience refers to the relative relationship between the service scope of urban ecological infrastructure and its construction scale. Density resilience refers to the supporting capacity of urban ecosystems to human resource consumption, and morphology resilience reflects the scientific layout of ecological space in a city.

2.2 Interaction between urbanization and ecological resilience

Urbanization is linked to ecological resilience mainly through population growth, economic development, and spatial expansion. Demographic urbanization is accompanied by an increase in urban population density and the improvement of consumption level, which will lead to an increase in human demand from the ecosystem and damage to the urban density resilience. Economic urbanization affects the production scale and industrial structure of cities, and has a dual effect on density resilience (Huang and Fang, 2003). On the one hand, the expansion of non-agricultural production activities such as industry will increase resource consumption, resulting in impaired density resilience. On the other hand, economic development is always accompanied by the progress of production modes and clean technology, which significantly reduces the resource consumption and environmental pollution of enterprises and thus weakens the damage of density resilience. In addition, demographic and economic urbanization has promoted the transformation of urban and rural landscapes, namely spatial urbanization, which is mainly reflected through increases in both urban construction density and scale. The disorderly spread of construction land will inevitably encroach on the ecological space and damage the size resilience (Lu, 2007). The irrational allocation of urban construction land and ecological space will weaken the permeability of ecological elements in the built environment and reduce the level of morphology resilience. Therefore, reasonable spatial regulation is an effective means to reduce the impact of urbanization on size and morphology resilience.
It can be seen that the stress of urbanization on ecological resilience lies mainly in the processes of depletion, occupation, and governance of ecological space. The mechanism can be summarized as follows. Demographic and economic urbanization are the core driving factors of ecological resilience, which directly affect density resilience. Moreover, demographic and economic urbanization indirectly affect the size and morphology resilience of cities through spatial urbanization (Figure 1). In light of this, this paper investigates the interaction between urbanization and ecological resilience from the perspectives of demographic urbanization and economic urbanization.
Figure 1 The theoretical mechanism of a coupling relationship between urbanization and ecological resilience
Ecological resilience also responds to urbanization. Size resilience constrains the urban scale through urban afflictions such as meteorological disasters and environmental degradation. Density resilience restricts the degree by which humans consume natural resources by providing an upper limit to the ecological carrying capacity. Morphology resilience can reflect a reasonable degree of urban ecological space allocation through the frequency and consequences of impactful environmental events and guide the adjustment of population and production layouts. In general, the research on the coupling relationship between urbanization and ecological resilience actually focuses on the fundamental contradiction between the pressure of human activities and the supporting capacity of the environment (Wu, 1991).

3 Data and methods

3.1 Study area

The Pearl River Delta includes nine prefecture-level cities of Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Foshan, Jiangmen, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Zhaoqing, and Huizhou (Figure 2). From 2000 to 2015, the urbanization rate in the Pearl River Delta increased from 71.6% to 84.6%, which always has been 20% to 30% higher than the national average. The Pearl River Delta is one of the urban agglomerations with the largest population, the highest level of innovation, and the greatest overall strength in China. However, due to the influence of the subtropical monsoon climate, natural disasters such as typhoons and floods occur frequently in the Pearl River Delta, causing heavy direct losses. The rapid urbanization process has not only aggravated the mass occurrence of natural disasters but has also increased urban exposure and vulnerability to man-made disasters such as fires and environmental pollution. In this context, the Pearl River Delta region is challenged with discovering how to improve the level of urban disaster prevention and how to construct ecological resilience so that it catches up with the pace of urbanization.
Figure 2 Location and scope of the Pearl River Delta

3.2 Data sources

The remote sensing monitoring data of land use in the Pearl River Delta in 2000, 2010, and 2015 are from the Resource and Environmental Science Data Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences ( (Xu et al., 2018). The data uses Landsat TM/ETM/OLI remote sensing images as the main information source. Through manual visual interpretation, the accuracy rate has reached more than 95%. The data divided the land into six categories: construction land, cultivated land, forest land, grassland, water area, and unused land. The statistical data used in this paper are from the Guangdong Statistical Yearbook (2001-2016), Urban Construction Statistical Yearbook (2001-2016), China Energy Statistical Yearbook (2001-2016), and the China Urban Statistical Yearbook (2001-2016). The administrative regionalization data and spatial distribution data of terrestrial ecosystem service value in the Pearl River Delta are also obtained from the Resource and Environmental Science Data Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences ( (Xu, 2018).

3.3 Methods

3.3.1 Data standardization

Some indicators have dimensional differences, and their effects on the corresponding system can be positive or negative. To facilitate comprehensive calculation and comparative analysis, the method of extreme value standardization was adopted to carry out dimensionless processing on the original data (Guo, 2007):
$Positive indicators: {Z_{\lambda ij}} = ({X_{\lambda ij}} - {X_{{\rm{min}}}})/({X_{{\rm{max}}}} - {X_{{\rm{min}}}})$
$Negative indicators: {Z_{\lambda ij}} = ({X_{{\rm{max}}}} - {X_{\lambda ij}})/({X_{{\rm{max}}}} - {X_{{\rm{min}}}})$
where λ, i, and j are year, region, and indicator respectively, Xmax and Xmin are the maximum and minimum of the jth indicator in all regions and years. Zλij and Xλij are the standardized and original values of the jth indicator in the ith area of the λth year. After processing, all indicator values will be in the range of [0, 1]. To reduce the interference of subjective factors, this paper uses the entropy method to calculate the weighting coefficients of each indicator when constructing the comprehensive evaluation system of urbanization and ecological resilience (Bai et al., 2018).

3.3.2 Evaluation indicators of ecological resilience

(1) Size resilience
According to the theory of ecological infrastructure and the landscape security pattern (Yu, 2005), the mountains, forests, and water systems surrounding cities are particular types of infrastructure that can restrain urban expansion. When the scale of the urban built-up area exceeds the service scope of ecological infrastructure, both the city’s disaster response and balance recovery ability will be weakened accordingly. Therefore, the size resilience can be defined by the proportional relationship between the urban built-up area and the ecological infrastructure (Xiu et al., 2008).
Ecological infrastructure (EI) includes all naturally protected area systems, forestry and agricultural systems, urban green space systems, water systems, and ecological recreation systems that can provide natural services (Yu et al., 2008). Consistent with recent research (Wang et al., 2017; Ma et al., 2018), this paper identifies a protection red line for important ecologically functioning areas based on the spatial distribution data of ecosystem service value. Then, the protection red line and the nature reserve areas were spatially superimposed to obtain the EI boundary that meets the minimum ecological safety standards.
Rs = Ls / Ld
where Rs is the urban size resilience index, Ls is the suitable construction land area under the constraint of EI, and Ld is the construction land area.
(2) Density resilience
The “density” of human activities in a city directly affects the sustainability of the ecosystem. Human activities can increase pressure on the natural environment, which will lead to ecological disorder. The ecological footprint theory proposes a method to directly measure the “density” of human activities (Wackernagel and Rees, 1996; Xiong et al., 2003). The ecological population footprint refers to the total ecologically productive land required to provide resources and absorb waste (Xu et al., 2000). According to existing studies, the land for providing resources is generally cultivated land, grassland, forest land, fossil fuel land, construction land, and water areas. The actual coverage area of productive land in the city is defined as the ecological carrying capacity. By comparing a city’s ecological footprint and carrying capacity, one can quantitatively assess whether its economic and social development is sustainable. If the ecological footprint overdraws the ecological carrying capacity, the city is in a state of ecological deficit; otherwise, it is in a state of ecological surplus. This article uses density resilience to calculate the gap between supply and demand. The formula of ecological footprint is as follows (Xu et al., 2003):
${e_f} = \mathop \sum \limits_{i = 1}^n {r_i}{C_i}/{P_i}$
${E_f} = N{e_f}$
where Ef is the total ecological footprint of the region, N is the total population of the region, ef is the per capita ecological footprint of the region, i is the category of consumer goods, Ci is the per capita annual consumption of the ith consumer goods, Pi is the annual average productivity of the global standard land corresponding to the ith consumer goods, and ri is a balance factor.
Consistent with the Guangdong Statistical Yearbook (2001-2016) and the China Energy Statistical Yearbook (2001-2016), we calculated the per capita annual consumption of grain, oil, meat, eggs, milk, aquatic products, vegetables, fruits, and fossil energy in the Pearl River Delta, and converted them into the corresponding productive land area. Since the productivity of cultivated land, grassland, and forest land varies greatly per unit area, it is necessary to multiply the balance factor ri by the land area (Wackernagel and Rees, 1996). Balance factor ri is derived from World Ecological Footprint Report 1996 (Table 1).
Table 1 Balance factors and yield factors of the ecological footprint of the Pearl River Delta
Land type Balance factor ri Yield factor mj
Cultivated land 2.8 2.88
Grassland 0.5 1.38
Forest land 1.1 0.88
Fossil fuel land 0.2 2.01
Construction land 1.1 0.00
Water area 2.8 2.88
The formula of ecological carrying capacity is as follows:
${E_c} = \left( {1 - 12\% } \right)\mathop \sum \limits_{j = 1}^n {S_j}{m_j}$
where Ec is the ecological carrying capacity of the region, j is land-use type, Sj is the area of the existing jth productive land in the region, and mj is yield factor. Considering that the productivity of the same type of productive land varies significantly for different latitudes and longitudes (Liu et al., 2010), this paper introduced the yield factor mj to convert the land area of the Pearl River Delta into the global standard land area (Table 1). According to the initiative put forth by the World Commission on Environment and Development, 12% of the world’s productive land should be set aside to protect biodiversity (Xu et al., 2000). Therefore, this proportional area was deducted in calculating the ecological carrying capacity of the cities in the Pearl River Delta.
The formula of density resilience is as follows:
${R_d} = {E_c}/{E_f}$
where Rd is the urban density resilience index.
(3) Morphology resilience
“Morphology” refers to the spatial organization of the built environment and ecological land within a city. According to the theory of “source-sink” in landscape ecology (Chen et al., 2008), the urban landscape can be divided into a “source” and “sink.” A source refers to gray landscapes such as buildings, which harm the ecological environment, and a sink is a blue (water area) or green (greenbelt) landscape that can stop or slow this negative impact. When the water, greenbelt, and built-up areas maintain a balanced layout, they can alleviate the negative impact of urban waterlogging and the tropical island effect, improving urban ecological resilience (Xiu et al., 2008). Therefore, this article used the average distance between the source and sink landscapes in the city to measure the morphology resilience. In ArcGIS, we reclassified the land use raster data in the study area into sources and sinks. Source raster includes construction land, while sink raster includes cultivated land, forest land, grassland, and water area. For each source raster, we calculated its distance to the edge of the nearest sink raster and defined this measurement as the nearest neighbor distance. Next, we calculated the average of the nearest neighbor distances for all source rasters and then obtained the average distance between the source and sink landscapes. The formulas are as follows:
${L_d} = \frac{{\mathop \sum \nolimits_{i = 1}^m {\rm{ min}}({d_i})}}{m}$
${R_m} = L/{L_d}$
where Rm is the urban morphology resilience index, Ld is the average distance between source and sink rasters, min(di) is the nearest neighbor distance from ith source raster to sink raster, m is the number of source rasters in the study area, L is a constant whose value is the average distance of the “source-sink” landscape for the entire Pearl River Delta region in 2000.

3.3.3 Indicator system of urbanization and ecological resilience

This article selected both demographic and economic urbanization as first-level indicators to evaluate urbanization. In accordance with scientific principles and data availability, nine secondary indicators were selected to establish a comprehensive urbanization evaluation indicator system, e.g., urbanization rate, urban population density, and the proportion of non-agricultural industry employees (Table 2). The comprehensive evaluation indicator system of ecological resilience was composed of size resilience, density resilience, and morphology resilience (Table 3).
Table 2 The comprehensive indicator system for urbanization
First-level indicator Weight Secondary indicators Weight Effect
Demographic urbanization 0.3316 Urbanization rate 0.0548 +
Urban population density 0.1334 +
Proportion of non-agricultural industry employees 0.0317 +
Urban permanent population 0.1117 +
Economic urbanization 0.6684 GDP per capita 0.1311 +
Proportion of secondary industry in GDP 0.0412 +
Proportion of tertiary industry in GDP 0.0582 +
Urban economic density 0.1428 +
Fixed asset investment 0.2059 +
Table 3 The comprehensive indicator system for ecological resilience
Indicator Weight Effect
Size resilience 0.4473 +
Density resilience 0.3331 +
Morphology resilience 0.2197 +

3.3.4 Coupling coordination degree model

Coupling coordination is a concept from physics, which refers to the interaction between different systems under the combined influence of themselves and the outside world. This paper introduced a coupling coordination degree model to explore the interaction between urbanization and ecological resilience. The formulas are as follows:
$C = \sqrt {\left[ {({U_1} \times {U_2})/{{\left( {\frac{{{U_1} + {U_2}}}{2}} \right)}^2}} \right]}$
$D = \sqrt {C \times T}$
$T = \alpha {U_1} + \beta {U_2}$
where C is the coupling degree, D is the coupling coordination degree, T is the comprehensive evaluation index, U1 is the comprehensive evaluation index of the urbanization system, U2 is the comprehensive evaluation index of the ecological resilience system. The coupling coordination degree, D, can comprehensively evaluate the relationship between the two systems (Wang and Tang, 2018). The parameters α and β can be explained as the relative importance of the two sub-systems (Wang et al., 2015). The authors of this paper believe that urban ecological resilience is equally as important as urbanization, so α=β=0.5. Drawing lessons from the classification standards of physics (Li et al., 2012), the coupling coordination degree between urbanization and ecological resilience was divided into four major categories and 12 sub-categories (Table 4).
Table 4 Classification of coupling coordination degree for urbanization and ecological resilience
Type Coupling coordination degree Sub-type
High coordination 0.8<D≤1 High coordination - urbanization lag U2-U1>0.1
High coordination - ecological resilience lag U1-U2>0.1
High coordination $0 \le \left| {{U_1} - {U_2}} \right| \le 0.1$
Basic coordination 0.5<D≤0.8 Basic coordination - urbanization lag U2-U1>0.1
Basic coordination - ecological resilience lag U1-U2>0.1
Basic coordination $0 \le \left| {{U_1} - {U_2}} \right| \le 0.1$
Basic imbalance 0.3<D≤0.5 Basic imbalance - urbanization blocked U2-U1>0.1
Basic imbalance - ecological resilience blocked U1-U2>0.1
Basic imbalance $0 \le \left| {{U_1} - {U_2}} \right| \le 0.1$
Severe imbalance 0<D≤0.3 Severe imbalance - urbanization blocked U2-U1>0.1
Severe imbalance - ecological resilience blocked U1-U2>0.1
Severe imbalance $0 \le \left| {{U_1} - {U_2}} \right| \le 0.1$

3.3.5 Coordination influence

To analyze the influence of the three types of resilience on the coupling coordination degree, the coordination influence (CI) was introduced (Wang et al., 2019). The formula is as follows:
$CI = {W_x}({D_x} - {D_y})$
where Dx (x=1, 2, 3) is the coupling coordination degree between urbanization and size resilience, density resilience and morphology resilience, respectively, Dy is the coupling coordination degree between urbanization and ecological resilience, and Wx is the weighting coefficient corresponding to the resilience. The coordination influence (CI) can measure the influence of sub-category coordination upon the overall coordination, and its positive and negative values represent the promoting and blocking effects, respectively; the magnitude of these values represents the degree of influence.

4 Results

4.1 Analysis of urbanization level in the Pearl River Delta

From 2000 to 2015, the urbanization level gap of the cities in the eastern, central, and western regions of the Pearl River Delta gradually widened, indicating that the development imbalance within the region has increased. Guangzhou and Shenzhen were the two cities with the highest level of urbanization in the Pearl River Delta during the study period (Figure 3). Except for Jiangmen, the urbanization level of other cities showed a steady upward trend.
Figure 3 The evolution of urbanization level of cities and regions in the Pearl River Delta, 2000-2015
The urbanization level of Jiangmen declined after 2010. The main reason was that Jiangmen, a traditional industrial city in the Pearl River Delta, has a poor agglomeration effect regarding its population and enterprises. Based on the further analysis of the Shenzhen-Dongguan-Huizhou, Guangzhou-Foshan-Zhaoqing, and Zhuhai-Zhongshan-Jiangmen metropolitan areas, the urbanization level of Guangzhou-Foshan- Zhaoqing metropolitan area increased the most between 2000 and 2010. Over the period 2010-2015, the urbanization level of Shenzhen-Dongguan-Huizhou metropolitan area increased significantly, surpassing that of the Guangzhou-Foshan-Zhaoqing metropolitan area. The urbanization of Zhuhai-Zhongshan-Jiangmen was always the lowest among the three metropolitan areas.

4.2 Analysis of ecological resilience level in the Pearl River Delta

4.2.1 Size resilience

The size resilience index of the Pearl River Delta region continued to decline during the research period. The decline was rapid from 2000 to 2010, before it slowed down from 2010 to 2015. Future development of the Pearl River Delta will be constrained by size security (Table 5). In terms of spatial distribution, the size resilience of the Pearl River Delta displayed a pattern that was low in central cities and high in peripheral cities, and the gap between central cities and peripheral cities was distinct. These results were closely related to the extensive spatial development model generally adopted by the Pearl River Delta cities. After 2010, the central cities of the Pearl River Delta faced a severe shortage of development space. In particular, the size resilience index of Shenzhen and Dongguan approached the critical level of 1 (Table 5).
Table 5 Size resilience index of cities in the Pearl River Delta, 2000-2015
City Construction land area (km2) Suitable construction land area (km2) Size resilience
2000 2010 2015 2000 2010 2015
Guangzhou 708.054 1183.540 1257.113 4417.095 6.238 3.732 3.514
Shenzhen 493.923 746.907 772.350 1346.315 2.726 1.803 1.743
Zhuhai 127.323 183.679 193.981 1129.710 8.873 6.150 5.824
Foshan 491.504 967.901 1046.979 2483.358 5.053 2.566 2.372
Jiangmen 458.461 595.465 665.087 6248.908 13.630 10.494 9.396
Zhaoqing 249.645 331.106 358.134 7838.219 31.397 23.673 21.886
Huizhou 359.835 597.613 645.415 5928.079 16.474 9.920 9.185
Dongguan 553.752 1041.234 1079.704 1892.422 3.417 1.817 1.753
Zhongshan 185.572 423.043 445.965 1242.172 6.694 2.936 2.785
Average 3628.070 6070.488 6464.728 32526.277 8.965 5.358 5.031

4.2.2 Density resilience

The ecological footprint of the Pearl River Delta was higher than the carrying capacity during the study period, and the ecological deficit was substantial. This fact reflected hidden ecological dangers such as high population density, unreasonable energy consumption, and food insecurity in the Pearl River Delta. The difference in density resilience between cities remained significant, noting that low-density resilience indexes have been typical of central cities for a long time. In light of this, Shenzhen had the most severe ecological deficit problem (Table 6).
Table 6 Density resilience index of cities in the Pearl River Delta, 2000-2015
City Ecological footprint (104 hm2) Ecological carrying capacity (104 hm2) Density resilience
2000 2010 2015 2000 2010 2015 2000 2010 2015
Guangzhou 828.335 1600.175 1830.351 187.383 204.888 211.433 0.226 0.128 0.116
Shenzhen 583.898 1305.864 1542.616 85.245 114.950 124.777 0.146 0.088 0.081
Zhuhai 102.959 196.610 221.536 26.824 27.562 28.101 0.261 0.140 0.127
Foshan 444.685 906.387 1007.370 105.719 117.128 117.789 0.238 0.129 0.117
Jiangmen 329.102 560.368 612.711 149.367 151.862 151.554 0.454 0.271 0.247
Zhaoqing 281.183 493.816 550.362 179.090 181.967 183.276 0.637 0.368 0.333
Huizhou 267.951 579.291 644.706 156.574 165.470 166.350 0.584 0.286 0.258
Dongguan 536.935 1035.526 1119.012 90.103 98.743 98.375 0.168 0.095 0.088
Zhongshan 196.900 393.157 435.127 47.506 50.535 50.971 0.241 0.129 0.117
Average 3571.948 7071.194 7963.791 1027.811 1113.105 1132.627 0.288 0.157 0.142
As the government prioritized environmental protection measures, the deterioration of the ecological deficit in the Pearl River Delta cities eased from 2010 to 2015. This change was largely dependent upon ‘city’ control of the ecological footprint (Table 6). The developmental practice of the Pearl River Delta showed that the natural environment exerted a strong constraint on ecological carrying capacity in the rapid urbanization area. Therefore, it is not easy to increase the urban ecological carrying capacity by expanding the ecological space. In the future, important actions which favor the successful construction of an ecological civilization in the Pearl River Delta will be to transform production and lifestyles, save resources, and reduce energy consumption.

4.2.3 Morphology resilience

Over the study period, the morphology resilience index of the Pearl River Delta first decreased and then increased (Table 7). From 2000 to 2010, the morphology resilience index of all cities decreased significantly. However, from 2010 to 2015, the morphology resilience index of Guangzhou, Zhuhai, Foshan, Zhaoqing, and Huizhou rose slightly, while that of Shenzhen, Jiangmen, Dongguan, and Zhongshan continued to decline. Combined with remote sensing images, the change of urban morphology resilience in the Pearl River Delta was closely related to its urban spatial expansion pattern. From 2000 to 2010, the spatial expansion of cities in the Pearl River Delta had the characteristic of an outward spreading core. After 2010, the layout of each city had been optimized, with various forms of urban expansion. Cluster development increased the accessibility of construction land to ecological space. With the gradual exhaustion of construction land in central cities, future spatial expansion of the Pearl River Delta will mainly be in Jiangmen, Zhaoqing, and Huizhou. These three peripheral cities have rich ecological landscape resources. Future development should fully recognize the relationship between construction land and ecological space and actively create a highly-coupled urban morphology representative of a previously discussed “source-sink” landscape (Section 3.3.2).
Table 7 Morphology resilience index of cities in the Pearl River Delta, 2000-2015
City Average distance between “source-sink” landscape Morphology resilience
2000 2010 2015 2000 2010 2015
Guangzhou 304.297 315.923 315.239 0.815 0.785 0.786
Shenzhen 560.833 562.260 569.518 0.442 0.441 0.435
Zhuhai 235.261 249.900 246.287 1.054 0.992 1.006
Foshan 212.443 316.319 314.872 1.167 0.784 0.787
Jiangmen 122.806 136.230 140.238 2.019 1.820 1.768
Zhaoqing 98.173 119.432 118.569 2.525 2.076 2.091
Huizhou 131.281 148.569 147.647 1.888 1.668 1.679
Dongguan 180.442 294.512 297.585 1.374 0.842 0.833
Zhongshan 239.535 307.397 310.544 1.035 0.806 0.798
Average 247.884 295.297 294.746 1.000 0.839 0.841

4.2.4 Ecological resilience

It can be seen from Table 8 that the ecological resilience index of cities in the Pearl River Delta continued to decrease from 2000 to 2015, posing significant threats to regional ecological security. From 2000 to 2010, the ecological resilience index of all cities decreased sharply, with an average decline of nearly 50%. After 2010, the Pearl River Delta began to attach importance to ecological protection in its urban planning and construction practices. Although rapid urbanization was ongoing, the declining trend of the ecological resilience index for each city weakened. The urban ecological resilience degree and urbanization level of the Pearl River Delta resembled a core-periphery structure. The difference is that the development of urbanization was the fastest in central cities, while the ecological resilience degree was relatively high in peripheral cities (Figure 4). Therefore, in future rounds of urbanization, if the urban expansion scale and development intensity are not actively controlled, the ecological resilience level of cities in the Pearl River Delta will likely decrease further.
Table 8 Ecological resilience index of cities in the Pearl River Delta, 2000-2015
City Ecological resilience
2000 2010 2015
Guangzhou 0.195 0.095 0.084
Shenzhen 0.055 0.006 0.000
Zhuhai 0.280 0.161 0.149
Foshan 0.221 0.078 0.068
Jiangmen 0.569 0.391 0.355
Zhaoqing 1.000 0.675 0.629
Huizhou 0.676 0.376 0.349
Dongguan 0.176 0.053 0.046
Zhongshan 0.234 0.085 0.076
Average 0.378 0.213 0.195
Figure 4 Spatial distribution of ecological resilience level of cities in the Pearl River Delta, 2000-2015

4.3 Analysis of coupling coordination degree between urbanization and ecological resilience in the Pearl River Delta

4.3.1 Spatiotemporal distribution of coupling coordination degree

In terms of temporal distribution, the coupling coordination degree between urbanization and ecological resilience in the Pearl River Delta declined from basic coordination to basic imbalance. The average urban coupling coordination decreased from 0.51 to 0.45 (Figure 5). In 2000, the coupling coordination degree of each city was between [0.38, 0.61], and they were all in the stage of basic coordination or basic imbalance. In 2010, the coupling coordination degree of each city was between [0.23, 0.61]. Except for Zhaoqing, the coupling coordination degree of the other eight cities showed various degrees of decline. The stage of coupling coordination in Shenzhen decreased from basic imbalance to severe imbalance. The declines in Guangzhou, Foshan, and Zhuhai were relatively small, but they still decreased from the basic coordination to the basic imbalance stage. In 2015, the coupling coordination degree of each city was between [0.09, 0.60].
Figure 5 Temporal evolution of coupling coordination degree between urbanization and ecological resilience of cities in the Pearl River Delta, 2000-2015
The coupling coordination degree in Guangzhou, Foshan, Zhuhai, Huizhou, and Dongguan increased, while that in Zhongshan, Jiangmen, and Zhaoqing decreased, and the decline degree in Shenzhen was the largest. Jiangmen, Zhaoqing, and Huizhou maintained their status in the basic coordination stage. This change was caused by the continuous improvement of the urbanization level and a simultaneous reduction of the ecological resilience level, which reflected the fact that urbanization in the Pearl River Delta comes at the expense of the land, resources, and the environment. The Pearl River Delta attracted foreign investment due to its large amounts of cheap land, which resulted in the blind expansion of construction land. The subsequent development of the manufacturing industry caused increasingly serious ecological deficits and environmental pollution problems in the region. As the limiting effect of ecological resilience becomes more and more obvious, the urbanization model that emphasizes speed over quality is no longer sustainable.
In terms of spatial distribution, the coupling coordination degree between urbanization and ecological resilience in the Pearl River Delta region presented as a circular pattern increasing from the core to its periphery (Figure 6). This spatial characteristic is related to the differences in the ecological endowment and developmental timing of each city. Shenzhen, located in the inner circle, was the pilot demonstration area for the economic construction of the Pearl River Delta. However, the foundation of ecological resilience was poor and rapidly degraded during the study period, and this triggered a severe dislocation with the level of urbanization. In the middle circle, Guangzhou, Foshan, Zhuhai, Zhongshan, and Dongguan had relatively high levels of urbanization. The rapid urbanization process also exerted a negative impact on their ecological resilience to varying degrees. Although the cities restrained and guided urban development through policy intervention and planning means, the coupling coordination degree did not rebound significantly. In the outer circle, Jiangmen, Zhaoqing, and Huizhou had good ecological background conditions, with sufficient reserves of ecological space such as cultivated land and grassland; and the process of urbanization was slow. Therefore, ecological resilience supported a robust carrying capacity for the stress of urbanization.
Figure 6 Spatial distribution of coupling coordination degree between urbanization and ecological resilience of cities in the Pearl River Delta, 2000-2015

4.3.2 Analysis of coupling coordination types

From the perspective of the evolution of the coupling coordination types between urbanization and ecological resilience (Figure 7), it was found that the coupling coordination types of the three peripheral cities have not changed during the study period, showing that urbanization lagged behind ecological resilience. The coupling coordination types of the other six central cities regressed to various degrees, and their ecological resilience was blocked. The evolution characteristics of urban coupling coordination types in the Pearl River Delta were still consistent with three types of circular structures.
Figure 7 Classification of coupling coordination degree between urbanization and ecological resilience of cities in the Pearl River Delta, 2000-2015
Shenzhen, in the inner circle, regressed to a severe imbalance stage during the study period. Its ecological resilience continued to be blocked, showing the characteristics of a low coupling-low coordination condition. Shenzhen completed its demographic urbanization in 2004, becoming the first city in China without a rural area. Motivated by the momentum of the urbanization process, a more radical policy of agricultural land nationalization was implemented to promote the demand for industrial land (SASS, 2015). Subsequent rapid industrialization caused a severe imbalance in the ratio of construction land and ecological space in Shenzhen. By 2015, construction land in Shenzhen was almost exhausted. In addition, decreases in cultivated land area and ecological carrying capacity led to an extreme decoupling between urbanization and ecological resilience. In the middle circle, the coupling coordination types of Guangzhou, Foshan, and Zhuhai changed from basic coordination-ecological resilience lag to basic imbalance-ecological resilience blocked, respectively. Zhuhai, in particular, regressed from a harmonious state of high coupling-high coordination to a separate state of low coupling-low coordination. This happened because Zhuhai was mainly positioned as a livable city in its early stage of urban development and did not vigorously develop a high-polluting manufacturing industry, thus maintaining a high level of ecological resilience.
Since the strategy of strengthening cities by industry was put forward in the 11th Five-Year Plan (2006-2010), the process of economic urbanization significantly stressed ecological resilience. Due to lacking ecological space in Dongguan and Zhongshan, these cities were already in the stage of basic imbalance in 2000. After 2010, they also changed to basic imbalance-ecological resilience blocked. In the outer circle cities of Jiangmen, Zhaoqing, and Huizhou, the urbanization was relatively slow due to location factors, so their coupling coordination type stabilized at basic coordination-urbanization lag during the study period. However, as the double-transfer strategy of Guangdong province was put forth in 2008, Jiangmen, Zhaoqing, and Huizhou successively established high-standard industrial transfer parks. These cities continuously promoted the transfer of the rural labor force, effectively driving the urbanization process. As a result, Huizhou entered the basic coordination stage at the end of the study period.

4.3.3 Effects of ecological resilience sub-systems on coupling coordination

This paper used the CI index to reflect upon the direction and magnitude of the ecological resilience sub-systems’ effect on the coupling coordination degree (Figure 8).
Figure 8 Coordination influence of ecological resilience sub-system in the Pearl River Delta, 2000-2015
From 2000 to 2015, the CI of the urban size resilience in the Pearl River Delta was generally negative, indicating that it had a negative effect on the coupling coordination degree. In contrast, the morphology resilience of each city, with the notable exception of Shenzhen, had a positive effect on the coupling coordination degree; and the intensity of this effect increased over time. The effect of density resilience on coupling coordination degree exerted both positive and negative effects during the study period. Early density resilience generally played a positive role, but after 2010, its CI continued to decline; and after falling below a zero value, it declined further, obtaining increasingly negative values. In general, the size resilience and morphology resilience strongly influenced the urban coupling coordination degree. Changes in the coupling coordination degree of cities were largely determined by the checks and balances of these two resilient sub-systems. One reason for this is that the scale expansion of urban construction land had not been strictly restrained. From 2000 to 2015, the Pearl River Delta entered a period of accelerated industrialization and a real estate boom, leading to a rapid increase in the demand for construction land. Due to political achievements and financial pressures, local governments had accelerated the construction of suburban industrial parks to stimulate urban expansion. In addition, after the 2008 financial crisis, cities in the Pearl River Delta began to emphasize the quality of urbanization; and the urban spatial organization was also adjusted accordingly. By planning and guiding the accessibility of ecological space, the urban “source-sink” landscape pattern was constantly improved. Shenzhen is a classic example of this process. Since the 21st century, the government has taken the construction of a garden city as a strategic goal. With the advancement of urban renewal and the improvement of the green space system, gardens have become the urban business card of Shenzhen, and the negative impact of morphology resilience has decreased accordingly. It is worth noting that the directional change of CI and density resilience has sounded the alarm for the Pearl River Delta region. The ecological deficit problem has become a significant threat to the Pearl River Delta, and the adaption to low-carbon life and the commensurate transformation industry should become the focus of future urban development.

5 Conclusion and discussion

5.1 Conclusion

Based on the theoretical perspective of urban resilience, this paper constructed a size-density-morphology ecological resilience evaluation system. The coupling coordination degree between urbanization and ecological resilience of cities in the Pearl River Delta was calculated using a physical coupling model. The spatial and temporal differentiation characteristics were then analyzed. The main conclusions are as follows.
From 2000 to 2015, the urbanization level of cities in the Pearl River Delta continued to increase, while the ecological resilience level continued to decrease. The coupling coordination degree between urbanization and ecological resilience showed a declining trend from basic coordination to basic imbalance. The spatial distribution of urbanization and ecological resilience formed a distinct dislocation relationship, and their coupling coordination degree presented a circular pattern. Shenzhen in the inner circle had a high level of urbanization and a low level of ecological resilience, and the coupling coordination degree between the two was in severe imbalance. The urbanization level of Guangzhou, Foshan, Zhuhai, Dongguan, and Zhongshan, in the middle circle, was relatively high, but the ecological resilience was low and blocked. The coupling coordination degree between the two dropped to the basic imbalance stage by the end of the study period. Jiangmen, Zhaoqing, and Huizhou, in the outer circle, had a high level of ecological resilience, but the urbanization level lagged, and their coupling coordination degree was in the basic coordination stage. Different resilience sub-systems exerted different effects on the coupling coordination degree between urbanization and ecological resilience. Size resilience played a negative role in coupling coordination. Morphology resilience had a positive effect on coupling coordination, and this effect increased with time. The effect of density resilience on coupling coordination degree changed from positive to negative during the study period.
On the whole, the coupling coordination degree between urbanization and ecological resilience in the Pearl River Delta is still in the stage of constant adjustment, facing the critical inflection point from decline to rebound. Under the requirements of new urbanization, there are two main pathways to improve the coupling coordination degree in the future. The first is to continue prioritizing the leading role of core cities, improving the urbanization level of peripheral cities, and promoting coordinated regional development. The second is to strengthen the ecological resilience of core cities through legal constraints and planning guidance. Size resilience can be improved through the strict delineation of three areas and three lines and by strengthening the controls of construction land. Density resilience can be improved by setting an upper limit for resource utilization, implementing a low-carbon lifestyle, and encouraging cleaner means of production. Morphology resilience may be improved through the rational arrangement of urban green spaces. For the typical city, Shenzhen, we should focus on seeking innovative means to break the constraints of resilience, such as gradually clearing construction land, increasing the secondary development of extensive industrial land, and reducing population and industrial density.

5.2 Discussion

The ecological resilience involved in this paper focuses on the impact of human activities on ecological space and is discussed from the perspective of urban material space. Under this research system, this article focuses on selecting indicators related to the scale of ecological space, but gives less consideration to the quality of ecological space. However, the service value of different ecosystems varies greatly. This difference is not considered in this paper’s calculations of size resilience and morphology resilience, which makes the evaluation result incomplete. In the future, the research system can be improved to conduct more in-depth research. In addition, recently, diversified quantitative indicators of spatial forms have been established in the field of landscape ecology such as landscape vulnerability index and landscape security adjacency index. These can also be fused into future ecological resilience research to obtain more instructive conclusions.
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