Journal of Geographical Sciences >
Threshold sediment flux for the formation of river deltas in Hainan Island, southern China
Author: Li Gaocong (1987-), PhD Candidate, specialized in estuarine and coastal sciences. E-mail:
Received date: 2017-08-14
Accepted date: 2017-12-15
Online published: 2019-01-25
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.41530962,No.41706096
This study also supports in part by the China Scholarship Council, No.201606190151
The knowledge of geomorphological evolution from an estuary to a river delta is necessary to form the formulation of comprehensive land-ocean interaction management strategies. In this study, the dominant factor controlling the geomorphological variability and the threshold sediment flux (TSF) to form a river delta in Hainan Island, southern China, including accommodation space, sediment supply, and reworking forces, was investigated by the method of big data analytics. The results indicated the 25 estuaries in consideration can be divided into three geographical groups, i.e. the multi-factors-controlled northern mixed estuaries, wave-dominated western estuaries with river deltas, and typhoon-dominated eastern coastal lagoon estuaries. For alluvial plain (AP) estuaries, the order of magnitude of TSFs is the smallest (101 kt·yr-1), for barrier-lagoon (BL) ones is the highest (> 102 kt·yr-1), and for drowned valley (DV) ones is moderate (102kt·yr-1). The river deltas associated with DV systems should be relatively large, and those related to BLs should be small, with the AP deltas being between the above mentioned types. The present study provides a technique to evaluate the role played by TSF for the formation of river deltas in micro-tidal and wave-dominated and typhoon-influenced coastal environments.
LI Gaocong , ZHOU Liang , QI Yali , GAO Shu . Threshold sediment flux for the formation of river deltas in Hainan Island, southern China[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2019 , 29(1) : 146 -160 . DOI: 10.1007/s11442-019-1589-y
Figure 1 Location (a) and digital elevation model (b) of the study area |
Figure 2 Estuaries in consideration (a), average wave height (b),average tidal range (c), and the number of intensive typhoons (d) from 1949 to 2014 |
Figure 3 Flow chart for the determination of the order of magnitude of TSF |
Table 1 Summary of factors controlling the Holocene estuarine geomorphological variability in Hainan Island (SV = Structural valley; PAT = Pluvial-alluvial terrace; AV = Alluvial valley; DV = Drowned valley; AP = Alluvial plain; BL = Barrier-Lagoon; SE = Structural estuary; TRE = Tidal river estuary; DFE = Delta front estuary; CE = Choked estuary) |
Figure 4 Concave normalized hypsometric curves of the study basins |
Figure 5 Estuarine remote sensing imagines: (a) structural estuary; (b) tidal river estuary; (c) delta front estuary; (d) choked estuary |
Figure 6 Geomorphological classification of the studied estuaries |
Figure 7 Flow chart for the Holocene estuarine geomorphological evolution in coastal Hainan |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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