Qxj is ecological habitat quality value of land use type
Hj is a habitat quality score that ranges from 0 to 1, where non-habitat land-use types are given a score of 0 and perfect habitat classes are scored 1,
Dxj is the total threat level in grid cell
x with land-use type
j, and
k is the half saturation constant (
Tallis et al., 2013;
Liang and Liu, 2017;
Sun et al., 2015),
Z is a constant.
R is the number of ecological threat factor,
Wr is the threat weight that relates destructiveness of a degradation source to all habitats,
Yr is the set of grid cells on
r raster map,
y is all grid cells,
ry is raster map
irxy is the distance function of habitat quality and ecological threat factor,
βx is the level of accessibility in grid cell
x, where 1 indicated complete accessibility;
Sjr is the sensitivity of land use type
j (habitat type) to the ecological threat factor
r. Here, the accessibility of each land use type was equal according to the national laws without considering of land reserve difference in the BLJW. At the same time, the values of relative sensitivity
Sjr of each habitat type to each ecological threat ranged from 0 to 1, where 1 represented high sensitivity to a threat and 0 represented no sensitivity to a threat (
Xu et al., 2013;
Liang and Liu, 2017). According to the natural system conditions and the current situation of BLJW, urban, rural residential areas, population density, cropland, roads, ecological risk source is selected as the main ecological threats (
Table 1). In our study, primary roads refer to the national highways and provincial roads, the secondary roads refer to county and township roads, respectively; while the ecological risk source including landslide, debris flow, soil erosion, earthquake and drought. Then, the maximum effected distance of each ecological threat of urban, rural residential area, cropland, population density, primary roads, the secondary roads and ecological risk source are 6.0, 2.5, 1.5, 3.5, 2.5, 0.5, and 3.0 km, respectively. And the weight of each ecological threat of urban, rural residential area, cropland, population density, primary roads, the secondary roads and ecological risk source are 0.8, 0.4, 0.6, 0.3, 0.6, 0.5 and 1 according to the previous relative research results (
Tallis et al., 2013;
Xu et al., 2013;
Sun et al., 2015;
Wilson et al., 2016;
Zhang et al., 2017;
Liang and Liu, 2017) and the users` guide of InVEST model (
Tallis et al., 2013), respectively. In this paper, Landsat TM/ETM+ images (nominal resolution is 30 m×30 m, acquired on 9/1990 and 10/2010) are processed using the ENVI 4.8 software, which involves geometric correction, image enhancement and supervised classification (
Du et al., 2016). Based on this, land cover dataset is obtained by supervised classification and visual image interpretation based on experimental knowledge and field observation, and land-use types are classified as agricultural land (AL) (including farmland, vegetable plots, orchards, and nurseries), forest land (FL) (including forest, spinney, open woodland, other forest), shrubs, grassland (GL) (including high, medium, low coverage grassland), built-up land (BL) (including residential, commercial, and industrial land together with public transportation corridors, and construction sites), water areas (WA) (including rivers, aqueducts, lakes, ponds, and reservoirs), and unused land (UL) (including salinized land, derelict land, bare land and low-coverage grassland with vegetation cover <5%). In addition, a total of 200 points are randomly selected to verify the precision of classification through field surveys, while the topographic map and images from Google earth with high spatial resolution are used as the accessorial materials, and the overall accuracies of the years 1990 and 2010 are both larger than 84%. Meanwhile, local residents are also interviewed about the land use history, and land transformation information provided by the local government is analyzed to understand and explain the factors responsible for triggering landscape changes. Finally, the other detailed input data for InVEST habitat quality model in the study are prepared. At the same time, due to different vegetation types had provided different habitat, the differences of vegetation types should be considered to the weight of habitat quality, respectively (
Table 1).