Research Articles

The effect of terrain factors on rice production: A case study in Hunan Province

  • WANG Chenzhi , 1, 2 ,
  • ZHANG Zhao , 1, 2, * ,
  • ZHANG Jing 1, 2 ,
  • TAO Fulu 3 ,
  • CHEN Yi 3 ,
  • DING Hu 4
  • 1. Faculty of Geographical Science, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
  • 2. State Key Laboratory of Earth Surface Processes and Resources Ecology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
  • 3. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
  • 4. Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment of Ministry of Education, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023, China
* Corresponding author: Zhang Zhao, Professor, E-mail:

Author: Wang Chenzhi, Master Candidate, E-mail:

Received date: 2018-03-20

  Accepted date: 2018-05-10

  Online published: 2019-02-25

Supported by

Creative Research Groups of National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.41621061

National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.41571493, No.31561143003


Journal of Geographical Sciences, All Rights Reserved


Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the most important staple crop of China, and its production is related to both natural condition and human activities. It is fundamental to comprehensively assess the influence of terrain conditions on rice production to ensure a steady increase in rice production. Although many studies have focused on the impact of one or several specific factors on crop production, few studies have investigated the direct influence of terrain conditions on rice production. Therefore, we selected Hunan Province, one of the major rice-producing areas in China, which exhibits complex terrain conditions, as our study area. Based on remote sensing data and statistical data, we applied spatial statistical analysis to explore the effects of terrain factors on rice production in terms of the following three aspects: the spatial patterns of paddy fields, the rice production process and the final yield. We found that 1) terrain has a significant impact on the spatial distribution of paddy fields at both the regional scale and the county scale; 2) terrain controls the distribution of temperature, sunlight and soil, and these three environmental factors consequently directly impact rice growth; 3) compared with the patterns of paddy fields and the rice production process, the influences of terrain factors on the rice yield are not as evident, with the exception of elevation; and 4) the spatial distribution of paddy fields mismatched that of production resources due to terrain factors. Our results strongly suggest that managers should scientifically guide farmers to choose suitable varieties and planting systems and allocate rice production resources in the northern plain regions to ensure food security.

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WANG Chenzhi , ZHANG Zhao , ZHANG Jing , TAO Fulu , CHEN Yi , DING Hu . The effect of terrain factors on rice production: A case study in Hunan Province[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2019 , 29(2) : 287 -305 . DOI: 10.1007/s11442-019-1597-y

1 Introduction

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the most important stable crop of China and almost 60% of Chinese feed on rice. Faced with the challenge of climate change, water shortages, and rapid urbanization, as the world’s largest producer and consumer of rice (Bao et al., 2012), China is in urgent need of a comprehensive assessment of all natural factors that influence rice growth to ensure steady increase of rice production and food security.
Previous studies have discussed the influence of different factors on rice production in China at different spatial scales (Wang et al., 2006; He et al., 2007; Peng et al., 2009; Yu et al., 2009; Wang et al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2015), including those of climate, soil, agricultural management, policy and so on. Most of these human or natural factors are dynamic while few studies paid attention to the influence of those stable and changeless factors on rice production, such as the terrain. As one of the most important natural geographical factors, terrain not only determines the spatial pattern of farmland but also has an indirect impact on the rice growth process through the spatial redistribution of regional water, heat and nutrients. Compared to studies performed in North America and Europe (Ciha et al., 1984; Kravchenko et al., 2000; Persson et al., 2005), studies focusing on the impact of terrain conditions on rice production in China have mostly focused on the following two aspects. Several researchers have focused on the impact of terrain factors on the spatial distribution of farmland and investigated their dynamic changes: Qiu et al. (2003) explored the relationship between changes in cultivated land and terrain features in a small watershed on the Loess Plateau; Sun et al. (2004) described the spatial features of farmland in Yanqing County based on the terrain distribution index; and Wei et al. (2008) analysed the influence of terrain factors on the dynamic changes of cultivated land in the mountainous areas in northern Guangdong. Other researchers have focused on the impact of terrain on those factors related to rice production, including sunlight, heat, soil nutrients and soil water, and agricultural machinery (Huang et al., 2003; Yang, 2004; Wang et al., 2007; Zhou et al., 2013). However, there are still some deficiencies in these two types of studies: the first kind of study is essentially concerned with the impact of terrain conditions on regional land-use changes as well as the regional spatial distribution of land cover when farmland is just a type of land use; the second type of study focuses on the impact of terrain conditions on natural or human factors, which are associated with rice production, but they lack analyses of the impact of terrain on the factors that directly reflect rice growth conditions, such as the phenology of rice and rice yield. Considering that rice production is a type of agro-economic system, based on the classic economy theory of pattern to process, we attempted to analyse the impact of terrain on the spatial distribution of rice production, rice growth and the final yield. We aimed to provide a comprehensive assessment of the relationship between terrain conditions and rice production. This research can help us deepen our understanding of the association between terrain and agro-economic systems. Moreover, this study can also offer useful information to provide a comprehensive assessment of regional agricultural patterns and optimize the layout of crop planting.
As one of the major rice-producing provinces in China, Hunan contributes more than 10% of the rice yield of China. Compared with another major rice production region, Northeast China, the terrain conditions are much more complex in Hunan Province; therefore, they are more closely associated with rice production. Thus, using multi-source data, we applied different methods to investigate the association between terrain conditions and rice production, including the impact of terrain factors on the spatial distributions of paddy fields, rice growth and final yields.

2 Study area and methodology

2.1 Study area

Hunan Province is located between 108°47′E-114°15′E and 24°38′N-30°08′N, and it contains 13 municipal administrative units (Figure 1). The terrain of Hunan Province is relatively complex: mountains surround the western, eastern and southern parts of this province, low hills are located in the central, while plains are found in the northern. Generally, the topographic terrain of Hunan is high in the west and south and low in the east and north, creating a horseshoe-like pattern.
Figure 1 The location of Hunan Province in China and its terrain
The climate of Hunan is subtropical. The temperature is sufficient for rice growth, and the humidity is moderate. In addition, the river network is dense, and water resources are also abundant. Therefore, Hunan is very suitable for rice cultivation, especially for double-cropping rice. According to a report of the National Bureau of Statistics, over the past 10 years, the double-cropping rice yield accounted for more than one-fifth of the national yield.

2.2 Datasets

In this study, the revised Advanced Space borne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer Global Digital Elevation Model (ASTER GDEM) Version 2 was used to extract various terrain factors. The spatial resolution of the GDEM is 30 metres. The paddy field raster of Hunan Province was extracted based on the 100-m resolution land use data of 2010 (Liu et al., 2014). Moreover, to investigate the relationship between terrain factors and the environmental factors of rice growth, we obtained the spatial distribution of soils in Hunan Province based on the 1:1,000,000 soil map of China (NSSO, 1995), and we calculated the daily average temperature and sunlight from 2010-2012 based on the 0.25-degree daily meteorological grid data (Yuan et al., 2015). Given that Hunan is an irrigated area, our research did not take rainfall into consideration.
There are 102 county-level administrative units in Hunan Province. We collected rice yield data for each county based on the website of China Planting Information ( and the China Rural Statistical Yearbook of Hunan (Department of Rural Survey, NBS, 2011-2013). However, data at the county level were difficult to access; finally, only the yield data from 2011 to 2013 for 33 counties were available. The spatial distributions of the selected counties are shown in Figure 2a. During this process, we obtained the yield of each county by calculating the average per unit area yield of three years. Information about rice phenology came from the agricultural meteorological sites (AMS) of the China Meteorological Administration National Meteorological Information Center. Considering that it represents the dominant style of rice production in Hunan, double-cropping rice was the only focus of this study. Figure 2b shows the spatial distribution of AMS.
Figure 2 Spatial distribution of selected counties and agricultural meteorological stations in Hunan Province
The rice phenology recorded by the AMS included 10 stages: emerge, trefoil, transplant, green-up, tillering, jointing, booting, heading, milk-ripe and mature. Among these stages, transplanting, tillering, heading and mature are the four most important stages. Transplanting is the stage when rice is planted in the paddy fields; tillering is the most prosperous period of rice vegetative growth; heading is the stage when the rice transits from vegetative growth to reproductive growth; and mature is the stage of rice seeding and harvesting. Therefore, we focused on these four most important phenological stages of rice. Due to the different emergence dates of different areas in Hunan, in this study, the dates of transplanting, tillering, heading and mature stages are relative dates: we subtracted their corresponding emergence dates from these four actual dates. Moreover, to mitigate the adverse impact of differences in rice varieties, we used the record of indica hybrid rice data from 2010 to 2012 at each agricultural meteorological site. Meanwhile, to eliminate the impact of the use of different cropping systems on different rice varieties, we selected records from the same cropping system (i.e., all the early maturing varieties or medium maturing varieties in these three years) at each site and calculated their average value to reflect the phenological information for each site. Table 1 shows the phenological information of the double-cropping rice obtained at some sites.
Table 1 Some records of double cropping rice phenological information in Hunan Province
Site Cropping system Transplant Tillering Heading Mature Tillering- transplant Heading- tillering Mature- heading
Changde Early rice 33 52 103 133 15 51 30
Late rice 31 44 86 121 13 42 34
Hengyang Early rice 32 44 85 116 12 41 31
Late rice 22 31 75 114 9 44 40
Wugang Early rice 28 53 93 112 17 40 29
Late rice 32 42 73 110 11 31 37

2.3 Methodology

2.3.1 Selection and extraction of terrain factors
To effectively describe the terrain features, we used the factors of altitude, slope, slope aspect, surface relief degree, surface roughness and slope position. Altitude and slope are the two basic terrain factors that form the basic skeleton of the surface. The slope aspect has a direct impact on the sunlight that the crop receives.
The degree of surface relief is the indicator that describes the regional relative elevation and influences the spatial distribution of surface nutrients. The formula of the surface relief degree is as follows:
$R{{F}_{i}}={{H}_{\max }}-{{H}_{\min }}$ (1)
where RFi represents the relative difference in elevation within the window where the i-th raster is the centre. Hmax and Hmin are the maximum and minimum values of altitude, respectively, within this window. According to previous studies and the terrain features of our study region (Zhang et al., 2012), we selected 59*59 as the size of the calculated window to obtain the surface relief degree.
Surface roughness is an indicator that reflects the complexity and erosion of the surface (Jia et al., 2013; Tang et al., 2006). It represents the degree of surface fragmentation and is calculated using the following formula:
$M=1/\cos (\theta *\text{ }\!\!\pi\!\!\text{ }/180)$ (2)
where θ represents the slope.
Slope position is an indicator that measures the location of a target point in the vertical profile of a given terrain. Additionally, the slope position can influence the spatial pattern of soil nutrients. We obtained the slope position based on the Topographic Position Index (TPI). The principle of the TPI is to calculate the difference between the altitude of a target point and that of its neighbour and then classify the slope position based on this difference. The formula of the TPI is as follows:
$TPI=Z-{{Z}^{*}}$ (3)
where Z represents the altitude of the target point, while Z* represents the altitude of the neighbouring area. It can be observed that TPI is scale-dependent. Therefore, based on previous research, we chose 11*11 as the size of the calculated window and obtained the TPI of Hunan. Based on the TPI and slope of the target point, we obtained the slope position of Hunan. The classification criterion of slope position based on the TPI and slope is shown in Table 2 (Weiss, 2001; Gong, 2015).
Table 2 Classification criterion of slope position
Types Classification criterion
Ridge TPI>1 SD
Up-hill 0.5 SD<TPI≤1 SD
Mid-hill ‒0.5 SD<TPI<0.5 SD,Slope> 5°
Flat ‒0.5 SD<TPI<0.5 SD,Slope≤ 5°
Down-hill ‒1 SD<TPI≤‒0.5 SD
Valley TPI<‒1.0 SD
Figure 3 shows the 6 terrain factors of Hunan Province. Previous studies have demonstrated that the extraction of terrain factors is scale-dependent (Tang, 2014). It has been well acknowledged that the altitude and slope establish the framework of the surface and its landforms (Zhou and Liu, 2006). Meanwhile, the slope is relatively sensitive to changes in resolution (Tang et al., 2003; Yang et al., 2013). Thus, we selected 8 typical sample areas in Hunan Province, including all geomorphic types (plains, tablelands, hills and mountains), and we resampled the DEM with a 30 m resolution to 50 m, 70 m, 90 m and 110 m; then, we calculated the altitude and slope in those 8 sample areas. We performed this analysis to investigate whether the effect of scale can influence the extraction of terrain factors.
Figure 3 Terrain factors of Hunan Province
2.3.2 Research on the relationship between terrain factors and distribution of paddy fields
The spatial distribution of paddy fields is the basis of rice production; thus, we investigated the impact of terrain factors on the paddy fields at both county level and provincial level.
At the province scale, we used the terrain distribution index (TDI) to compare differences in the distribution of paddy fields at different terrain levels. The formula of the TDI is as follows (Sun et al., 2004):
$P={\left( \frac{{{S}_{paddy e}}}{{{S}_{paddy}}} \right)}/{\left( \frac{{{S}_{e}}}{S} \right)}\;$ (4)
where P represents the TDI, which is a standardized and dimensionless index; e represents a type of terrain factor, such as slope or the surface relief degree. Spaddy e represents the area of the paddy fields at a level of terrain factor e. Spaddy is the total area of paddy fields. Se represents the total area of a terrain factor at a given level. S is the total area of the region. A P value of larger than 1 indicates that the distribution of paddy fields at a class of terrain factor e has an advantageous position. A larger P value means that more paddy fields are distributed at this terrain level. Based on previous studies (Liang et al., 2010) and the characteristics of rice production in Hunan, we classified the altitude of Hunan into 13 levels; altitudes of higher than 1200 m and lower than 100 m are divided into two levels, respectively, and the altitudes ranging from 100 m to 1200 m are divided into a level every 100 metres. Similarly, we also divided the slope into 13 levels: one level comprises slopes of larger than 36 degrees, and slopes of less than 36 degrees are divided into a new level every 3 degrees. Because no studies have classified the surface relief degree and surface roughness, we applied quantile to classify the surface relief degree and surface roughness, which were also divided into 13 levels. In contrast to the four abovementioned terrain factors, we classified slope aspects into five levels (flat, ubac, semi-ubac, adret and semi-adret), and we classified slope positions into six levels (valley, uphill, flat, mid-hill, downhill and ridge). We argue that this classification can clearly describe the redistribution of radiation and soil nutrients, such as nitrogen.
At the county level, to compare the number of paddy fields in different counties, we used the ratio of paddy field areas in a county to the entire county area (RPF) as an indicator to evaluate the amount of paddy fields. We obtained the average values of terrain factors from 102 counties in Hunan Province and calculated the correlation coefficients between the RPF values and different terrain factors. Then, we selected terrain factors with correlation coefficients of greater than 0.5 to perform spatial statistics. Notably, because the slope aspects and slope position cannot be quantified, only altitude, slope, surface relief degree and surface roughness were used in this analysis at the county level.
We used the classical Moran’s I and Getis-Ord Gi* (Getis et al., 1992; Jin and Lu, 2009) to investigate the global spatial patterns of terrain factors and RPF, and we also obtained hotspot maps. First, we calculated the Moran’s I of terrain factors and RPF to measure the spatial autocorrelation; then, we calculated the Getis-Ord Gi* to map the hot and cold spots at different locations in Hunan.
2.3.3 Research on the relationship between terrain factors and rice growth
Investigating the relationship between terrain factors and rice growth can be divided into two steps. First, we explored the association between the terrain factors and environmental factors of rice growth. Based on the daily average temperature and duration of sunlight, we calculated the accumulated temperature (AT) and accumulated sunlight (AS) during the rice growth period (from April to the end of October) of each grid and then mapped the spatial distribution of the AT and AS values of Hunan Province. Moreover, we mapped the soil spatial distribution of Hunan Province based on the 1:1,000,000 soil dataset of China. Finally, we could analyse the impact of terrain factors on the environmental factors of rice growth by comparing the spatial distribution of the meteorological factors, soil, paddy fields and altitude of Hunan.
In the second step, we used the phenology of rice as a direct indicator to reflect the rice growth process and investigated the impact of terrain factors on the length of the rice growth period. We performed a correlation analysis on the terrain information and phenological information of double-cropping rice at the site scale and then selected the significantly correlated terrain factors to perform a stepwise regression with the corresponding phenological information.
2.3.4 Research on the relationship between terrain factors and rice yield
Similar to the methods used in section 2.3.2, to analyse the relationship between terrain factors and paddy fields at the county level, we first applied the correlation analysis between the per unit rice yield and the mean values of terrain factors of each county and then calculated the Moran’s I and Getis-Ord Gi* values of both the terrain factors and yield. Finally, we obtained the spatial patterns of the yield and terrain factors. Notably, when we established the relationship between terrain factors and yield, data from only 33 counties were included.

3 Results

3.1 Effect of scale on the extraction of terrain factors

Table 3 shows the average slope and average altitude extracted from the DEMs with different resolutions. The observed effect of scale on terrain factors differs between different regions: with decreasing resolution, the average slope and average altitude decrease significantly in plains and tablelands; in steep mountainous areas, this decrease is more obvious. This result is consistent with many previous studies (Niu, 2010; Gong, 2015). However, in hilly areas, such as Changning County and Yongxing County, the average slope increases with decreasing resolution. As the resolution becomes coarser, the slope value become lower. In addition, this made the steepest areas flat so that the average slope in those sub-steep areas increased. Chen et al. (2006) also observed a similar phenomenon where, with the decreasing resolution of DEM, areas with slopes ranging from 8 to 15 degrees also increased. Admittedly, different scales of DEM showed some impact on the slope and altitude, but it is also evident from Table 3 that the changes in both altitude and slope are not as obvious in the plains and tablelands, where paddy fields are more widespread. Thus, the GDEM with a resolution of 30 m used in this study is sufficiently accurate to ensure the reliability of the extraction of terrain factors.
Table 3 Effect of different resolutions of DEM on the extraction of terrain factors
a. Average slope extracted from DEM with different resolutions
Plain Tableland Hill Mountain
Xiangyin Yuanjiang Changsha Zhuzhou Changning Yongxing Dong’an Shuangpai
30 2.14 1.29 5.83 7.35 10.15 11.38 13.85 22.79
50 2.13 1.29 5.83 7.34 10.15 11.37 13.85 22.79
70 2.13 1.29 5.82 7.33 10.16 11.37 13.86 22.79
90 2.09 1.27 5.81 7.33 10.20 11.38 13.83 21.09
110 2.03 1.19 5.76 7.28 10.24 11.39 13.82 18.73
b. Average altitude extracted from DEM with different resolutions
Plain Tableland Hill Mountain
Xiangyin Yuanjiang Changsha Zhuzhou Changning Yongxing Dong’an Shuangpai
30 32.71 29.14 77.52 94.25 195.60 245.63 549.14 389.59
50 32.70 29.14 77.51 94.22 195.01 245.56 549.09 389.76
70 32.70 29.14 77.50 94.13 195.00 245.46 548.91 390.20
90 32.70 29.14 77.52 94.09 194.26 245.46 548.74 390.76
110 32.70 29.14 77.51 94.10 194.24 245.50 548.70 390.53

3.2 The relationship between terrain factors and the spatial distribution of paddy fields

3.2.1 Spatial pattern of paddy field distribution at the provincial level
Figure 4 shows the terrain distribution index (TDI) values of paddy fields in Hunan Province at different levels. Figure 4a reveals that the distribution index (DI) of paddy fields is greater than 1 in areas with altitudes of less than 200 m and that the DI is close to 1 in areas with altitudes ranging from 200 m to 300 m. As the altitude increases, the DI decreases; in those areas above 900 m, the DI is close to zero. This change in DI reflects that most of the paddy fields are distributed below 300 m; at altitudes of greater than 900 m, there are few paddy fields in Hunan. When the altitude ranges from 300 m to 900 m, paddy fields are sparsely distributed. This spatial distribution of paddy fields is consistent with the distribution of farming activities in Hunan. Figure 4b shows the DI values of paddy fields with different slopes. It is clear that the DI is greater than 1 in areas where the slope is less than 9 degrees. As the slope increases, the DI tends to zero. No paddy fields appear to be distributed in areas with slopes of greater than 24 degrees. Figure 4c shows that the DI of a paddy field is greater than 1 if the surface relief degree is less than 140 m. Similar to the altitude and slope, with increasing surface relief, the DI decreases; if the surface relief degree is more than 400 m, the DI tends to zero. However, the DI seems to be sensitive to surface roughness: if the surface roughness is greater than 1.02, the areas of paddy fields decrease sharply, and if the surface roughness is greater than 1.1, the DI tends to zero. Surface roughness reflects complexity and erosion. The greater the surface roughness value, the more complex and eroded the surface is. Terrain factors have been viewed as the driving force of soil nutrients (Zhang et al., 2010; Zhan, 2009). Too much roughness could lead to soil erosion in these areas, thus causing decreases in the soil nutrients in these paddy fields. Therefore, roughness is a considerable terrain factor that may limit the distribution of paddy fields. Figure 4e shows the DI values associated with different slope aspects. It can be observed that the paddy fields in flat areas are more widespread. Additionally, it is worth noting that the DI values of the other four types of slope aspects, such as adret slope, are all near 1.0; additionally, the DI values of flat areas tend to be 1.5, which indicates that the distribution of paddy fields is not sensitive to changes in slope aspects. Previous studies have also pointed out that the impact of slope aspects is not significant for the spatial distribution of soil nutrients (Zhang et al., 2008), which adequately explains the low dependence of paddy fields on slope aspects. Figure 4f shows the relationship between the distribution of paddy fields and different slope positions. It can be observed that most paddy fields are distributed in mid-hill and flat regions due to their abundant water and heat resources, which can benefit rice production.
Figure 4 Terrain distribution index values of rice paddy fields in Hunan Province
3.2.2 Effect of scale on the extraction of terrain factors
Table 4 shows the correlation coefficients between different terrain factors and the ratio of paddy fields to county areas (RPF). We observed clear negative correlations between the RPF values and all four terrain factors.
Table 4 Correlation between terrain factors and ratios of paddy field areas to entire county areas
Terrain factors Altitude Slope Relief degree Surface roughness
RPF Pearson coefficient ‒0.782 ‒0.85 ‒0.811 ‒0.783
P-value <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01

RPF: Ratio of paddy field areas in a county to whole county areas

It can be observed from Table 5 that the values of the Moran’s I of RPF and the four terrain factors are all greater than 0 and their standard Z scores are greater than 2.58, which is the threshold value of the corresponding standard Z score (99% Confidence Interval). This reflects that both RPF and the chosen four terrain factors of Hunan Province exhibit significant spatial autocorrelation, which means that the distribution patterns of all these factors represent spatial clusters.
Table 5 Estimates of global Moran’s I and their tests for terrain factors and ratios of the paddy field area to total area at the county level
RPF Altitude Slope aspects Relief degree Surface roughness
Moran’ I 0.67 0.71 0.7 0.67 0.66
Z-score 10.64 11.27 10.94 10.47 10.39
P-value <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01
Z-score threshold 2.58 2.58 2.58 2.58 2.58
We mapped the spatial hotspots of the RPF and four terrain factors at the county level (Figure 5). We found that the spatial distributions of the hotspots of all those terrain factors are almost the same and that they are consistent with the spatial distribution of cold spots of RPF. In other words, there seemed to be a negative spatial relationship between the distribution of RPF and terrain factors. There were evident hotspots of paddy fields in northern and central Hunan, which means that there were high RPF values in these counties and their adjacent counties; cold spots were commonly located in west, southwest and southeast Hunan. The terrain condition exhibits the opposite spatial pattern: hotspots were aggregated in west, southwest and southeast Hunan, while cold spots were located in the northern and central parts. Additionally, although the hotspots of altitude are not as obvious in western Hunan, such as Sangzhi, Yongshun and Baojing counties, there are obvious hotspots of slope and relief in this area. This implies that the complexity of terrain conditions in west Hunan cannot be entirely ascribed to its high altitude. Similarly, although some counties in south Hunan, such as Dong’an County, have high altitudes, some paddy fields are located in these areas because the slope and degree of relief are not as high. Thus, even though the spatial distribution between paddy fields and terrain factors in Hunan Province showed a negative correlative tendency, there are still some abnormal areas in the mountainous areas of west and south Hunan.
Figure 5 Hotspot map of ratio of paddy fields to total county area and of terrain factors

3.3 The relationship between terrain factors and rice growth process

3.3.1 Effect of terrain factors on environmental factors of rice growth
Based on the daily meteorological grid data and soil data, we mapped the spatial distribution of the environmental factors of rice growth. From Figure 6a, we found that the accumulated sunlight during the growing period (ASg) of rice decreased from the Dongting Lake plain to its surrounding areas, which was similar to the spatial distribution of altitude in Hunan. Comparison of Figure 6b with Figure 6e revealed that the spatial pattern of accumulated temperature during the growing period (ATg) is almost the same as its spatial distribution in the northern plain and southern hills. This demonstrates that the terrain condition can determine the spatial distribution of heat. Based on the information obtained from the spatial distribution of soil (Figure 6c) and paddy fields (Figure 6d) in Hunan Province, we found that fluvo-aquic soils and paddy soils are mainly distributed in the Dongting Lake plain in northern Hunan. In the central and southern parts, i.e., tableland areas, the soil types comprised red earth and paddy soil. Brown earth, yellow-brown earth, limestone soil and minor purplish soils are distributed in the hills of southern Hunan. In the mountainous areas of west Hunan, there are yellow earth, brown earth and limestone soil, but few paddy soils. Hence, terrain factors can influence the rice growth process through the spatial distribution of meteorological factors and soil types.
Figure 6 Spatial distribution of environmental factors of rice growth and terrain factors in Hunan Province
3.3.2 Effect of terrain factors on rice phenology
According to the phenological information of double-cropping rice at the site level, we calculated the correlation coefficients between phenology and the four terrain factors. The results of early rice are shown in Table 6. It was observed that the transplanting stage and altitude are negatively correlated, which means that the higher the altitude is, the shorter the transplanting stage. Moreover, there is also a negative correlation between the tillering stage and slope as well as surface roughness. In other words, the steeper the surface is, the shorter the tillering stage.
Table 6 Correlation between terrain factors and early rice phenology
Stages of early rice phenology Altitude Slope Relief degree Surface roughness
Transplanting ‒0.75** ‒0.10 ‒0.31 ‒0.13
Tillering 0.00 ‒0.69** ‒0.33 ‒0.64**
Heading 0.42 ‒0.67 0.30 ‒0.55
Mature 0.45 ‒0.35 0.43 ‒0.18
Tillering-transplanting ‒0.05 ‒0.38 ‒0.25 ‒0.42
Heading-tillering 0.43 ‒0.08 0.58 0.00
Mature-heading 0.23 0.37 0.40 0.53

Note: In this table, symbol ‘**’ represents the correlation coefficient that passes the 95% confidence interval test; symbol ‘*’ represents the correlation coefficient that passes the 90% confidence interval test. Moreover, phenological stages such as transplanting, tillering and so on are a relative length of phenology: we used the date of this phenological stage to subtract the date of the emerge stage. The ‘Tillering-transplant’, ’Heading-tillering’ and ‘Mature-heading’ represent the length between two phenology stages.

We modelled the relationship between the transplanting stage and latitude and the relationship between the tillering stage and slope and roughness using stepwise regression to investigate whether terrain factors can influence the change in early rice phenology. We obtained the following regression equation between the transplanting stage and altitude:
${{y}_{transplant}}=-0.023*{{x}_{altitude}}+36.835$ (1)
The R-square value of this equation is 0.57; in other words, altitude can account for almost 60% of the change in the transplanting stage of early rice. This equation also demonstrates that as the altitude decreases, the transplanting stage may be prolonged. However, the R-square of the equation of the tillering stage and slope or roughness was 0.39, which means that although the slope and roughness are correlated with the tillering of early rice, it is not substantial enough to explain this change.
Table 7 displays the correlation between terrain factors and late rice phenology. It can be observed that only altitude is related to phenology, and it has a negative correlation with the heading stage and mature stage. Similarly, the length between heading and tillering as well as the length between mature and heading are also negatively correlated with altitude. This means that with increasing altitude, the heading stage and mature stage will shift to earlier dates, and both the length between heading and tillering and the length between mature and heading may decrease.
Table 7 Correlation between terrain factors and late rice phenology
Stages of late rice phenology Altitude Slope Relief degree Surface roughness
Transplant ‒0.15 0.07 ‒0.16 0.15
Tillering ‒0.21 ‒0.04 ‒0.19 0.08
Heading ‒0.64** ‒0.09 ‒0.54 ‒0.13
Mature ‒0.77** 0.05 ‒0.37 0.01
Tillering-transplant ‒0.21 ‒0.23 ‒0.13 ‒0.10
Heading-tillering ‒0.67** ‒0.08 ‒0.55 ‒0.25
Mature-heading ‒0.67** 0.24 0.03 0.22

Note: In this table, symbol ‘**’ represents the correlation coefficient that passes the 95% confidence interval test; symbol ‘*’ represents the correlation coefficient that passes the 90% confidence interval test. Moreover, phenological stages such as transplanting, tillering and so on are a relative length of phenology: we used the date of this phenological stage to subtract the date of the emerge stage. The ‘Tillering-transplanting’, ’Heading-tillering’ and ‘Mature-heading’ represent the length between two phenological stages.

Based on the results of correlation analysis, we used two phenological stages and two stage gaps of early rice as dependent variables, and we used altitude as an independent variable to establish the regression equations. We found that it is hard for altitude to account for the change in the heading stage of late rice and the length between heading and tillering because the R-squares of these two regression equations were 0.398 and 0.342, respectively. However, the altitude can sufficiently explain the change in the mature stage and the length between the heading stage and mature stage using the following equations:
${{y}_{mature}}=-0.07*{{x}_{altitude}}+129.81$ (2)
${{y}_{heading-mature}}=-0.028*{{x}_{altitude}}+41.65$ (3)
The R-square values of these two equations are 0.59 and 0.55, respectively, which reflects that the altitude had an impact on the change from mature to late rice as well as the length of the gap between the mature and heading stages.
To sum up, the slope, surface roughness and altitude are all related to the phenology of rice; of these variables, altitude shows the closest relationship with the phenology. For early rice, the altitude affects the transplanting stage: with increasing altitude, the transplanting date will occur earlier. For the late rice, the altitude can influence the mature stage and the length of the gap between the mature date and the heading date: with increasing altitude, the mature date will occur earlier and the length between the heading and mature dates will shorten.

3.4 The relationship between terrain factors and rice yield

Based on the rice yield of 33 counties from 2010 to 2012 in Hunan Province, we calculated the correlations between terrain factors and the final yield. Table 8 shows that there is a significant negative correlation between yield and the altitude, relief degree and surface roughness, while the correlation between the yield and slope is not significant. In these three factors, the correlation coefficient is only strong between altitude and yield (-0.584 95% CI). In summary, compared with the relationship between terrain conditions and the distribution of paddy fields or rice growth, although there was a relationship between terrain factors and rice yield, it was relatively weaker.
Table 8 Correlation between terrain factors and rice yield
Altitude Slope Relief degree Surface roughness
Yield per unit area Pearson coefficient ‒0.584 ‒0.312 ‒0.381 ‒0.382
P-value <0.05 >0.1 <0.1 <0.1
Table 9 and Figure 7 reveal the characteristics of the spatial pattern of rice yield and terrain factors. It was observed that the Moran’s I of both altitude and yield was greater than zero, and their standard Z scores were above the threshold. This means that the rice yields of 33 counties and altitude exhibit spatial clustering. Figure 7 further shows the map of the spatial hotspots of the yield and altitude. Generally, the distribution of hotspots of yield matched the cold spots of altitude. However, this match is not as consistent. In the areas around Dongting Lake, such as Nanxian, Xiangyin and Yiyang counties, although the altitude is low, these areas also contain the cold spots of yield. Moreover, while Taoyuan County is located in an area of altitude hotspots, i.e., the transition zone between the hills of central Hunan and the mountains of west Hunan, it is also an area of yield hotspots. This phenomenon demonstrates that even though terrain factors can impact the spatial patterns of rice yield, the influences of other factors appear to be more important.
Table 9 Estimates of global Moran’s I and their tests for terrain factors and rice yield at the county level
Rice yield Altitude
Moran’ I 0.54 0.83
Z-Score 2.27 3.37
P-value <0.05 <0.01
Z-score threshold 1.96 2.58
Figure 7 Hotspot map of rice yield at the county level and hotspot map of elevation

4 Discussion

4.1 Impact of terrain factors on the spatial pattern of paddy fields in Hunan Province

Terrain factors exhibit obvious impacts on the spatial distribution of paddy fields in Hunan Province at both the province scale and the county scale. At the provincial level, we found that most paddy fields were distributed in the northern plains and central hills, where the altitude is below 300 m, the slope is less than 9 degrees and the relief is less than 140 m. Additionally, most paddy fields are located in flat areas. Meanwhile, we found that the distribution of paddy fields is not sensitive to the slope position and roughness. Although some studies have shown that the vegetation in Hunan Province is influenced by the slope aspect (Wang et al., 2004), our results demonstrated that rice production is not related to the slope aspect because the spatial anisotropy of soil nutrients resulting from slope aspects can be reduced by agricultural management measures (Zhang et al., 2015). At the county level, RPF is negatively correlated with the altitude, slope, relief degree and surface roughness. Moreover, both the RPF and these terrain factors exhibit spatial autocorrelation. The spatial pattern of RPF also shows a negative relationship with the spatial patterns of these terrain factors.

4.2 Impact of terrain factors on the environmental factors of rice growth in Hunan Province

Rice is a short-day crop that prefers a warm and humid environment. Because transplanting is the main method of cultivation in rice production in Hunan, rice growth does not lack water; thus, temperature and sunlight are the two direct environmental factors affecting rice production. It can be observed that terrain conditions can directly influence the spatial distributions of temperature and sunlight: the spatial distributions of AT and AS are similar to the spatial pattern of altitude in Hunan Province. Although the flat Dongting Plain in northern Hunan is very suitable for rice cultivation, the temperature conditions are better in the central and eastern parts of Hunan, such as Changsha, Xiangtan, Zhuzhou and Hengyang. Previous studies have pointed out that the rice yields per unit in Xiangtan and Zhuzhou were higher than those in Changde and Yueyang of northern Hunan (Qing et al., 2007). Meanwhile, some other environmental factors were also nonnegligible for rice production. For example, Huaihua, a city located in the hilly area of western Hunan, has the basic conditions for double-cropping rice growth, but there are few double-cropping rice areas distributed in this region, where the average altitude ranges from 400 m to 800 m and the AT during the growth period is over 5000 degrees Celsius. This is because the basic soils in this area are purplish soil and yellow-brown earth. Compared to the red earth and paddy soil that are more beneficial to rice growth (Xi, 1994), the parent material of purplish soil is relatively loose, which indicates that terraced fields should be built to plant rice here. In summary, terrain factors can determine the spatial patterns of some environmental factors and thus indirectly influence rice growth.

4.3 Impact of terrain factors on the phenology of rice in Hunan Province

Compared with the environmental factors of rice growth, such as meteorological conditions and soil types, the phenology of rice can directly reflect the process of rice growth. Our results show that the altitude, slope and surface roughness are related to the phenology of double-cropping rice. Among these factors, altitude may influence the transplanting stage of early rice, mature stage of late rice and the interval between the heading and mature stages. For early rice in high-altitude areas, if the transplant date is late, it is difficult to harvest rice and to transplant late rice due to the limited heat. Thus, the higher the altitude is, the earlier the transplanting stage. Furthermore, altitude also impacts the mature stage of late rice. Because of the low temperature, the harvesting stage in hilly and mountainous areas are often earlier than that in plains. This can avoid a short interval between the heading stage and mature stage and insufficient grain-filling (Liu et al., 2012), which also suggests that the per unit area rice yield is relatively lower in high-altitude areas.

4.4 Impact of terrain factors on rice yield

Compared with the impact of terrain factors on paddy field distribution and rice phenology, the impact of terrain factors on the final yield is not as significant. Only altitude has a negative correlation with the rice yield. Similar to the spatial distribution of paddy fields, the spatial pattern of rice yield also shows a clustering feature and has a negative correlation with the spatial pattern of altitude. However, when we compared the spatial distribution of yield to the spatial pattern of altitude, we found some abnormal areas: the areas where the yield per unit area is the highest are often distributed in areas where paddy fields are the next-densest and the altitude is moderate (such as Ningxiang County, Xiangxiang County and Taoyuan County). This phenomenon can be ascribed to the better conditions of temperature and sunlight and agricultural management compared to the plains in northern Hunan (e.g., Dongting Lake Plain). Based on the spatial patterns of paddy fields and environmental factors of rice, we argued that the problem with rice production in Hunan Province is the spatial mismatch in the distribution of paddy fields and the per unit area rice yield: although paddy fields are distributed very densely in the northern plains of Hunan around Dongting Lake, the per unit area rice yield in this area is lower than that in eastern and central Hunan due to the spatial distribution of heat. This impedes efficient and scale rice production in Hunan Province. Hence, in the northern plains of Hunan, it is necessary to select spring-cold-tolerant early rice varieties as well as autumn-cold-tolerant late rice varieties and to implement more management measures to increase the per unit area yield, which can benefit the optimal configuration of rice production.

4.5 Limitations

There are some limitations in our research. First, the yield data at the county level are still insufficient. When analysing the relationship between rice yield and terrain factors, we only collected yield data from 33 counties; in future research, we hope to collect data from the statistical yearbook of each county to expand data. Moreover, we did not take some non-environmental factors into consideration, such as the amounts of fertilizer and pesticide, the use of agricultural machinery and so on, which can influence the rice growth and final yield because these data are difficult to obtain at the county level. In the next step, we would like to cooperate with the agriculture departments of local governments to collect specific agricultural management data.

5 Conclusions

Based on the multi-source data obtained at both the site and regional scales, we applied the spatial analysis method to investigate the impact of terrain factors on the distribution of paddy fields, the rice growth process and the rice yield. Our research framework is consistent with the classic ecologic theory of process to pattern. The result shows that terrain factors have a direct impact on the spatial pattern of paddy fields. Similarly, terrain factors also influence the spatial patterns of those fundamental environmental factors, such as temperature, sunlight and soil types, which then affect rice growth. However, in this process, we found that terrain factors led to a spatial mismatch of rice production resources in Hunan: most paddy fields are distributed on the plains of northern Hunan, while the yield per unit area in this area is lower than that in the hilly areas of central Hunan because of the limited heat. This impedes the scale production of rice in northern Hunan. Thus, we suggest that the Hunan provincial government should implement useful measures based on regional characteristics and help farmers select suitable planting varieties and crop systems to improve the efficiency of rice production in Hunan, especially in its northern parts.

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Bao Y X, Liu W, Gao P et al., 2012. Study on characteristics of rice heat damages in Jiangsu province under the background of climate warming and its influence on the rice yield.Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology, 33(2): 289-296. (in Chinese)Based on the observed data of conventional meteorological stations in Jiangsu province from 1960 to 2009 and the investigated data of the rice growth periods from 1980 to 2009,in this paper,the different growth periods of rice was calculated and determined statistically,the appropriate indicators of rice heat damage was selected,the temperature anomaly,the variability of its climatic trend and M-K test were used to reflect the characteristics of climate warming in the different regions of Jiangsu province.The spatial-temporal distribution pattern of the rice heat damages in these regions was analyzed and the influence of the climate warming on it was discussed.The results showed as follows:(1)the heat damages of rice in Jiangsu province concentrated in the two growth periods from jointing to booting and heading to initial ripping.The occurrence frequency of rice heat damage in the south part of Jiangsu province was highest,it situated at the second place in the the region between the Yantze river and Huaihe river and the northern side of the Huaihe river and the coastal region of the province were the distribution regions of the low frequencies.(2) There were the obvious cycles of 13 years and 3 years in the occurrence frequencies of rice heat damages of Jiangsu province.The former was the main cycle and the later was the secondary cycle.(3) The annual average climatic trend variability of air temperature in Jiangsu province attained 0.2775 10y-1 from 1960 to 2009(P0.01)and it was obvious for climate warming.As the annual average temperature of all regions decreased from 1960s and attained the lowest values in 1980s,it increased later and attained the highest values in the beginning ten years of 21st century.Respectively,the occurrence tendencies of the rice heat damages in the different regions were consistent to the evolution of the temperature.The occurrence frequency of the heat damage was the least in 1980s and the largest in the beginning ten years of 21st century.(4) The higher the mean temperature of July and August was,the more the occurrence frequency of rice heat damage was.For the north side of the Huaihe river,the mean temperature of July and August was highest in 1960s and the occurrence frequency of rice heat damage was most in this decade.But in the other regions of the province,the mean temperature of July and August was highest in 2000s and the occurrence frequency of rice heat damage was most in this decade.(5) In view of the inter-annual change,the occurrence frequencies of the rice heat damages were higher in the warmer climate years and the yields of rice were lower.It demonstrated that the climate warming was one of the important factors caused the increasing of the occurrence frequency of rice heat damage and the reducing of rice yields in Jiangsu province.

Chen N, Tang G A, Zhu H C, 2006. The study on the uncertainty of slope information derived from DEM with different spatial.Research of Soil and Water Conservation, 13(3): 153-156. (in Chinese)Taking DEM of 1 10000 map scaled as the research object and adopting entropy and some indexes and comparing methods in statistics.A qualitative analysis of the effects of spatial resolutions on the uncertainty of the derived slope in loess hill and gully area information is conducted with the quantitative mathematical formula established.The study proposes the evaluating criteria of the area errors of slope derived from DEM with different spatial resolutions.An experience formula is found that can be used to compute the resolution needed according to current errors,which will decrease the quantity of data and cut down the cost while ensuring the accuracy of slope information.


Ciha A J, 1984. Slope position and grain yield of soft white winter wheat.Agronomy Journal, 76(2): 193-196.Gives nutrient and lime recommendations for soft white winter wheat in western Oregon. Also discusses: impact of diseases, such as take-all root rot, on crop yield; planting in poorly drained soil; soils and settings for wheat production; fall and spring nutrient management; and postharvest evaluation of nitrogen. Includes sources of further information.


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Getis A, Ord J K, 1992. The analysis of spatial association by use of distance statistics.Geographical Analysis, 24(3): 189-206.Introduced in this paper is a family of statistics, G, that can be used as a measure of spatial association in a number of circumstances. The basic statistic is derived, its properties are identified, and its advantages explained. Several of the G statistics make it possible to evaluate the spatial association of a variable within a specified distance of a single point. A comparison is made between a general G statistic and Moran's I for similar hypothetical and empirical conditions. The empirical work includes studies of sudden infant death syndrome by county in North Carolina and dwelling unit prices in metropolitan San Diego by zip-code districts. Results indicate that G statistics should be used in conjunction with I in order to identify characteristics of patterns not revealed by the I statistic alone and, specifically, the Gi and Gi* statistics enable us to detect local 090008pockets090009 of dependence that may not show up when using global statistics.


Gong M, 2015. The uncertainty of topographic wetness index derived from DEM in the Loess Plateau of northern Shaanxi province [D]. Nanjing: Nanjing Normal University. (in Chinese)

He F, Huang J L, Cui K H et al., 2007. Effect of real-time and site-specific nitrogen management on rice yield and quality.Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 40(1): 123-132. (in Chinese)Objective】The objective of the study is to elucidate the effect on grain yield and its quality based on real-time(RTNM) and site-specific N management(SSNM).【Method】 The experiments under field conditions were conducted in 2004 and 2005 with indica hybrid rice Liangyoupei9(LYP9) and Shanyou63(SY63).Different fertilizer-N doses were covered based on RTNM and SSNM with various proposed SPAD thresholds.【Result】The results showed that grain yield of LYP9 and SY63 under N-application treatment increased by 21.12%-57.65%,15.00%-31.18% compared to no N-application treatment respectively based on RTNM;They increased by 45.44%-50.71%,28.53%-32.40% compared to no N-application treatment respectively based on SSNM.Among the tested SPAD thresholds of RTNM with LYP9,the optimal threshold for better grain quality was 38-41,and which was 36-39 for SY63 accordingly.The recommended SPAD thresholds were 38-41 for LYP9,and 36-39 for SY63,which might obtain higher grain yield and better grain quality based on RTNM.The optimal SPAD thresholds for LYP9 and SY63 were 37-39 and 35-37 respectively,when higher grain yield and better quality were considered synchronously based on SSNM.【Conclusion】 The results indicate the possibility of harmonizing the conflict of higher yield and better quality under optimal SPAD thresholds based on rice variety properties using SSNM or RTNM.The SPAD thresholds value of 38-39 for LYP9 and 35-37 for SY63 wererecommended for SSNM dissemination.

Huang Y L, Chen L D, Fu B Jet al., 2003. The influence of topography land use on soil moisture spatial-temporal pattern in the hilly area of Loess Plateau.Quaternary Sciences, 23(3): 334-342. (in Chinese)Based on fixed and consecutive sampling of soil moisture in hilly area of Loess Plateau,the influence of topography and land use on the spatial -temporal pattern of soil moisture were analyzed. The results are as follows:1) soil moisture of cropland is highest among the four land use types. Soil moisture of woodland is the second. Soil moisture of shrubland and wasteland are the lowest among the four land use types. Slope aspect of N170° has the highest soil moisture among the three slope aspects. Middle part of the slope has the highest soil moisture among the three slope positions. The soil moisture of all land use types behaves decreasing type in the whole. It is influenced by the rainfall characteristic and growth of vegetation. 2) land use types and slope aspect have significant influence on soil moisture except for wet years. Slope position has slight influence on the variability pattern of soil moisture in wet and dry years. 3) land use types have significant influence on soil moisture variability in middle period of growth. But slope aspect has significant influence on late period of growth. 4) land use types have significant influence on soil moisture with soil of 20~100cm depth, but not with 0~20cm. The soil of 40~60cm layer has the greatest difference among the 5 layers. Slope aspect has significant influence on soil moisture with soil of 0~100cm depth, and its influence decreases with depth increasing. Slope position has slight influence on the variability of soil moisture of the 5 layers.

Jia T B, Wu F Q, Zhao L S et al., 2013. Micro-relief slope surface complexity characteristics of sloping farm land under different tillage practices.Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 27(4): 152-156. (in Chinese)In this paper,the combination of M-DEM based on GIS and swath profile methodology was applied to analyze spatial complexity characteristics of micro-topography under different tillage practices artificial dig,artificial hoe and contour tillage with slope of 5 ,15 ,25 and rainfall intensity of 60mm/h.The result showed that:(1)The descending order of roughness under different tillage practices was contour tillage,artificial dig and artificial hoe.(2)Rainfall had a significant effect on the micro-terrain,the descending order of changes of the micro-relief under different tillage practices was artificial dig,artificial hoe and contour tillage,but the descending order of changes of the micro-relief was contour tillage,artificial dig and artificial hoe after rainfall with 90min.(3)The earth's gully depth and variance coefficient in elevation of micro-topography under different tillage practices was in consist with micro-relief order.Swath profile methodology could be a significant solution to research micro-topography complexity characteristic quantitatively based on GIS.

Jin C, Lu Y Q, 2009. Evolvement of spatial pattern of economy in Jiangsu Province at county level.Acta Geographica Sinica, 64(6): 713-724. (in Chinese)In this paper, the present situation of social and economic development in the Lanzhou-Xining town-compact region in the underdeveloped Gansu and Qinghai provinces in China is assessed by selecting 22 indexes related to the social and economic development and using the multivariable statistical factor analysis, breakpoint model, variance analysis, etc. The followings are the results. First,... [Show full abstract]


Kravchenko A N, Bullock D G, 2000. Correlation of corn and soybean grain yield with topography and soil properties.Semigroup Forum, 92: 75-83.ABSTRACT Analysis of yield variability is an important issue in agricultural research, and topographical land features are among the most important yield-affecting factors. The objective of this study was to determine how useful topographical information can be, alone or together with selected soil properties, for explaining yield variability on a field scale. Yield-topography-soil relationships were analyzed using dense corn (Zea mays L.) and soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] yield data collected from 1994 to 1997, a detailed terrain map, and relatively densely sampled soil organic matter (OM) content, cation exchange capacity (CEC), and P and K soil test concentrations from eight fields in central Illinois and eastern Indiana. Soils of the Illinois fields were classified as Haplaquolls and Argiudolls; soils of the Indiana fields were classified as Hapludalfs. Topographical land features used in the study included elevation, measured with survey grid global positioning system (GPS) and land-based laser, and slope, curvature, and flow accumulation, derived from elevation data. Soil properties explained about 30% of yield variability (from 5 to 71% for different fields), with OM content influencing yield the most. The cumulative effect of the topographical features explained about 20% of the yield variability (6-54%). Elevation had the most influence on yield, with higher yields consistently observed at lower landscape positions. Curvature, slope, and flow accumulation significantly affected yield only in certain conditions, such as extreme topographical locations (undrained depressions or eroded hilltops) combined with very high or low precipitation. Soil properties and topography explained about 40% of yield variability (10-78%).


Liang F C, Liu L M, 2010. Analysis on distribution characteristics of land use types based on terrain gradient: A case of Liuyang City in Hunan Province.Resources Science, 32(11): 2138-2144. (in Chinese)Terrain is not only one of the important factors affecting the spatial layout and land use change,but also a prerequisite for land evaluation and land planning.A good understanding of the relationships between land use types and terrain gradient is essential for land management.In this paper,elevation,slope,and terrain niche were conceptually divided into 13 classes,which were used to describe the terrain difference across the study area,Liuyang City in Hunan province.The nondimensional distribution index was used to examine characteristics of land use types.Using Landsat TM satellite imagery,DEM,and other materials from field survey based on the spatial analysis module in ArcGIS,the distribution pattern of land use types and their relationships with terrain factors in the study area were revealed by analyzing the nondimensional distribution index for different land use types on varying terrain gradients.Results showed that:1)cultivated land is mainly distributed in areas ranging in elevation from 36 m to 200 m,in slope from 0o-12o,and in terrain niche from 0 to 0.39.Orchard is mainly distributed in areas ranging in elevation generally from 36 m to 200 m,in slope from 0oto 15o,and in terrain niche from 0 to 0.54.Other agricultural land and construction land are primarily distributed in areas ranging in elevation from 36 m to 200 m,in slope from 0oto 12o,and in terrain niche from 0 to 0.54.Forestland is mainly distributed in areas ranging in elevation from 200 m to 1200 m,with slope larger than 12o,and terrain niche larger than 0.39.Unused land is mainly distributed in areas with elevation larger than 1200 m, slope ranging from 0oto 6o,and terrain niche greater than 1.09.Also,the interrelationship between land use types and terrain gradient showed a significant correlation;2)cultivated land,orchard, other agricultural land,and construction land are distributed mainly on the lower terrain gradients. The distribution index decreases with increasing terrain gradients,gradually approaching zero.The same land use types mentioned above are distributed similarly on the same terrain gradients.The forestland is distributed mainly on lands with the average or high grades of elevation,higher grades of slope and terrain niche,whereas the unused land shows an opposed trend;3)the spatial distribution of land use types is characterized by strong area differentiation.There are different land use types associated with terrain classification.For the same land use type,the spatial distribution varies greatly in different terrain gradients;and 4)comparing the three methods,the terrain niche was found to be able to explicitly show distribution trends of land use types with variations in terrain,and the terrain niche index seems to be more effective to reflect distribution characteristics of land use types in that the terrain niche synthesizes information of both elevation and slope.This study provides a feasible quantitative method for regional land use layout.


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Peng S, Tang Q Y, Zou Y, 2009. Current status and challenges of rice production in China.Plant Production Science, 12(1): 3-8.Rice production in China has more than tripled in the past five decades mainly due to increased grain yield rather than increased planting area. This increase has come from the development of high-yielding varieties and improved crop management practices such as nitrogen fertilization and irrigation. However, yield stagnation of rice has been observed in the past ten years in China. As its popu...


Persson A, Pilesjö P, Eklundh L, 2005. Spatial influence of topographical factors on yield of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in central Sweden. Precision Agriculture, 6(4): 341-357.

Qing X G, Ai Z Y, 2007. On regional distribution of rice cultivation in Hunan Province.Research on Agricultural Modernization, 28(6): 704-708. (in Chinese)Regional distribution is a important basis of developing modern agriculture.On the analysis of rice production status in Hunan Province,this paper put forward a idea of regional distribtion of rice cultivation and relative principles,consider regional distribution of rice cultivation is a indispensable request for further development of rice in Hunan Province.According to region characteristic and rice production characteristic,the province could be compartmentalized into north plain region,south hummock region,mid-east high yielding region and west mountain region for rice cultivation,and the strategys for each region which make the regional distribution come true are discussed respectively,then some mearsurements promoting regional distribution are proposed.

Qiu Y, Fu B J, Wang J et al., 2003. Spatio-temporal distribution of land use in relation to topography in a gully catchment of the Loess Plateau, China.Journal of Natural Resources, 18(1): 20-29. (in Chinese)The spatio-temporal distribution of land use and its relation to several terrain indices were studied in Da nangou Catchment (3.5km 2 )on the Loess Plateau,China.The previous land use map was interpreted from an aerial photo in1975(LU75)and the present land use map was compiled based on the field survey in1998(LU98).The future land-use maps were made based on three land-use scenarios in which cropland areas are restricted to slope gradients smaller than25(FA25),20(FA20)and15degree s(FA15).The25and20-degree limit scenario can be seen as short-term(before2005)and intermediate(2005 2010)scenarios,and the15-degree limit scenario can be seen as long-term scenario(after2010).A temporal sequence of land use dy-namics in the catchment consists of these five land-use maps.Two stages were recognized based on the comparison analysis on these five maps.In the first stage from LU75,LU98to FA25,the area of the wood/shrub land increases while those of the wasteland,fallow land and cropland decrease,and the orchard/cash-tree land remains the same.During the second stage consisting of the FA25,FA20and FA15,there is a gradual decrease in the cropland and fallow land and a gradual increase in the orchard/cash-tree land;the other land-use types remain the same.Conse- quently,it is found that the topographic distribution pattern of each land use type also displays the corresponding change based on the statistical analysis on the relationships between the land use type and several terrain indices.During the first stage,the wood/shrub land changes from eastwards or northward s to westwards or southwards,from the profile - concave - slope to the profile - convex - slope,from the plan-convex-slope to the concave - slope,increases in the slope gra di ent in the relative elevation.The wasteland also increases in the slope gradient,but shows opposite changes in the slope aspect,surface curvature and relative elevation as the wood/shrub land.The fallow land and cropland keep the same condition in the slope aspect,but show a stable de-creasing trend in the profile-convex-degree,plan-concave-degree,slope gradient and relative el-evation.The orchard/cash-tree land also remain s the same aspect,but shows opposite change in the surface curvature and the slope gradient,and displays a decreasing-then-increasing trend in the relative elevation.During the second stage,the wood/shrub land and the wasteland re main the same in topography.However,the cropland and the fallow land change from the eastwards or northwards to the westwards or southwards,and gradually decrease in the profile-convex-degree,plan-concave-degree,slope gradient and relative elevation.The orchard/cash tree land also de-creases in the slope gradient,while exhibits an opposite change in the other topographical in-dices as comparing to the cropland and the fallow land.In a word,it is indicated that the land use pattern of this catchment is getting more sound in the sustainable land use during the recent decades,and especially the three land-use scenarios have advantages in ecology,economy and society.

Sun L, Chen H W, Pan J W, 2004. Analysis of the land use spatiotemporal variation based on DEM: Beijing Yanqing County as an example.Journal of Mountain Science, 22(6): 762-766. (in Chinese)The rules of distribution and variation of territorial land use have been one of the hotspots ever so long. They are analysised in this paper from the point of view of frequency combining terrain factors, taking Beijing Yanqing county as the example.Elevation and slope are two important factors of land resource,which are closely related to land use and determine the ways of land use to a certian extent.For slope aspect has effect on the redistribution of sunshine hours and soil moisture, which is important for cultivated land and garden plot,slope aspect distribution index is brought forward based on the distribution index including altitude and slope proposed by the former.Namely,the distribution index of altitude,slope and slope aspect are used here,which represent the frequency of distribution of land use.The land use data of Yanqing county in 1996 and 2001 from altitude, slope and slope aspect is ulilized for further analysis. Finally we conclude that the rules of distribution and variation of cultivated land, garden plot and woodland:cultivated land mainly distribute in the lower grades of terrain,while garden plot in the trend of higher grades of terrain with increase distribution frequency in shady hillside,woodland's change doesn't show clear.It is believed that artificial interference has effect more on the distribution variation of garden plot while little on cultivated land and woodland..


Tang G A, 2014. Progress of DEM and digital terrain analysis in China.Acta Geographica Sinica, 69(9): 1305-1325. (in Chinese)

Tang G A, Liu X J, Lv G N, 2006. Digital Elevation Model and Principles and Methodology in Geographical Analysis. Beijing: Science Press. (in Chinese)

Tang G A, Zhao M D, Li T W et al., 2003. Modeling slope uncertainty derived from DEM in the Loess Plateau.Acta Geographica Sinica, 58(6): 824-830. (in Chinese)Slope is one of crucial terrain variables in spatial analysis and land use planning, especially in the Loess Plateau area of China where rugged terrains enhance serious soil erosion. DEM based on slope extracting method has been widely accepted and applied in practice. However slope accuracy derived from this method usually does not match with their popularity. A quantitative simulation to slope data uncertainty is important not only theoretically but also necessarily to applications. This paper focuses on how resolution and terrain complexity impact the accuracy of mean slope extracted from DEMs of different resolutions in the Loess Plateau. Six typical geomorphologic areas are selected as test areas, representing different terrain types from smooth to rough. Their DEMs are produced from digitizing contours of 1:10000 scale topographical maps. Field survey results show that 5 m should be the most suitable grid size for representing slope in loess area. Comparative and math-simulation methodology was employed for data processing and analysis. A linear correlativity between mean slope and DEM resolution was found at all test areas, but their regression coefficients were closely related with the terrain complexity of the test areas. If stream channel density was taken to represent terrain complexity, mean slope error could be regressed against DEM resolution (X) and stream channel density (S) at 8 resolution levels could be expressed as (0.0015S 2 + 0.031S-0.0325)X-0.0045S 2 -0.155S+ 0.1625, with a R 2 value of over 0.98. Practical tests also show an effective result of this model in applications.


Wang C A, Wang B L, Zhang W X et al., 2006. Effects of water stress of soil on rice yield and quality.Acta Agronomica Sinica, 32(1): 131-137. (in Chinese)Using Nongda 3 as a material,the effects of soil water stress(soil water potential) on the development,grain yield and quality of rice plants through pot experiment by manual rigorously controlling soil potential with tensionmeter were studied.The results indicated that the yield and quality were affected in different degree when the soil water potential(SWP) reduced to-75 kPa during the different growth periods.The lengths of three leaves from the top,grain number per panicle,biomass and grain yield of the plant,rate of brown rice,length/width of the kernel,and taste for eating decreased by water stress at middle booting stage.The panicle number,biomass and grain yield of the plant reduced by soil water stress at the beginning of tillering period.The leaf turned to shrink and yellow,and leaf area index declined because of soil water stress after heading.Meanwhile,the percentage of ripened grain,1 000-grain weight and head rice rate decreased by soil water stress at the milk and filling stages.The percentage of chalky grain and chalkiness increased at the filling stage,and the chlorophyll content,gel consistency and protein content were declined at the wax period.

Wang P, Zhang Z, Song X et al., 2014. Temperature variations and rice yields in China: Historical contributions and future trends.Climatic Change, 124(4): 777-789.Temperature is the principal factor that determines rice growth, development and ultimately grain yield. In this study, normal growing-degree-days (NGDD) and killing growing-degree-days (KGDD) were used to capture the different effects of normal and extreme temperatures on rice yields, respectively. Based on these indexes, we assessed the contributions of temperature variations to county-level rice yields across China during the historical period (1980–2008), and estimated the potential exposure of rice to extreme temperature stress in the near future (2021–2050). The results showed that historical temperature variations had measurable impacts on rice yields with a distinct spatial pattern: for different regions, such variations had contributed much to the increased rice yields in Northeast China (Region I) (0.5902% yield year 611 ) and some portions of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau (Region II) (0.3402% yield year 611 ), but seriously hindered the improvements of rice yields in the Sichuan Basin (SB) (610.2902% yield year 611 ) and the southern cultivation areas (Region IV) (610.1702% yield year 611 ); for the entire country, half of the contributions were positive and the other half were negative, resulting in a balance pattern with an average of 0.0102% yield year 611 . Under the RCP8.5 scenario, climate warming during 2021–2050 would substantially reduce cold stress but increase heat stress in the rice planting areas across China. For the future period, Region I, II and eastern China would be continually exposed to more severe cold stress than the other regions; Region III (including SB and the mid-lower reaches of Yangtze River (MLRYR)) would be the hot spot of heat stress.


Wang Y Q, Zhang X C, Li S J et al., 2007. Spatial variability and the relationships of soil mineral N and topographic factors in a small watershed.Environmental Science, 28(7): 1567-1572. (in Chinese)Objective of this study was to understand the spatial pattern of soil properties and topographic factors and their relationships in a small watershed.We used classical statistical coupling with geo-statistical theory to characterize and compare the spatial variability of soil mineral N and topographic factors in the wind-water erosion crisscross region on the Loess Plateau.The results show that: ① The nitrate's variable extent is strong while other properties are moderate variability,and the impacts of soil types,land uses on variable extent are significant.②All properties have different spatial dependence extent in the study area.Ammonium and elevation are strong spatial dependence while nitrate,slope gradient and slope aspect are moderate spatial dependence.③The analysis results of fractal dimension and spatial heterogeneity proportion are coherent,and the decreased sequence is: nitrate((1.982?6))slope aspect((1.976?7))slope angle((1.942?0))ammonium((1.879?1))elevation((1.746?1)).④In 0°/90°,45°/135° aspects,nitrate is isotropy while elevation is anisotropy,and others are weak anisotropy.⑤Ammonium and elevation have strong spatial autocorrelation while nitrate has not.There exist extremely notable positive correlations between nitrate and ammonium,slope gradient and aspect,and the negative correlations between ammonium,slope aspect and elevation,which indicate that the distribution of ammonium and slope gradient have elevation gradients.


Wang Z N, Chen A P, Fang J Y, 2004. Richness of seed plants in relation with topography in Hunan Province.Acta Geographica Sinica, 59(6): 889-894. (in Chinese)

Wei L Z, Deng N R, Wu Z F et al., 2008. Effects of topography on distribution and change of farmland in mountainous area of north Guangdong Province, China.Journal of Mountain Science, 26(1): 76-83. (in Chinese)Topography is one of key factors that affect spatial structure and change of land resource.Basing on RS GIS technology,the effects of topography on distribution and change of farmland are analyzed in mountainous area of north Guangdong province using modified topography distribution index,a case study in Wengyuan County.The results indicate:Spatial distribution and change of farmland is sensitive to topography.In the study area,the distribution frequency of farmland locating in areas with elevation below 200 m or slope 2~4 degree is highest.Farmland increased about 94.9 km2 from 1993 to 2005,and the increased farmland mostly locates in areas with low elevation or gentle slope(the percent are 94.8% in 100~200 m,and 82.8% in 0~2 degree).Woodland and grassland used to be considered as reserved farmland resource transformed to farmland.There is a tread that farmland was sprawling to the areas with higher elevation.Topography not only impacts on spatial distribution,but also the quality of farmland.Moreover,elevation and slope affect the quality of farmland in different ways.Modified topography distribution index is more effective to describe and compare spatial distribution and change of land use.


Weiss A, 2001. Topographic Position and Landforms Analysis. San Diego, CA: ESRI User Conference.

Xi C F, 1994. Soil Taxnonomy. Beijing: China Agricultural Press. (in Chinese)

Yang C J, Zhao X L, Zhou Q L et al., 2013. Analysis of scale effect characteristics of DEM and slope in hilly areas.Journal of Geo-information Science, 15(6): 814-818. (in Chinese)


Yang X, 2004. DEM based simulation on solar radiation and temperature and its application in agriculture [D]. Xi’an: Northwest University. (in Chinese)

Yu G P, Zhu H Y, 2009. Status analysis and development countermeasures of rice production in China.Modern Agricultural Science and Technology, (6): 122-126. (in Chinese)

Yuan W P, Xu B, Chen Z Q et al., 2015. Validation of China-wide interpolated daily climate variables from 1960 to 2011.Theoretical & Applied Climatology, 119(3/4): 689-700.Temporally and spatially continuous meteorological variables are increasingly in demand to support many different types of applications related to climate studies. Using measurements from 600 climate...


Zhan L Q, 2009. Study on variability of paddy soil nutrients and evaluation of paddy soil fertility [D]. Chongqing: Southeast University. (in Chinese)

Zhang J Z, Chai Y L, Feng L X et al., 2008. GIS-based study on spatial variability of soil characteristics in north-west plateau of Hebei.Journal of Agricultural University of Hebei, 31(5): 24-28. (in Chinese)By using the technology of geographical information systems(GIS) and geostatistic,the study explored the spatial variability of the soil nutrients of undulant valleys in north-west plateau,and the correlation between topographical factors and soil gravel and nutrients.The results showed that the factors of soil nutrients had significant spatial correlation while the nutrients featured small change.The gravel of 5 mm and 5 2 mm were positively correlated with altitude and the factors of nutrient were negatively correlated with altitude except the available P.The spatial distribution of the granular diameter and the content of soil nutrients were slightly correlated with the slope and aspect.The study aims to provide the theoretical and technological evidence for soil protection and regional vegetation configuration,and to identify the definite correlation between topographical factors and spatial variability of soil.


Zhang J, Yao F, Hao C et al., 2015. Impacts of temperature on rice yields of different rice cultivation systems in southern China over the past 40 years.Physics & Chemistry of the Earth, 87: 153-159. (in Chinese)The impact of climate change on rice yield in China remains highly uncertain. We examined the impact of the change of maximum temperature (Tmax) and minimum temperature (Tmin) on rice yields in southern China from 1967 to 2007. The rice yields were simulated by using the DSSAT3.5 (Decision Support System for Agro-technology Transfer)-Rice model. The change ofTmaxandTminin rice growing seasons and simulated rice yields as well as their correlations were analyzed. The simulated yields of middle rice and early rice had a decreasing trend, but late rice yields showed a weak rise trend. There was significant negative correlation betweenTmaxand the early rice yields, as well as the late rice yields in most stations, but non-significant negative correlation for the middle rice yields. An obviously negative relationship was found betweenTminand the early and middle rice yields, and a significant positive relationship was found betweenTminand the late rice yields. It indicated that under the recent climate warming, the increasedTmaxbrought strong negative impacts on early rice yields and late rice yields, but a weak negative impact on the middle rice yields; the increasedTminhad a strong negative impact on the middle rice yields and the early rice yields, but a significant positive impact on the late rice yields. It suggested that it is necessary to adjust rice planting date and adapt to higherTmin.


Zhang S M, Wang Z M, Zhang B et al., 2010. Prediction of spatial distribution of soil nutrients using terrain attributes and remote sensing data.Transactions of the CSAE, 26(5): 188-194. (in Chinese)The distribution of the soil organic matter and total nitrogen can provide reliable and useful information for sustainable land management and land use planning. In this study, regression Kriging with environmental predictors was used to predict the spatial distribution of soil nutrients (organic matter and total nitrogen) in Nong'an County, Jilin Province, Northeast China, considering the disa...


Zhang S P, Qiao J, Sun X Y et al., 2015. Effects of slope aspect and slope position on spatial distribution of soil nutrients of Paulownia fortunei plantation. Journal of Central South University of Forestry and Technology, (1): 109-116. (in Chinese)The Paulownia fortunei plantations in the hilly region of Xianning city of Hubei province were selected as the Paulownia test base, in order to study the effects of slope aspect and slope position on spatial distribution of soil nutrients of P. fortunei plantations. The spatial distribution differences of soil nutrients in different slopes and slope position of the region were determined, compared and analyzed. The results show that 1 the effects of slope position on spatial distributions of four nutrient indicators all were significant level and above, the effects of slope aspect and position on spatial distributions of soil available P and available K both reached extremely significant levels. 2 By using the standardized data of the above four nutrient indexes within the range of 0~40 cm soils for clustering analysis, the results are divided into three categories,the first category including lower part of southern slope, eastern slope, north slope and western slope; the second category including the middle part and upper part of north slope and eastern slope;the third category including middle part and upper part of southern slope and western slope. 3 Between the three categories, comparing the first category with the second category, the soil organic matter content was 29.02% percent higher than that of the second category, TN content was 28.77% percent higher, effective phosphorus content was 257.37% percent higher, effective potassium content is 23.69% percent higher, therefore the first category can be regarded as the most suitable slope aspect and slope position; comparing the second category with the third category, the soil organic matter content was 7.84% percent higher than that of the second category, TN content was 11.30% percent higher, effective phosphorus content was 76.56% percent less, effective potassium content was 5.59% percent less, so the soil nutrient contents of 2nd category and 3rd category were not as good as that ofthe 1th category as a whole.

Zhang W, Li A N, 2012. Study on the optimal scale for calculating the relief amplitude in china based on DEM.Geography and Geo-Information Science, 28(4): 8-12. (in Chinese)On the base of SRTM and ASTER DEM data,13 experimental areas across China are selected.Through computing the "change point" of average relief amplitude curve with the gradient scale,the optimal calculation scale of relief amplitude in China is acquired.Based on the previous work,the mountain area of every experimental area can be calculated with mountain definition standard.Then,the calculation results are tested by the way of manual interpretation mountain range.The result show that,firstly,relationship exits between the optimal calculation scale of relief amplitude and DEM data,the DEM data scale greater,the optimal calculation scale of relief amplitude greater;secondly,relationship exits between the optimal calculation scale of relief amplitude and landscape;thirdly,for the SRTM and ASTER DEM,selecting 4.72 km2 and 3.20 km2 as the optimal calculation scale of relief amplitude is reasonable and testing accuracy is greater than 90%.The study provides a feasible method and reference for calculating the optimal calculation scale of relief amplitude and determining the range of mountain in China.


Zhou J, Chen Y P, Ruan D Y, 2013. Effect of terrain condition on regional imbalance development of agricultural mechanization.Chinese Rural Economy, (9): 63-77. (in Chinese)

Zhou Q M, Liu X J, 2006. Digital Terrain Analysis. Beijing: Science Press. (in Chinese)

