Research Articles

Agricultural labor changes and agricultural economic development in China and their implications for rural vitalization

  • MA Li , 1, 2 ,
  • LONG Hualou , 1, * ,
  • ZHANG Yingnan 1, 2 ,
  • TU Shuangshuang 1, 3 ,
  • GE Dazhuan 4 ,
  • TU Xiaosong , 1, 5, *
  • 1. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS, Beijing 100101, China
  • 2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
  • 3. Key Laboratory of Environment Change and Resources Use in Beibu Gulf, the Ministry of Education, Guangxi Teachers Education University, Nanning 530001, China
  • 4. College of Rural Vitalization, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023, China
  • 5. School of Tourism & Urban Management, Jiangxi University of Finance & Economics, Nanchang 330013, China
* Corresponding author: Long Hualou, Professor, , E-mail: ; Tu Xiaosong, PhD, , E-mail:

Author: Ma Li (1991-), PhD, specialized in urban-rural development and land use. E-mail: .

Received date: 2018-08-18

  Accepted date: 2018-09-25

  Online published: 2019-02-25

Supported by

Key Program of National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.41731286

The Postdoctoral Science Foundation of China, No.2018M630197


Journal of Geographical Sciences, All Rights Reserved


Based on panel data from 1991, 2000 and 2010 at the county level in China, this study analyzed the coupling characteristics and spatio-temporal patterns of agricultural labor changes and economic development under rapid urbanization using quantitative and GIS spatial analysis methods. Three primary conclusions were obtained. (1) During 1991-2010, China’s agricultural labor at the county level showed a decreasing trend, down 4.91% from 1991 to 2000 and 15.50% from 2000 to 2010. In spatial distribution, agricultural labor force has evolved by decreasing eastward and increasing westward. (2) During 1991-2010, China’s agricultural economy at the county level showed a sustained growth trend, with a total increase of 140.13%, but with clear regional differences. The proportion of agricultural output in national GDP gradually decreased, characterized by decreases in eastern China and increases in western China. (3) The coupling types of economic-labor elasticity coefficient are mainly growth in northwest China, for both the agricultural economy and labor, and are intensive in southeast China, with growth of the agricultural economy and reduction of agricultural labor. Regions with lagged, fading, and declining coupling types are generally coincident with the high incidence of poverty in China. However, different coupling types had a positive developing trend for 1991-2010. Finally, based on the coupling types and spatial distribution characteristics of economic-labor elasticity coefficients, some policy suggestions are proposed to promote the integration of the primary, secondary, and tertiary industries and the vitalization of rural economies.

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MA Li , LONG Hualou , ZHANG Yingnan , TU Shuangshuang , GE Dazhuan , TU Xiaosong . Agricultural labor changes and agricultural economic development in China and their implications for rural vitalization[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2019 , 29(2) : 163 -179 . DOI: 10.1007/s11442-019-1590-5

1 Introduction

Since the reform and opening up, China’s economic development level has been continuously improving, and the per capita disposable income of urban residents increased from 343.4 yuan in 1978 to 33,616 yuan in 2016; the per capita net income of rural residents increased from 133.6 yuan in 1978 to 12,363 yuan in 2016. However, the large gap in urban and rural development and uneven development of the eastern and western regions remain as large problems. Due to mobility, poverty, policy bias, and poor land management, the countryside is being abandoned and villages face challenges, such as labor shortage, economic recession, and weakening of mainstream of rural development (Long, 2014; Liu and Li, 2017; Tu and Long, 2017; Tu et al., 2018). The Report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (2017) highlighted the necessity of implementing a rural vitalization strategy, prioritizing the development of agriculture and rural areas, and addressing the problems related to farmers, agriculture, and rural areas (termed “San Nong Wen Ti” in Chinese) as the top priority of the whole party. Improving the vitality of rural areas, reconstructing the rural economy, and reversing the primitive nature of rural development is an urgent problem (Sato, 2013; Li et al., 2014; Chen et al., 2017).
As the basic industry of the national economy, agriculture bears the function of employment and development of vast peasant population in China. Agricultural development has important practical significance for ensuring food security, alleviating poverty, narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas and building a successful society (Ge et al., 2018a, 2018b; Matos et al., 2018). The transfer of agricultural labor promotes economic growth, improves agricultural production efficiency, completely transforms agricultural production modes, and achieves agricultural transformation (Tan, 2014; Li et al., 2016; Ge et al., 2018a). At present, many empirical studies have investigated the impact of agricultural labor transfer on rural economic development, including the potential and trends (Li et al., 2017a), impacts on rural development and their relationships (Long et al., 2016), and from macroscopic and meso perspectives (Mcarthur and Mccord, 2017; Long et al., 2016; Li et al., 2017b). However, relatively few studies have focused on the coupling relationship between agricultural labor transfer and agricultural economy (Li and Fang, 2018), and analyses focusing on both theoretical and empirical levels are relatively scarce. At present, most current research areas are based on provinces and cities, and there is limited research at the county level although the importance of the county economy in China’s economic development is becoming increasingly prominent (Yu et al., 2018). To address these data deficiencies, this study uses data for 1991, 2000, and 2010 at the county level to analyze the interactions between the agricultural labor force and agricultural economic development in different regions of the country and their spatio-temporal coupling patterns. This work can be used as a reference for coordinating man-land interrelations and promoting industrial structure transformation and rural economic vitalization.

2 The mechanisms driving agricultural labor changes and economic

This study establishes a theoretical framework to characterize the mechanisms driving agricultural labor changes and economic development. We use this framework to explore the regularity and coupling pattern of agricultural labor change and economic development in China to optimize the industrial and employment structure and promote vitalization of rural economies (Figure 1).
Figure 1 The mechanisms driving agricultural labor changes and economic development
(1) Agricultural labor transfer can both facilitate and inhibit agricultural economic development. The transfer of agricultural labor is conducive to farmers accepting more advanced ideas and education, which can improve the quality of labor, popularize agricultural technology, and increase farmers’ income. Wealthier farmers will also increase investments in education and other intellectual resources and improve the overall quality of life; this has a multiply effect that further promotes the development of the agricultural economy (Long et al., 2016). In addition, the transfer of the agricultural labor force facilitates the rational allocation of rural resource elements, optimizing the agricultural production structure, realizing land scale management, improving agricultural productivity, and promoting rural social stability (Li et al., 2017b; Eberhardt and Vollrath, 2018; Long and Qu, 2018). Ultimately, these factors are key in promoting the development of the agricultural economy. Nonetheless, there are some drawbacks to the transfer of the agricultural labor force because the moving population is generally well-educated: the weak labor force remains in the countryside, causing such problems as a rural human resource shortage, capital outflow, difficulty in promoting agricultural technology, and imbalances in population and industrial structure. In addition, the transfer of a more educated labor force inhibits the replacement of agricultural traditional production factors for modern ones, which increases labor costs, creates inefficient use of land and land abandonment, and thus inhibits the development of the agricultural economy (Leng et al., 2018; Ge et al., 2018a).
(2) The development of the agricultural economy results in the absorption and extrusion of the agricultural labor force. As the development of labor-intensive industries has shifted from east to west, the development and expansion of rural industries and new business entities and the division of labor in agriculture and rural areas has become more clear; therefore, promoting employment opportunities has become easier, resulting in a transfer of agricultural labor (Emran and Shilpi, 2018). In addition, in the context of rural infrastructure improvement and strong policy support, there is greater potential for rural development. Capable farmers can actively return to their hometowns for employment and entrepreneurship, and further promote rural industrial development and economic restructuring. However, with the development of the agricultural economy, agricultural mechanization and labor productivity have increased. As a result, a declining demand for agricultural labor promotes the transfer of agricultural labor to non-agricultural industries. In addition, the importance of the industrial sector has been overemphasized for a long time, while the role of the agricultural sector has been ignored. Furthermore, the “scissors difference” between industrial and agricultural products has always existed, accelerating the transfer of agricultural to non-agricultural labor (Long et al., 2010). Some farmers have also chosen to move to the city to seek better development opportunities after their economic conditions have reached a certain level.
(3) Changes in the agricultural labor force and development of agricultural economy are mutually influencing, but external factors also play a role in their trajectories. For example, natural, socio-economic, and policy factors, such as resource endowments, geographic conditions, aging population, new urbanization innovations, agricultural scientific and technological progress, industrial structure adjustments, and major function zoning will have impacts. Generally, good natural resource endowments and geographic location are conducive to the development of a regional agricultural economy and promote the transfer of agricultural labor. However, in areas with relatively poor conditions, the level of agricultural economic development and urbanization are often low. An aging rural population will inhibit the transfer of agricultural labor and the development of agricultural economy. Furthermore, with the acceleration of innovations in urbanization and an increase in urban employment opportunities, the non-agricultural transfer of agricultural labor will continue to increase. Concurrently, the development of agricultural science and technology accompanied by the urbanization process will effectively improve the level of agricultural economic development. The impact of industrial structure adjustment and major function zoning on the development of the agricultural economy varies across different regions. For example, restricted or prohibited development zones focusing on ecological protection will inhibit the development of local agricultural economy. However, key development zones for sustainable development of China’s economy will promote the transfer of agricultural labor to non-agricultural positions and the improvement of the agricultural economy (Fan, 2015).
In summary, under the combined effect of various factors, agricultural labor transfer and economic development have evolved with regional characteristics and taken on special development law.

3 Data sources and research method

3.1 Data sources

The basic geographic data incorporated in this study were obtained from the Resource and Environmental Science Data Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. Statistical data at county level for 1991, 2000, and 2010 were obtained from the China Natural Resources Data Center ( and China County (City) Social and Economic Statistical Yearbook; data include regional GDP, total agricultural output, and agricultural labor populations. In processing the data, missing values for some counties were interpolated using statistical yearbooks for corresponding provinces in corresponding years. In total, 2024 valid statistical units were obtained. To make data for different years comparable, and accurately reflect the true development of the rural economy and eliminate the impact of price changes on analyses, economic data were converted to 1990 equivalent values.

3.2 Research method

3.2.1 The economic-labor elasticity coefficient (ELEC)
Elasticity in economics refers to the sensitivity degree of the change, which is reflected by the change percentage of one variable relative to that of another variable. The magnitude of the elasticity can be measured using elasticity coefficient; this study uses the labor-farmland elasticity coefficient (Liu and Li, 2010), to establish the economic-labor elasticity coefficient (ELEC) to reflect the sensitivity degree of the change in the agricultural labor population relative to the change in the development of the agricultural economy. It is defined as the ratio of the rate of change in agricultural economic development to the rate of change in the agricultural labor population for a given period. A larger absolute value for the elasticity coefficient reflects a higher sensitivity between the changes in the two variables and vice versa. The ELEC is calculated from the following equation:
$ELE{{C}_{mn}}=\frac{EC{{R}_{mn}}}{LC{{R}_{mn}}}=\frac{{({{E}_{mn}}-{{E}_{m0}})}/{{{E}_{m0}}}\;}{{({{L}_{mn}}-{{L}_{m0}})}/{{{L}_{m0}}}\;}$ (1)
where ECRmn and LCRmn represent the rates of change for agricultural economic development level and agricultural labor population for county m in year n, respectively. Similarly, Emn and Lmn refer to the agricultural economic development level and agricultural labor population for county m in year n, respectively; while Em0 and Lm0 refer to the agricultural economic development level and agricultural labor population for county m in the base year.
3.2.2 The coupling relation modes between agricultural labor changes and economic
Based on the analyses of the changes in ELECmn, this study divides the coupling between agricultural labor change and economic development into six types: growth, extensive, intensive, lagged, fading, and declining (Table 1). The specific descriptions are as follows. (1) ECRmn > 0, LCRmn > 0 indicates that the increase in the agricultural labor population has played a positive role in promoting rural economic development. ELECmn >1 indicates that the growth rate for the agricultural economy is higher than that of the agricultural labor population, and characterizes the growth type. 0 < ELECmn < 1 indicates that the growth rate of agricultural economy is lower than that of the agricultural labor population, and characterizes the extensive type. (2) ECRmn > 0, LCRmn < 0 indicates that while the agricultural labor population is decreasing, the level of agricultural economic development is increasing, and the reduction in the agricultural labor population has played a positive role in promoting agricultural economic development, which characterizes the intensive type. (3) ECRmn < 0, LCRmn > 0 indicates that while the agricultural labor population is increasing, the level of agricultural economic development is declining, and the increase in the agricultural labor population has a reversed suppression effect on agricultural economic development, which characterizes the lagged type. (4) ECRmn < 0, LCRmn < 0 indicates that the agricultural labor population has decreased with the level of agricultural economic development. ELECmn > 1 indicates that the decline in agricultural economic development is faster than that of the agricultural labor population, which characterizes the fading type. Finally, 0 < ELECmn < 1 indicates that the decline in agricultural economic development is slower than that of the agricultural labor population, which characterizes the declining type.
Table 1 The coupling relationship types between agricultural labor change and economic development
Type ECRmn LCRmn ELECmn ELEC characteristics
Growth ECRmn > 0 LCRmn > 0 ELECmn > 1 The agricultural economy grows faster than the agricultural labor population
Extensive ECRmn > 0 LCRmn > 0 0 < ELECmn < 1 The agricultural economy grows slower than the agricultural labor population
Intensive ECRmn > 0 LCRmn < 0 ELECmn < 0 The agricultural economy grows, but the agricultural labor population decreases
Lagged ECRmn < 0 LCRmn > 0 ELECmn < 0 The agricultural economy declines, but the agricultural labor population increases
Fading ECRmn < 0 LCRmn < 0 ELECmn > 1 The agricultural economy declines faster than the agricultural labor population
Declining ECRmn < 0 LCRmn < 0 0 < ELECmn < 1 The agricultural labor population declines faster than the agricultural economy
At present, China is best represented by the intensive coupling relationship mode. The continued non-agricultural transfer is conducive to improving man-land interrelations, increasing farmers’ income, and improving agricultural labor productivity, thereby promoting rural economic development. The growth and extensive coupling modes contribute less to rural development than the intensive coupling mode. However, the lagged coupling relation mode will inhibit rural development, and the agricultural labor force remaining in rural areas will affect improvements in agricultural productivity, which is not conducive to the transformation of traditional agriculture and increases in farmers’ income (Inwood, 2017; Zhang et al., 2017). In addition, the fading and declining coupling mode should receive more attention to avoid the problems of rural hollowing (Liu et al., 2010; Long et al., 2012), farmland abandonment (Li and Li, 2017; Shao et al., 2018), and lack of vitality in rural areas due to high-quality labor transfer and capital outflow (Kumwimba et al., 2018).

4 Results

4.1 The spatio-temporal changes in agricultural labor

Generally, for 1991-2010, the agricultural labor population in China gradually decreased. The data analysis shows that the agricultural labor population at the county level both increased or decreased with clear spatial differences (Figure 2).
Figure 2 Spatio-temporal patterns of agricultural labor change at the county level in China for 1991-2010
Between 1991 and 2000, the agricultural labor population in 52.57% of the counties decreased, and decreased at a higher rate over 2000-2010. Counties with decreases in the agricultural labor population accounted for 64.97% of all counties, and 251 counties with reduced agricultural labor were added. The agricultural labor presents an opposite trend, which tends to decrease in the east part and is prone to increase in the western part of China. From 1991 to 2010, 64.72% of the counties had an agricultural labor force with a decreasing trend, and 35.28% counties had an increase in the agricultural labor population, with clear territorial differences. The areas with a decrease in agricultural labor were mainly distributed in southeastern China, including most of the counties in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, southern China, and most counties in southwestern China. The areas with increased agricultural labor were mainly distributed in northwestern and northeastern China, including the Loess Plateau Region, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Gansu-Xinjiang Region, Qinghai-Tibet Region, and northeastern China. Among them, the agricultural labor populations in Qinghai-Tibet and Gansu-Xinjiang regions increased significantly, and there were 33 counties with a more than doubling increase, mainly distributed in Qinghai and Xinjiang.

4.2 Spatio-temporal changes in agricultural economic development

For 1991-2010, the development of the agricultural economy in China’s counties generally continued to increase; only a small number of counties showed a declining trend, and the spatial differences were clear (Figure 3).
Figure 3 Spatio-temporal patterns of agricultural economic growth at the county level in China for 1991-2010
From 1991 to 2000, 1841 counties, or 90.96% of the total number of counties, experienced growth in the agricultural economy; only 9.04% of counties showed a slight decline in the agricultural economy. The regions with reduced agricultural economy were mainly distributed in western Sichuan, southern Tibet and northeastern China. The regions with increased agricultural economy were widely scattered across most of China’s counties; the agricultural economic growth rates of most counties in seven provinces, including Fujian, Henan, and Hebei, were over 60%. The spatial distribution of agricultural economic growth was characteristically fast in northern and southeastern China and lagged in southwestern China. Between 2000 and 2010, 1947 counties in China, or 96.20% of the total counties, experienced growth in their agricultural economy; only 3.80% of the counties showed a decline. In addition, regions with rapid growth in their agricultural economy started to trend westward. Counties on both sides of the Hu Huanyong Line and the Gansu-Xinjiang region became hot spots for rapid growth. Regions with declining agricultural economies were primarily distributed in Tibet; other regions showed a growth trend, but with clear spatial differences in growth. Growth rates of the agricultural economy in the central and western regions were faster than in the southeastern coastal regions. In general, between 1991 and 2010, agricultural economies for 98.57% of the counties showed growth, of which 75.44% increased more than 90%; only 1.43% of the counties had a downward trend in their agricultural economic development and most were located in southwestern Tibet.

4.3 ELEC coupling characteristics

4.3.1 ELEC spatio-temporal patterns
Based on formula (1) and the classification criteria for coupling relation types between agricultural labor change and economic development (Table 1), the changes in ELEC and the corresponding coupling types at the county level in China for 1991-2010 were obtained (Table 2). According to the two types of agricultural economic growth and reduction zones, the coupling relationships between agricultural labor changes and agricultural economic development at the county level in China were further analyzed (Figures 4-6).
Table 2 Changes in the ELEC and corresponding coupling types at the county level in China for 1991-2010
ECR Coupling type LCR ELEC 1991-2000 2000-2010 1991-2010
ECR > 0 Growth LCR > 0 ELEC > 1 701 (34.63%) 607 (29.99%) 669 (33.05%)
Extensive LCR > 0 0 < ELEC < 1 160 (7.91%) 83 (4.1%) 34 (1.68%)
Intensive LCR < 0 ELEC < 0 980 (48.42%) 1257 (62.1%) 1292 (63.83%)
ECR < 0 Lagged LCR > 0 ELEC < 0 99 (4.89%) 18 (0.89%) 9 (0.44%)
Fading LCR < 0 ELEC > 1 23 (1.14%) 22 (1.09%) 8 (0.4%)
Declining LCR < 0 0 < ELEC < 1 61 (3.01%) 37 (1.83%) 12 (0.59%)

Note: Data outside the parentheses refers to the number of counties belonging to a certain type; data inside the parentheses refers to the proportion of counties belonging to a certain type relative to the total number of counties.

Several observations were made from Figure 4. First, in counties with increases in the agricultural economy, 701 counties had agricultural economies with faster growth than the increase in the agricultural labor population (LCR > 0, ELEC > 1), i.e., the growth type, mainly distributed in Yunnan, Xinjiang, Qinghai, and Inner Mongolia. Agricultural economic growth rates were smaller than that of the agricultural labor population (LCR > 0, 0 < ELEC < 1), i.e., the extensive type, in 160 counties primarily distributed in the western part of Sichuan Basin, Qinghai, Tibet, Jiangxi, Henan, Heilongjiang, and some counties in southern Xinjiang. There were 980 counties showed agricultural economic growth but decreases in the agricultural labor population (LCR < 0, ELEC < 0), i.e., the intensive type, mainly distributed in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, South China, Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River Delta, and Huang-Huai-Hai Plain. Second, in the counties with decreases in the agricultural economy, 99 counties showed growth in agricultural labor and a decrease in agricultural economic growth (LCR > 0, ELEC < 0), i.e., the lagged type, mainly distributed in counties in the western Sichuan Basin, Tibet, Xinjiang, Qinghai, Shanxi, Hebei, Liaoning, and Heilongjiang. The agricultural economy declined faster than the agricultural labor population (LCR < 0, ELEC > 1), i.e., the fading type, in 23 counties mainly distributed on both sides of the Hu Huanyong Line. The agricultural economy declined slower than the agricultural labor population decreased (LCR < 0, 0 < ELEC < 1), i.e., the declining type, in 61 counties mainly distributed in Hubei and Chongqing.
Figure 4 ELEC spatio-temporal patterns at the county level in China for 1991-2000 (a. ECR>0; b. ECR<0)
Several observations can be clearly reflected from Figure 5. First, in the counties with an increase in agricultural economy, 607 counties had faster agricultural economic growth than the increase in the agricultural labor population (LCR > 0, ELEC > 1), i.e., the growth type, mainly distributed in Sichuan, Gansu-Xinjiang, Qinghai-Tibet, Inner Mongolia, and northeastern regions. In comparison, 83 counties had slower agricultural economic growth rates than that of the agricultural labor population (LCR > 0, 0 < ELEC < 1), i.e., the extensive type, distributed in the Qinghai-Tibet and Gansu-Xinjiang regions and the Pearl River Delta. Growth of agricultural economy with a decrease in the agricultural labor population (LCR < 0, ELEC < 0), i.e., the intensive type, occurred in 1257 counties mainly distributed in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Sichuan-Chongqing, Inner Mongolia, and parts of the Loess Plateau. Second, in the counties with declining agricultural economies, 18 counties showed growth in the agricultural labor and a decrease in agricultural economic growth (LCR > 0, ELEC < 0), i.e., the lagged type, mainly distributed in Tibet, Xinjiang, and the southeastern coastal areas. The agricultural economy declined faster than the agricultural labor population (LCR < 0, ELEC > 1), i.e., the fading type, in 22 counties mainly distributed in Tibet. The agricultural economy declined slower than the agricultural labor population decreased (LCR < 0, 0 < ELEC < 1), i.e., the declining type, in 37 counties mainly scattered in Tibet and Inner Mongolia.
Figure 5 ELEC spatio-temporal pattern at the county level in China for 2000-2010
From Figure 6, during 1991-2010, growth and intensive type coupling mode counties accounted for 96.88% of the total, and declining and fading type coupling mode counties decreased from 84 during 1991-2000 to 20 during 1991-2010, indicating a general positive development trend. First, in counties with improvements in the agricultural economy, 669 counties showed faster agricultural economic growth than the increase in agricultural labor population (LCR > 0, ELEC > 1), i.e., the growth type, mainly distributed in western Sichuan, Gansu-Xinjiang, Qinghai-Tibet, Inner Mongolia, and northeastern China regions. Agricultural economic growth rates were slower than that of the agricultural labor population (LCR > 0, 0 < ELEC < 1), i.e., the extensive type, in 34 counties mainly distributed in western Sichuan, Qinghai-Tibet, Xinjiang, and Heilongjiang; their grouping shows obvious regional agglomeration characteristics. Growth in the agricultural economy and declines in the agricultural labor population (LCR < 0, ELEC < 0), i.e., the intensive type, was observed in 1292 counties mainly distributed in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, Yangtze River Delta, middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Sichuan-Chongqing, and parts of the Loess Plateau. Second, during this period, only 29 counties showed a declining agricultural economy; 9, 8, and 12 counties respectively belonged to the lagged type (LCR > 0, ELEC < 0), fading type (LCR < 0, ELEC > 1), and declining type (LCR < 0, 0 < ELEC < 1) concentrated in Tibet.
Figure 6 ELEC spatio-temporal patterns at the county level in China for 1991-2010
4.3.2 The transformation characteristics of the coupling types between agricultural labor changes and economic development
During 1991-2000, the ELEC types within counties changed from each other (Table 3). During the split periods of 1991-2000 and 2000-2010, intensive counties showed a net increase of 13.69%, while other types all decreased. The percentage of counties transformed from growth, extensive, lagged, fading, and declining types to intensive type accounted for 19.12%, 5.58%, 2.96%, 0.94%, and 2.27% of the total counties, respectively (Table 3). In addition, 12.25% of the counties changed from intensive type during 1991-2000 to growth type during 2000-2010, respectively, and a small number of other counties showed coupling type changes. Counties with changes from growth to intensive type were mainly distributed in Yunnan, Guizhou, Inner Mongolia, and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Counties with changes from intensive to growth type were relatively scattered, mainly distributed in Tibet, Gansu-Xinjiang, and northeastern regions. Over the past two decades, the counties remaining as intensive type were mainly distributed in the popular economic development areas in China, such as the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, Sichuan-Chongqing, and Loess Plateau.
Table 3 The transfer matrix of the ELEC types at the county level in China for 1991-2010 (%)
2000-2010 (T2) P1 Decrease
Growth Extensive Intensive Lagged Fading Declining
1991-2000 (T1)
Growth 13.59 0.64 19.12 0.25 0.40 0.64 34.63 21.05
Extensive 1.88 0.20 5.58 0.05 0.10 0.10 7.91 7.71
Intensive 12.15 3.01 31.23 0.44 0.54 1.04 48.42 17.19
Lagged 1.63 0.10 2.96 0.1 0.00 0.05 4.89 4.74
Fading 0.15 0.05 0.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.14 1.14
Declining 0.59 0.10 2.27 0.00 0.05 0.00 3.01 3.01
P2 29.99 4.10 62.10 0.89 1.09 1.83 100
Increase 16.40 3.90 30.88 0.74 1.09 1.83

Note: The number in the transfer matrix indicates that the proportion of counties transformed from one coupling type to the other in the total counties belonging to the former type.

Under the combined action of internal and external driving forces, the ELEC types in each county have changed, generally showing positive trends. With improvements in agricultural science and technology, the support of agricultural policy, accelerated urbanization, and an increase in non-agricultural employment, the productivity of agricultural labor in most counties has increased, which has promoted the transfer of agricultural to non-agricultural labor. However, the transfer of agricultural labor is conducive to the rational allocation of agricultural resources, optimizing the structure of agricultural production, realizing the scale of land management, which has promoted agricultural economic growth. Furthermore, the development of the agricultural economy and increase in agricultural labor productivity will further promote the transfer of agricultural to non-agricultural labor.
For example, most counties in Inner Mongolia changed from the growth type from 1991-2000 to the intensive type in 2000-2010. Recently, agricultural technology innovations, popularization, and application combined with the support of related agricultural policies, the agricultural economy in Inner Mongolia has risen continuously. In the first period, the non-agricultural transfer of agricultural labor was unclear because of the poor development of agricultural modernization and the relatively few non-agricultural employment positions. Therefore, in this stage, the ELEC coupling mode is characterized as the growth type due to fast growth of agricultural economy compared to the relatively slow growth in the agricultural labor population. In the second period, the grassland dairy industry has developed and was increasingly popular, which promoted the modernization process of the agriculture and animal husbandry industries; the longer agricultural-industrial chain was beneficial to the transfer of agricultural labor. In addition, the rapid development of the real estate industry after 2000 sped up the development of the construction and service industries, which play an important role in absorbing the rural surplus labor force (Rong et al., 2014). This stage is characterized as intensive, with increases in agricultural economy and decreases in agricultural labor population.

5 ELEC coupling characteristics and implications for rural vitalization

According to the ELEC coupling types and spatial distribution characteristics, this study proposes several policy recommendations for rural vitalization through the optimized reconstruction of the rural population, industry, and economy as follows and in Table 4.
Table 4 ELEC coupling characteristics and rural vitalization paths
Type of economic
Coupling type Spatial distribution Basic feature Vitalization path
Agricultural economic growth area Growth Mainly distributed in western Sichuan, Qinghai-Tibet, Xinjiang, Gansu, most of Inner Mongolia, and northeast China Physical and geographical location conditions are relatively poor;
lacking substantial progress in industrial adjustment;
heavily dependent on resources
Accelerating transformation of the industrial structure;
moderately guiding land scale management;
actively cultivating new management types;
strengthening the construction of rural professional talent
Extensive Mainly distributed in western Sichuan, Qinghai-Tibet, Xinjiang, and some counties in Heilongjiang Physical and geographical location conditions are relatively poor;
deep poverty;
unclear industrial development orientation
Strengthening policy guidance and support; determining regional functions and highlighting comparative advantages;
cultivating new types of rural industries; encouraging diversified economy
Intensive Mainly distributed in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, parts of Sichuan and Chongqing and the Loess Plateau Rapid economic development, high levels of urbanization and agricultural modernization;
core areas for economic growth and high population density
Improving the quality of agricultural development;
constructing special towns;
promoting the integrated development of rural industries;
strengthening grassroots governance and institutional innovation
Agricultural economic decline area Lagged Centrally distributed on the edge of the Tibet Autonomous Region Poor physical and geographical location, infertile soil unfavorable for agricultural production;
deep poverty;
backward ideas, low labor quality and poor labor skills
Reinforcing infrastructure construction and capital investment; cultivating new agricultural management types;
emphasizing rural education; attracting talent to return and restructure their hometowns
(1) Counties characterized as growth type are mainly distributed in western Sichuan, Qinghai-Tibet, Gansu-Xinjiang, most of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and northeast China. These regions are mostly located in northwest China, and the natural and geographical location conditions are relatively primitive. Recently, with improvements in agricultural technology and the support of agricultural policy, agricultural economic growth has been obvious, but heavily dependent on resources due to the slow transformation of the industrial structure (Guan and Xu, 2015). Furthermore, slower urbanization has maintained a low demand for agricultural to non-agricultural labor transfer. In addition, these regions are mostly the gathering place of minority nationalities, so the farmers have poor education and skills, which makes it more difficult for them to qualify for jobs with higher technical requirements. Therefore, although the agricultural economy has increased in such areas, the transfer of agricultural to non-agricultural labor is not notable. The rural vitalization of this type of region may be achieved through the following measures. First, the government needs to accelerate the transformation of industrial structure in these regions, provide a moderating hand to guide the scale management of the land, and actively cultivate new management entities. Second, it is necessary to strengthen the construction of rural professional talents, such as developing farmers’ self-employment and employment professional skills training. Stimulating the rural endogenous development motivation is expected to promote the transfer of agricultural labor to non-agricultural industries.
(2) Counties characterized as the extensive type are mainly concentrated in western Sichuan, Qinghai-Tibet, Xinjiang, and Heilongjiang. There are few of these counties and they are generally located in the marginal areas of various provinces (autonomous regions); the physical environment and geographical location conditions are poor, with extreme poverty, and the orientation of industrial development is not clear, so the agricultural economic development is slower than that of the growth type counties. Rural vitalization in these regions may be achieved through the following measures. First, policy guidance and support and employment skills training for poor people should be strengthened. Second, it is important to determine regional functions and highlight the comparative advantages for future development. Additional measures include actively cultivating new-type rural industries, supporting and encouraging farmers to pursue a diversified economy, and promoting the combination of smallholder management with modern agriculture.
(3) Counties characterized as the intensive type are mainly distributed in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, parts of Sichuan and Chongqing, and the Loess Plateau. These are the core areas of China’s economic growth, with high population density, rapid socio-economic development, high levels of urbanization and agricultural modernization, and tremendous changes in population and industrial structure, which create favorable conditions for agricultural economic growth and agricultural labor transfer (Ning et al., 2018). The rural vitalization in these regions may be achieved through the following measures. First, continuous favorable external conditions for urbanization and industrialization should be maintained while also improving the quality of agricultural development based on scientific and technological innovations. Second, constructing special towns in the areas with suitable conditions will be important because it also provides attention to inheriting and carrying forward the traditional culture of the country (Long et al., 2018). Third, it is necessary to stimulate the endogenous development in the countryside and promote the integration of rural primary, secondary, and tertiary industries. Additional attention should be given to the development of rural and environmental tourism, strengthening grassroots governance and institutional innovation, and providing typical development experiences and modes for other relatively primitive rural areas.
(4) Counties characterized as the lagged, fading, and declining types are relatively few. These counties are mainly concentrated on the edge of the Tibet Autonomous Region, a plateau area. Due to the harsh natural conditions, primitive peasant ideas, low quality of the labor force, and high poverty in this region has slowed the transfer of the surplus labor force in the countryside. The rural vitalization of this type of region may be achieved through the following measures. First, reinforcing the infrastructure construction and capital investment in poverty-stricken areas would reduce the incidence of poverty. Second, the government needs to actively cultivate new agricultural management types and conduct training on peasant employment skills to guide the agricultural to non-agricultural labor transfer. In addition, additional attentions should be given to rural education, attracting talents to return and restructure their hometowns (Long et al., 2016) and avoid problems such as land abandonment and rural decline (Fuglie, 2018).

6 Discussion and conclusions

6.1 Discussion

By selecting the statistical data in 1991, 2000 and 2010, this study explored the coupling relationships between agricultural labor changes and economic development and their spatio-temporal patterns to provide a reference for the development of rural economies and the coordination of man-land interrelations in China. Compared with previous studies, this study established a theoretical framework for the interaction between agricultural labor changes and economic development, and further defined and expounded on the connotation and extension of ELEC coupling types, which should enrich the theoretical research into rural transformation development. The transfer of agricultural labor can promote the harmonious development of man-land interrelations. However, due to the urban-rural dual household registration, land, education, and medical systems and other institutional obstacles (Tu and Long, 2017), more farmers choose the concurrent production mode (Zhang et al., 2018), which reduces agricultural labor productivity and hinders the process of agricultural modernization and transformation of the industrial structure. Mechanisms for protecting the rights and interests of farmers, stabilizing and improving the agricultural management system in agreement with China’s basic conditions, and promoting regional economic development and coordinating man-land interrelations will be an important topic for further research.
China has a vast territorial area, significant regional differences, and diverse types of socio-economic development. The impact of agricultural labor transfer on the development of the agricultural economy is also characterized by regional differences, which are influenced by many factors, including natural resources, geographic location, and socio-economic development level, as well as some subjective factors, such as farmers’ personal preferences and value orientation. The coupling mode for different agricultural labor changes and economic development constitutes the type of ELEC combination in China’s counties. We need to address the various coupling modes, objectively analyze their advantages and disadvantages, and plan for rural vitalization.

6.2 Conclusions

The study results provide several important conclusions:
(1) The agricultural labor population showed a decreasing trend and the agricultural labor change rates for 1991-2000, 2000-2010, and 1991-2010 decreased at 4.91%, 15.50%, and 19.65%, respectively. The change in the agricultural labor population evolved spatially following an east reduction and west increase pattern. The transfer of agricultural labor is conducive to alleviating the pressure on man-land interrelations, promoting land management, and transforming the agricultural industrial structure, raising the income level of farmers, and causing the rural economy to flourish.
(2) During 1991-2010, China’s agricultural economy at the county level showed a continuous growth trend, with a total increase of 140.13%. During the periods of 1991-2000 and 2000-2010, the agricultural economic growth rate was 43.06% and 67.85%, respectively. In the former period, the agricultural economic growth rate in the eastern region was faster than that in central and western China. In the latter period, the agricultural economic growth rate in central and western regions was faster than that in eastern China. Regional differences were significant. With a developing socio-economy and accelerating industrialization and urbanization, the proportion of agricultural output value in the GDP gradually decreased, from 24.53% in 1991 to 10.1% in 2010.
(3) The ELEC coupling types are diverse and showed clear regional differences. The two major types, growth and intensive, were distributed in the northwestern and southeastern regions of China, respectively. Growth type counties decreased from 701 in 1991-2000 to 607 in 2000-2010. However, intensive type counties increased from 980 in 1991-2000 to 1257 in 2000-2010. Concurrently, the number of extensive type counties also decreased and were concentrated in some counties in Xinjiang, Tibet, and Qinghai. Areas characterized as lagged, fading, and declining types were also regions with high incidence of poverty in China, which need more attention and assistance.
(4) For 1991-2010, the ELEC types in various counties changed, showing healthy development trends. According to the coupling types and spatial distribution characteristics of agricultural labor changes and economic development, some countermeasures are proposed forward to promote rural vitalization. These suggestions include promoting new types of town construction, activating rural development factors, cultivating new management types, accelerating industrial restructuring, strengthening policy support, and attaching importance to talents and education. Relying on these measures is expected to promote the integration and development of rural primary, secondary, and tertiary industries, and subsequently vitalize rural China.

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Chen M, Long H, Wang C et al., 2017. Review of and prospects for China’s human and economic geography. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 27(12): 1556-1576.


Eberhardt M, Vollrath D, 2018. The effect of agricultural technology on the speed of development.World Development, 109: 483-496.We examine heterogeneity in the elasticity of agricultural output with respect to labor. Employing panel data from 128 countries over a forty year period we find distinct heterogeneity in the elasticity of agricultural output with respect to labor. This elasticity is lowest in countries with temperate and/or cold climate regions, and higher in countries including tropical or highland regions. This agricultural parameter determines the speed of structural change following changes in agricultural productivity or population. Calibration shows shifts in labor allocations and welfare will be 2 3 times larger in temperate regions than in tropical or highland regions.


Emran S, Shilpi F, 2018. Agricultural productivity, hired labor, wages, and poverty: Evidence from Bangladesh.World Development, 109: 470-482.The rice yield and real agricultural wage in Bangladesh increased by 3.8% and 2.1% per annum respectively from 2000 to 2010. Over the same period, the share of hired labor in agriculture decreased from 19.4% to 15.5%. A focus of this paper is to understand if the observed changes in wages and hired labor are in part due to agricultural productivity growth as reflected in increasing rice yield. To estimate the effects of agricultural productivity, we take advantage of an Upazila (subdistrict)-level panel data set from Bangladesh and exploit variations in rainfall across Upazilas and over time. We find that a positive rainfall shock has a significant positive effect on crop yields, wages, per capita household expenditure and labor supplied to market activities (including own farming). The effect on hired labor is, in contrast, negative and statistically significant. In a standard neoclassical model, higher agricultural productivity affects wages and hired labor through labor demand; a rightward (leftward) shift increases (reduces) both wages and the amount of hired labor. The finding of a negative hired labor response to agricultural productivity growth with a higher wage thus appears puzzling. We develop a model where heterogeneity in labor supply response due to differences in productivity in home goods production can lead to a decline in hired labor when agricultural productivity increases, even though the equilibrium wage increases. Since the poor in rural areas depend disproportionately on wage labor, a decline in hired labor may be interpreted by some as evidence of adverse effects on poverty and inequality. The theoretical analysis, however, shows that the poor benefit from agricultural productivity growth even when the labor supply responses result in a decline in hired labor.


Fan J, 2015. Draft of major function oriented zoning of China.Acta Geographica Sinica, 70(2): 186-201. (in Chinese)

Fuglie K, 2018. Is agricultural productivity slowing?Global Food Security-Agriculture Policy Economics and Environment, 17: 73-83.

Ge D, Long H, Zhang Y et al., 2018a. Analysis of the coupled relationship between grain yields and agricultural labor changes in China.Journal of Geographical Sciences, 28(1): 93-108.In this paper we establish a model that expresses the coupled relationship between grain yield and agricultural labor changes in China, and present a preliminary discussion of the coupled processes involved in changes in these factors at the county level. Thus, we develop two coefficients on the basis of county-level statistical data for grain yield and agri- cultural labor for the years 1991,2000, and 2010, namely, the grain-labor elasticity coefficient (GLEC) and the agricultural labor-transfer effect coefficient (ALTEC). The results of this study show that during the transformation process of agricultural development in China, different kinds of coupled relationships between grain yield and agricultural labor changes co-existed at the same time. For example, between 1991 and 2010, counties characterized by three different coupled modes (i.e., increasing grain yield and decreasing agricultural labor, in- creasing grain yield and agricultural labor, and decreasing grain yield and agricultural labor) account for 48.85%, 29.11%, and 19.74% of the total across the study area, respectively. Interestingly, a coupled relationship between increasing grain yield and decreasing agricul- tural labor is mainly concentrated in the traditional farming areas of China, while a coupled relationship between increasing grain yield and agricultural labor is primarily concentrated in pastoral areas and agro-pastoral ecotones in underdeveloped western China. At the same time, a coupled relationship between decreasing grain yield and agricultural labor is concen- trated in areas that have experienced a rapid development transition in agriculture, especially the developed southeastern coast of China. The results of this study also show that between 1991 and 2010, 1961 counties experienced a decline in the proportion of agricultural labor; of these, 1452 are also characterized by increasing grain yield, 72.38% of the total. This coupled relationship between grain yield and changes in the proportion of agricultural labor sho


Ge D, Long H, Zhang Y et al., 2018b. Farmland transition and its influences on grain production in China.Land Use Policy, 70: 94-105.


Guan W, Xu S, 2015. Spatial energy efficiency patterns and the coupling relationship with industrial structure: A study on Liaoning Province, China.Journal of Geographical Sciences, 25(3): 355-368.Using a sample of 14 prefecture-level cities in Liaoning Province, this study first explored the spatial hierarchy and structural characteristics of energy efficiency from the following three viewpoints: energy technical efficiency based on data envelopment analysis, energy consumption per unit of GDP, and energy utilization efficiency combining the previous two indexes. After measuring and analyzing the advancement, rationality, and concentration of the industrial structure in each city, we made some generalizations about the coupling features of the energy efficiency and industrial structure in Liaoning, using the coupling degree rating model. Some of our conclusions are as follows:(1) The 14 cities differ significantly in their energy efficiency, with Shenyang, Dalian, Anshan, and Jinzhou enjoying the highest energy efficiency. Northwestern Liaoning and other heavy-industrial cities such as Fushun and Benxi belong to low-efficiency and high-consumption areas.(2) In areas with higher efficiency, the spatial patterns of the energy technical efficiency, energy consumption per unit of GDP, and energy utilization efficiency are, respectively, " ? "-, " "- and "H"- shaped. Geographically, the energy utilization efficiency shows different trends from east to west and from north to south. Factors such as the binuclear structure of economic development have a major effect on this spatial pattern of energy efficiency.(3) Southeastern Liaoning enjoys a highly advanced industrial structure. Areas with a highly rational industrial structure form an "H" shape, with Shenyang and Dalian at the two poles. The urban agglomerations in middle and southern Liaoning have a highly concentrated industrial structure.(4) Overall, the coupling between energy efficiency and industrial structure is low in Liaoning, except for Shenyang and Dalian at both ends, where the coupling between an advanced industrial structure and energy efficiency is higher than in other cities.


Inwood S, 2017. Agriculture, health insurance, human capital and economic development at the rural-urban-interface.Journal of Rural Studies, 54: 1-14.


Kumwimba M, Meng F, Iseyemi O et al.Iseyemi O , 2018. Removal of non-point source pollutants from domestic sewage and agricultural runoff by vegetated drainage ditches (VDDs): Design, mechanism, management strategies, and future directions.Science of the Total Environment, 639: 742-759.Domestic wastewater and agricultural runoff are increasingly viewed as major threats to both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems due to the introduction of non-point source inorganic (e.g., nitrogen, phosphorus and metals) and organic (e.g., pesticides and pharmaceutical residues) pollutants. With rapid economic growth and social change in rural regions, it is important to examine the treatment systems in rural and remote areas for high efficiency, low running costs, and minimal maintenance in order to minimize its influence on water bodies and biodiversity. Recently, the use of vegetated drainage ditches (VDDs) has been employed in treatment of domestic sewage and agricultural runoff, but information on the performance of VDDs for treating these pollutants with various new management practices is still not sufficiently summarized. This paper aims to outline and review current knowledge related to the use of VDDs in mitigating these pollutants from domestic sewage and agricultural runoff. Literature analysis has suggested that further research should be carried out to improve ditch characteristics and management strategies inside ditches in order to ensure their effectiveness. Firstly, the reported major ditch characteristics with the most effect on pollutant removal processes (e.g., plant species, weirs, biofilms, and substrates selection) were summarized. The second focus concerns the function of ditch characteristics in VDDs for pollutant removal and identification of possible removal mechanisms involved. Thirdly, we examined factors to consider for establishing appropriate management strategies within ditches and how these could influence the whole ditch design process. The current review promotes areas where future research is needed and highlights clear and sufficient evidence regarding performance and application of this overlooked ditch system to reduce pollutants.


Leng K, Bi Y, Jing L et al., 2018. Research on agricultural supply chain system with double chain architecture based on blockchain technology.Future Generation Computer Systems-The International Journal of Science, 86: 641-649.As an underlying support technology, blockchain is a shared ledger system and a computational paradigm, which is decentralized, and it is highly compatible with the distributed economic system. The distributed scheduling model of agricultural business resources based on the public service platform is a comprehensive solution to the current situation of agricultural industry which is cattered, small, disorderly and weak , and plays an important role in integrating decentralized resource and making on-demand scheduling. Aiming at some key problems in the current Chinese public service platform, this paper proposes a public blockchain of agricultural supply chain system based on double chain architecture, mainly studying the dual chain structure and its storage mode, resource rent-seeking and matching mechanism and consensus algorithm. The results show that the chain of agricultural supply chain based on double chain structure can take into account the openness and security of transaction information and the privacy of enterprise information, can self-adaptively complete rent-seeking and matching of resources, and greatly enhance the credibility of the public service platform and the overall efficiency of the system.


Li G, Fang C, 2018. Spatial econometric analysis of urban and county-level economic growth convergence in China.International Regional Science Review, 41(4): 410-447.


Li S, Li X, 2017. Global understanding of farmland abandonment: A review and prospects.Journal of Geographical Sciences, 27(9): 1123-1150.Since the 1950s, noteworthy farmland abandonment has been occurring in many developed countries and some developing countries. This global land use phenomenon has fundamentally altered extensive rural landscapes. A review of global farmland abandonment under the headings of “land use change–driving mechanisms–impacts and consequences–policy responses” found the following: (1) Farmland abandonment has occurred primarily in developed countries in Europe and North America, but the extent of abandonment has varied significantly. (2) Changing socio-economic factors were the primary driving forces for the farmland abandonment. And land marginalization was the fundamental cause, which was due to the drastic increase of farming opportunity cost, while the direct factor for abandonment was the shrink of agricultural labor forces. (3) Whether to abandon, to what extent and its spatial distributions were finally dependent on integrated effect from the physical conditions, laborer attributes, farming and regional socio-economic conditions at the village, household and parcel scales. With the exception of Eastern Europe, farmland abandonment was more likely to occur in mountainous and hilly areas, due to their unfavorable farming conditions. (4) A study of farmland abandonment should focus on its ecological and environmental effects, while which is more positive or more negative are still in dispute. (5) Increasing agricultural subsidies will be conductive to slowing the rate of farmland abandonment, but this is not the only measure that needs to be implemented.Due to China’s rapid urbanization, there is a high probability that the rate of abandonment will increase in the near future. However, very little research has focused on this rapid land-use trend in China, and, as a result, there is an inadequate understanding of the dynamic mechanisms and consequences of this phenomenon. This paper concludes by suggesting some future directions for further research in China. These directions include monitoring regional and national abandonment dynamics, analyzing trends, assessing the risks and socio-economic effects of farmland abandonment, and informing policy making.


Li S, Sun Z, Tan M et al., 2016. Effects of rural-urban migration on vegetation greenness in fragile areas: A case study of Inner Mongolia in China.Journal of Geographical Sciences, 26(3): 313-324.Different government departments and researchers have paid considerable attention at various levels to improving the eco-environment in ecologically fragile areas. Over the past decade, large numbers of people have emigrated from rural areas as a result of the rapid urbanization in Chinese society. The question then remains: to what extent does this migration affect the regional vegetation greenness in the areas that people have moved from Based on normalized difference vegetation index(NDVI) data with a resolution of 1 km, as well as meteorological data and socio-economic data from 2000 to 2010 in Inner Mongolia, the spatio-temporal variation of vegetation greenness in the study area was analyzed via trend analysis and significance test methods. The contributions of human activities and natural factors to the variation of vegetation conditions during this period were also quantitatively tested and verified, using a multi-regression analysis method. We found that:(1) the vegetation greenness of the study area increased by 10.1% during 2000鈥2010. More than 28% of the vegetation greenness increased significantly, and only about 2% decreased evidently during the study period.(2) The area with significant degradation showed a banded distribution at the northern edge of the agro-pastoral ecotone in central Inner Mongolia. This indicates that the eco-environment is still fragile in this area, which should be paid close attention. The area where vegetation greenness significantly improved showed a concentrated distribution in the southeast and west of Inner Mongolia.(3) The effect of agricultural labor on vegetation greenness exceeded those due to natural factors(i.e. precipitation and temperature). The emigration of agricultural labor improved the regional vegetation greenness significantly.


Li T, Long H, Zhang Y et al., 2017b. Analysis of the spatial mismatch of grain production and farmland resources in China based on the potential crop rotation system. Land Use Policy, 60: 26-36.At present, China’s grain production pattern runs counter to the distribution patterns of farmland resources and water-heat conditions. It is urgently important to conduct research on the spatial matching of grain production and farmland resources. Based on the Potential Crop Rotation data, with regards to the situations of irrigation and rain feeding, this paper builds a measuring model of potential farmland, and separately measures the spatial matching index of grain yield with actual and potential farmland resources, thus revealing China’s grain production pattern. The results indicate that serious spatial mismatch exists between grain production and farmland resources in China. Take the potential crop rotation system into consideration, the spatial mismatch of grain yield and potential farmland resources has been aggravated by the grain production barycenter’s shift to the north China, with low Crop Rotation Index. The function-promoting regions of grain production in China are going through two evolution patterns of “northward and southward expansion” and “westward movement and northward expansion,” respectively. Inefficient use of farmland mainly occurs in the fragile ecological environments, such as the farming-pastoral ecotone of Northern China, the northwest area of Xinjiang and the southwest karst landform areas. The inefficient use of and the decreasing amount of available farmland have become the main causes of the decline in grain production. The problems facing Chinese agriculture caused by the spatial mismatch include the imbalance in regional structures, ecological risks, agricultural production risks, and the risk of food price. In order to cope with these problems, this paper provides some advices on protecting farmland acreage, expanding farmland potential, ensuring the safety of water resources, and extending the industrial grain chain. Our paper additionally proposes policy reforms and innovations designed to ensure the implementation of the above measures, so as to commonly defuse China’s food security crisis.


Li X, Yang Y, Liu Y, 2017a. Research progress in man-land relationship evolution and its resource-environment base in China.Journal of Geographical Sciences, 27(8): 899-924.Man-land relationship research,as the core of geographical research,runs through each development stage of Geography.Based on extensive literature review,this paper systematically generalizes the connotations,research development and contents of man-land relationship in China.(1) It explores the connotations and evolvement rules of man-land relationship in different social development stages in China,and finds that the core role of man-land relationship in geographical research has been strengthened continuously.Changing with times,its connotations have been considerably enriched by sustainable development and other notions,and so does its theoretical system.(2) It applies the bibliometric method to sketch out the basic research status of man-land relationship in China.Specifically,it quantitatively identifies the funding sources,major research teams and journals for publication.It finds that the funding sources show a diversification trend with national funding being the primary source of research grants.The most competitive research teams are mainly concentrated in the Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and normal universities.Journals sponsored by The Geographical Society of China are most influential in publishing man-land relationship research.(3) As resources and environment are the fundamental carriers of man-land relationship,this study focuses further on the research on resource-environmental base of man-land relationship,and finds that the resource-environmental base research in China has gone through an evolution process from single factor perspective research to comprehensive multiple perspective research gradually.Research themes have also experienced similar changes from land,water,energy minerals or other single factor research to comprehensive factor research of resources and environment.Empirical study on national and regional development strategies is the feature of man-land relationship in China.More emphasis should be put on considering and following the changes in features of "man" and "land" and research on the impacts of new factors on man-land relationship in a developing and dynamic manner in the future.Particularly,we should pay more attention to research on the impacts of spatio-temporal changes in resource-environment absolute location on modes of man-land interaction,and to strengthening interdisciplinary research and systematic research on comprehensive techniques so as to advance the development of application of man-land relationship theories and practices.


Li Y, Wang J, Liu Y et al., 2014. Problem regions and regional problems of socioeconomic development in China: A perspective from the coordinated development of industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization.Journal of Geographical Sciences, 24(6): 1115-1130.Identifying the problem regions and regional problems, and thus improving regional policies, are crucial for the sustainable development of various economic entities. The coordinated development of industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization (hereinafter referred to as "Sihua") is not only a practical need but an important strategic direction of integrating urban-rural development and regional development in recent China, and it also provides a significant perspective for identifying problem regions and regional problems so as to improve the regional policies. This study mainly aims to: firstly, establish a comprehensive evaluation index system so as to explore the spatial pattern of coordinated development of Sihua in China at prefecture level; secondly, to develop an evaluation criteria system to identify the problem regions and regional problems from the perspective of coordinated development of Sihua. This paper comes first in the scientific community to evaluate the coordinated development state of Sihua in China at prefecture level and identify the problem regions and regional problems from the perspective of Sihua development by quantitative analysis. This study may benefit the improvement of regional policies and thus contribute to the sustainable socio-economic development of China.


Liu Y, Li Y, 2010. Spatio-temporal coupling relationship between farmland and agricultural labor changes at county level in China.Acta Geographica Sinica, 65(12): 1602-1612. (in Chinese)Using the counties arable land and agricultural labor force resources,from 2000 to 2013,on the basis of Labor-Farmland Elastic Coefficient(LFEC), using GIS technology to analyze its arable land and labor changes in time and space coupling characteristics. Research showed that 68% of the region of Chengdu Labor-Farmland Elastic Coefficient had been shown to decline model type,and the corresponding relation between people and land were increasingly vulnerable,gravity center of farmland and agricultural labor had the similarity in the direction of movement.

Liu Y, Li Y, 2017. Revitalize the world’s countryside. Nature, 548(7667): 275-277.


Liu Y, Liu Y, Chen Y et al., 2010. The process and driving forces of rural hollowing in China under rapid urbanization.Journal of Geographical Sciences, 20(6): 876-888.


Long H, 2014. Land consolidation: An indispensable way of spatial restructuring in rural China.Journal of Geographical Sciences, 24(2): 211-225.


Long H, Ge D, Zhang Y et al., 2018. Changing man-land interrelations in China’s farming area under urbanization and its implications for food security.Journal of Environmental Management, 209: 440-451.

Long H, Li Y, Liu Y et al., 2012. Accelerated restructuring in rural China fueled by ‘increasing vs. decreasing balance’ land-use policy for dealing with hollowed villages.Land Use Policy, 29(1): 11-22.Rapid industrialization and urbanization in China has produced a unique phenomenon of ‘village-hollowing’, shaped by the dual-track structure of socio-economic development. This paper analyzes the phenomenon of ‘village-hollowing’, identifying the processes and influences that have driven their evolution, and highlighting the challenge that the locking-up of unused rural housing land in ‘hollowed villages’ presents for China in the context of concerns over urban development and food security. The paper examines the ‘increasing vs. decreasing balance’ land-use policy has been adopted by the Chinese government in response to the problem, which seeks to balance increases in urban construction land with a reduction in rural construction land. The implementation of the scheme is discussed through a case study of Huantai county in Shandong province, drawing attention to its contested and contingent nature. It is argued that the policy is a top-down approach to rural restructuring that necessarily requires the acquiescence of local actors. However, it is noted that failures to adequate engage with local actors has led to resistance to the policy, including violent protests against the demolition of housing. The paper suggests that lessons might be learned from Europe by incorporating elements of ‘bottom-up’ planning into the process. As such, the paper demonstrates that rural restructuring in China is a dynamic, multi-scalar and hybrid process that shares common elements and experiences with rural restructuring in Europe and elsewhere, but which is also strongly shaped by the distinctive political, economic, social and cultural context of China.


Long H, Liu Y, Li X et al., 2010. Building new countryside in China: A geographical perspective.Land Use Policy, 27(2): 457-470.The central government of China recently mapped out an important strategy on “building a new countryside” to overall coordinate urban and rural development and gear up national economic growth. This paper analyzes the potential factors influencing the building of a new countryside in China, and provides a critical discussion of the problems and implications concerning carrying out this campaign, from a geographical perspective. To some extent, regional discrepancies, rural poverty, rural land-use issues and the present international environment are four major potential factors. Our analyses indicated that land consolidation, praised highly by the governments, is not a panacea for China's rural land-use issues concerning building a new countryside, and the key problem is how to reemploy the surplus rural labors and resettle the land-loss farmers. More attentions should be paid to caring for farmers’ future livelihoods in the process of implementing the strategy. The regional measures and policies concerning building a new countryside need to take the obvious regional discrepancies both in physical and socio-economic conditions into account. In a World Trade Organization (WTO) membership environment, efficient land use for non-agricultural economic development, to some extent, needs to be a priority in the eastern region instead of blindly conserving land to maintain food security, part task of which can be shifted to the central region and the northeastern region. More preferential policies should be formulated to reverse the rural brain–drain phenomenon. Based on the analyses and the complexity of China's rural problems, the authors argue that building new countryside in China will be an arduous task and a long road, the target of which is hard to achieve successfully in this century.


Long H, Qu Y, 2018. Land use transitions and land management: A mutual feedback perspective.Land Use Policy, 74: 111-120.This paper develops a theoretical model of regional land use transitions based on expanding and deepening the concept and connotations of land use transition. With the socio-economic development, transformations between different land use types during a certain period of time cause the change of the conflicts resulted from regional land use morphology pattern from strong to weak. These transformations will lead to a new balance of regional land use morphology pattern consists of different land use types corresponding to related economic departments, respectively, and will finally realize the qualitative transformation of urban-rural land use system. Then, the mechanism of mutual feedback between land use transition and land management was probed based on a three-fold framework of natural system-economic system-managerial system. Generally, land use transitions are affected by land management via economic measures, land engineering, policy and institution. Land use transitions can also contribute to the adjustment of land management measures via socio-ecological feedback. The authors argue that the formulation of land management policies and institutions needs to take into account the land use transition phase of targeted region, not only current land use transition phase but also its subsequent phase corresponding to regional socio-economic development transformation.


Long H, Tu S, Ge D et al., 2016. The allocation and management of critical resources in rural China under restructuring: Problems and prospects.Journal of Rural Studies, 47: 392-412.61Rapid development transition has triggered corresponding restructuring in rural China.61Analyzes rural restructuring in China affected by allocation and management of critical resources.61Emphasizes role of regional resources in formulating development policy and restructuring rural areas.61Restructures rural development space, rural industry, and rural social organization and management mainbody.61Fully understanding the influences of globalization on rural restructuring in China.


Matos C, Bentes I, Pereira S et al., 2018. Which are the factors that may explain the differences in water and energy consumptions in urban and rural environments? Science of The Total Environment, 642: 421-435.Water and energy supply are essential for the modern society economic and social development. However, the increasing demands cause a negative impact on the planet. The increase in the CO2 emissions and the energy resources scarcity are consequences that must be minimize in the context of sustainable development. Water and energy consumption are closely related and therefore the improvement of... [Show full abstract]


Mcarthur J, Mccord G, 2017. Fertilizing growth: Agricultural inputs and their effects in economic development.Journal of Development Economics, 127: 133-152.This paper estimates the role of agronomic inputs in cereal yield improvements and the consequences for countries' processes of structural change. The results suggest a clear role for fertilizer, modern seeds and water in boosting yields. We then test for respective empirical links between agricultural yields and economic growth, labor share in agriculture and non-agricultural value added per worker. The identification strategy includes a novel instrumental variable that exploits the unique economic geography of fertilizer production and transport costs to countries' agricultural heartlands. We estimate that a half ton increase in staple yields generates a 14 to 19 percent higher GDP per capita and a 4.6 to 5.6 percentage point lower labor share in agriculture five years later. The results suggest a strong role for agricultural productivity as a driver of structural change.


Ning J, Liu J, Kuang W et al., 2018. Spatiotemporal patterns and characteristics of land-use change in China during 2010-2015.Journal of Geographical Sciences, 28(5): 547-562.Land use/cover change is an important theme on the impacts of human activities on the earth systems and global environmental change. National land-use changes of China during 2010–2015 were acquired by the digital interpretation method using the high-resolution remotely sensed images, e.g. the Landsat 8 OLI, GF-2 remote sensing images. The spatiotemporal characteristics of land-use changes across China during 2010–2015 were revealed by the indexes of dynamic degree model, annual land-use changes ratio etc. The results indicated that the built-up land increased by 24.6×10 3 km 2 while the cropland decreased by 4.9×10 3 km 2 , and the total area of woodland and grassland decreased by 16.4×10 3 km 2 . The spatial pattern of land-use changes in China during 2010–2015 was concordant with that of the period 2000–2010. Specially, new characteristics of land-use changes emerged in different regions of China in 2010–2015. The built-up land in eastern China expanded continually, and the total area of cropland decreased, both at decreasing rates. The rates of built-up land expansion and cropland shrinkage were accelerated in central China. The rates of built-up land expansion and cropland growth increased in western China, while the decreasing rate of woodland and grassland accelerated. In northeastern China, built-up land expansion slowed continually, and cropland area increased slightly accompanied by the conversions between paddy land and dry land. Besides, woodland and grassland area decreased in northeastern China. The characteristics of land-use changes in eastern China were essentially consistent with the spatial govern and control requirements of the optimal development zones and key development zones according to the Major Function-oriented Zones Planning implemented during the 12th Five-Year Plan (2011–2015). It was a serious challenge for the central government of China to effectively protect the reasonable layout of land use types dominated with the key ecological function zones and agricultural production zones in central and western China. Furthermore, the local governments should take effective measures to strengthen the management of territorial development in future.


Rong H, Qiu D, Xie D et al., 2014. Assessing the real value of farmland in China.Journal of Mountain Science, 11(5): 1218-1230.The preservation of farmland is a growing concern in China because the fact that China possesses limited land resources and the world's largest population presents a clear contradiction. Only when the value of farmland is fully appreciated in commercial markets can farmland preservation be effectively achieved. The current study constructed a model to evaluate the economic, social, and ecological value of farmland in China according to the connotation of values. As a case study, the value of Chinese farmland was estimated in 1999, 2002, 2005, 2008, and 2011 using the established model. Although the amount of farmland was greatly reduced from 1999 to 2011 due to constructive occupation, agricultural restructuring, ecological restoration, and disaster destruction, the value of this farmland increased from 220.71 1012 to 736.26 1012 RMB Yuan as a result of the multifunctional nature and scarcity of farmland during the same period. The potential value of farmland in China was huge, but the value in the market was greatly underestimated, especially in regard to its social and ecological value. This study proposes a new method that integrates the discounted value of all future services provided by a natural resource(for the society and individuals) to evaluate the resource assets, provides a scientific foundation for the preservation and operation of farmland assets, and explores ways to increase farmers' property income.


Sato T, 2013. Beyond water-intensive agriculture: Expansion of Prosopis juliflora and its growing economic use in Tamil Nadu, India.Land Use Policy, 35: 283-292.Against the backdrop of expanding commercial crop markets and private well expansion, market-oriented agriculture has developed in villages with access to abundant water resources in Tamil Nadu, India. On the other hands, the villages that have failed to secure sufficient irrigation water have experienced sharp decline in cropping. Such land has been rapidly invaded by Prosopis juliflora, a tree species that has wide adaptability of the different environments and high coppicing ability. This species has traditionally been harvested as a fuel for domestic use and small-scale businesses, and recognised as "a tree for the poor". However, since the establishment of the electricity act in 2003, which completely deregulated participation of private companies in the electricity generation industry, the new usage of Prosopis has been created: several small-scale electricity generating plants began to utilise this tree as an energy source. As a result, the demand for Prosopis tree rapidly increased and the real price of raw wood has more than doubled between 2003 and 2009. A census survey of household income revealed that income generated from Prosopis expansion compensated for the decrease of cropping, and contributed to an increase in the net household income, especially for the landless labourers and middle class land holders. This fact indicates that it is possible to reduce poverty in a semi-arid rural area without securing additional irrigation water, in case proper institutions and technologies are in place.


Shao J, Huang Z, Deng H, 2018. Characteristics of nonpoint source pollution load from crop farming in the context of livelihood diversification. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 28(4): 459-476.Based on objective data collected from interviews in typical villages of the Three Gorges Reservoir area, this study presents three livelihood scenarios related to rural transformation development: agriculturally dominant livelihood, multiple-type livelihood and non-agriculturally dominant livelihood. Results indicated the following: (1) The current farmland pattern shows a trend of diversification as self-cultivation, cropland transfer and fallow in the sample region. Dynamic characteristics of cultivated land present a special feature that is more "transfer-into" than "transfer-out". Various scales of planting are represented among various households, according to the following decreasing order: half-labor household > non-labor household > adequate labor household. (2) The highest pollution loading produced by crop farming occurs in half-labor households while the lowest occurs in non-labor households. With the increase of labor, the pollution load per unit area tends to first increase and then decrease within families with enough labor. (3) As the type of livelihood transitions from agriculturally dominant to non-agriculturally dominant, the maximum reduction of total pollution loading produced by the agricultural industry can reach 72.01%. Compared to agriculturally dominant livelihoods, multiple-type livelihoods produce a pollution load reduction yield of 19.61%-29.85%, and non-agriculturally dominant livelihoods reduce the pollution load yield by 35.20%-72.01%. However, the rate of reduction of total nitrogen is not the same as total phosphorus. (4) The non-agricultural characteristics of labor allocation and income promote the transformation from dominant livelihood types to non-agricultural livelihoods, and potential revenue conversion follows a similar trend. In addition, different household types do not display identical conversion rates, according to the following decreasing order: enough labor household > half-labor household > non-labor household. (5) During rapid urbanization and the building of new industrial systems, the livelihood types of rural households have been further transformed to non-agricultural household types in the mountainous region; this process will lead to the further reduction of pollution load generated by planting and agriculture.


Tan M, 2014. The transition of farmland production functions in metropolitan areas in China.Sustainability, 6(7): 4028-4041.In metropolitan areas of China, farmland functions have undergone tremendous changes due to rapid urbanization and rising income per capita in the past three decades. This study examines tempo-spatial changes in the farmland functions, using a case study of the Beijing metropolitan area. The results indicate that: (1) during the past three decades, agricultural production experienced two transitions, in the years 1992 and 2003; (2) In terms of spatial differences, farmland functions of food production in Near Suburb significantly weakened. Middle Suburb produced the largest share of vegetables, while Far Suburb had the highest number of recreational farms. This case study may provide insights for large cities in China or other developing countries.


Tu S, Long H, 2017. Rural restructuring in China: Theory, approaches and research prospect.Journal of Geographical Sciences, 27(10): 1169-1184.


Tu S, Long H, Zhang Y et al., 2018. Rural restructuring at village level under rapid urbanization in metropolitan suburbs of China and its implications for innovations in land use policy.Habitat International, 77: 143-152.


Yu Z, Xiao L, Chen X et al., 2018. Spatial restructuring and land consolidation of urban-rural settlement in mountainous areas based on ecological niche perspective.Journal of Geographical Sciences, 28(2): 131-151.With the socio-economic development associated with urbanization, the urban-rural relationship has changed across the world. In China, due to the urban-rural dual structure, these changes turn out to be more complicated. Spatial restructuring are suggested as the main strategies and spatial supporting platforms for urban-rural development. However, the theory still lacks solid methodology and support from systematic empirical studies. This study seeks an adequate scientific methodology and discusses the difference of urban-rural transformation in plains and mountainous areas. A case in Shanghang County, China, demonstrates: 1) The compound ecological niche model can be a suitable approach in urban-rural restructuring, especially in mountainous areas. 2) The urban-rural development area with highly inappropriate, slightly appropriate, moderately appropriate, and highly appropriate areas are 1273.2 km~2(44.69%); 906.1 km~2(31.80%); 509.4 km~2(17.88%); and 160.1 km~2(5.62%), respectively. 3) The "deserting villages" in mountainous areas play positive synergistic roles in urbanization, in contrast to the "hollowing villages" common in plain areas. 4) The central town-village will become the most important settlement in mountainous areas. Therefore, we suggest more attention should be paid to environmental capacity in the construction of central town-villages. This study significantly extends the understanding of "hollowing village" theory and regional planning.


Zhang P, Zhang J, Chen M, 2017. Economic impacts of climate change on agriculture: The importance of additional climatic variables other than temperature and precipitation.Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 83: 8-31.Climate change shifts the distributions of a set of climatic variables, including temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind speed, sunshine duration, and evaporation. This paper explores the importance of those additional climatic variables other than temperature and precipitation. Using the county-level agricultural data from 1980 to 2010 in China, we find that those additional climatic variables, especially humidity and wind speed, are critical for crop growth. Therefore, omitting those variables is likely to bias the predicted impacts of climate change on crop yields. In particular, omitting humidity tends to overpredict the cost of climate change on crop yields, while ignoring wind speed is likely to underpredict the effect. Our preferred specification indicates that climate change is likely to decrease the yields of rice, wheat, and corn in China by 36.25%, 18.26%, and 45.10%, respectively, by the end of this century.


Zhang Y, Long H, Ma L et al., 2018. Farmland function evolution in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain: Processes, patterns and mechanisms.Journal of Geographical Sciences, 28(6): 759-777.Using counties as the basic analysis unit, this study established an evaluation index system for farmland function (FF) from economic, social, and ecological perspectives. The method combining entropy weighting and multiple correlation coefficient weighting was adopted to determine the weights, and the FF indices were calculated for each county. Subsequently, the spatio-temporal characteristics of farmland function evolution (FFE) were analyzed and the coupled relationships between the sub-functions were explored based on a coupling coordination model. At the same time, the dynamic mechanism of FFE was quantitatively analyzed using a spatial econometric regression analysis method. The following major conclusions were drawn: (1) The farmland economic function generally exhibited a declining trend during 1990 2010, and it is essential to point out that it was stronger in underdeveloped and agriculture-dominated counties, while it continuously weakened in developed areas. Farmland social function decreased in 60.29% of the counties, whereas some counties, which were mostly located in north of Zhengzhou and west of Dezhou and Cangzhou, Yantai, and Weihai, clearly increased. A dramatic decline in farmland ecological function occurred around Beijing, Tianjin, and Jinan. Areas located in the northern part of Henan Province and the central part of Shandong Province saw an increase in ecological function. (2) There was a significant spatial difference in the coupling degree and coordination degree of the sub-functions, and the decoupling phenomenon highlighted this. The changes in social function and ecological function lagged behind economic function in developed areas, but these were highly coupled in some underdeveloped areas. (3) FFE in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain (HHHP) is resulted from the comprehensive effects of regional basic conditions and external driving factors. Furthermore, the transitions of population and industry under urbanization and industrialization played a decisive role in the evolution intensity and direction of farmland sub-systems, including the economy, society, and the ecology. According to the results mentioned above, promoting the transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture should be regarded as an important engine driving sustainable development in the HHHP. Taking different regional characteristics of FFE into account, differentiated and diversified farmland use and management plans should be implemented from more developed urban areas to underdeveloped traditional agricultural areas.


