Journal of Geographical Sciences >
Spatio-temporal evolution of population and urbanization in the countries along the Belt and Road 1950-2050
Author: Liu Haimeng (1989-), PhD, specialized in urban geography, regional planning, and coupled human and natural systems. E-mail:
Received date: 2017-09-10
Online published: 2018-07-20
Supported by
The Strategic Priority Research Program of the CAS, Pan-Third Pole Environment Study for a Green Silk Road (Pan-TPE), No.XDA20040400
Key Deployment Project of the CAS, No.ZDRW-ZS-2016-6-2
This paper uses data for the period 1950-2050 compiled by the United Nations Population Division together with methods including spatial autocorrelation analysis, hierarchical cluster analysis and the standard deviational ellipse, to analyze the spatio-temporal evolution of population and urbanization in the 75 countries located along the routes of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-century Maritime Silk Road, to identify future population growth and urbanization hotspots. The results reveal the following: First, in 2015, the majority of Belt and Road countries in Europe, South Asia and Southeast Asia had high population densities, whereas most countries in Central Asia, North Africa and West Asia, as well as Russia and Mongolia, had low population densities; the majority of countries in South Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, West Asia and North Africa had rapid population growth, whereas many countries in Europe had negative population growth; and five Belt and Road countries are in the initial stage of urbanization, 44 countries are in the acceleration stage of urbanization, and 26 are in the terminal stage of urbanization. Second, in the century from 1950 to 2050, the mean center of the study area’s population is consistently located in the border region between India and China. Prior to 2000, the trajectory of the mean center was from northwest to southeast, but from 2000 it is on a southward trajectory, as the population of the study area becomes more concentrated. Future population growth hotspots are predicted to be in South Asia, West Asia and Southeast Asia, and hotspot countries for the period 2015-2030 include India, China, Pakistan and Indonesia, though China will move into negative population growth after 2030. Third, the overall urban population of Belt and Road countries increased from 22% in 1950 to 49% in 2015, and it is expected to gradually catch up with the world average, reaching 64% in 2050. The different levels of urbanization in different countries display significant spatial dependency, and in the hundred-year period under consideration, this dependency increases before eventually weakening. Fourth, between 2015 and 2030, urban population hotspots will include Thailand, China, Laos and Albania, while Kuwait, Cyprus, Qatar and Estonia will be urban “coldspots.” Fifth, there were 293 cities with populations over 1 million located along the Belt and Road in 2015, but that number is expected to increase to 377 by 2030. Of those, 43 will be in China, with many of the others located in India, Indonesia and the eastern Mediterranean.
LIU Haimeng , FANG Chuanglin , MIAO Yi , MA Haitao , ZHANG Qiang , ZHOU Qiang . Spatio-temporal evolution of population and urbanization in the countries along the Belt and Road 1950-2050[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2018 , 28(7) : 919 -936 . DOI: 10.1007/s11442-018-1513-x
Table 1 Major countries in the Belt and Road |
Region | Countries | Number |
China-Mongolia-Russia | China, Mongolia, Russia | 3 |
Southeast Asia | Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Philippines, Brunei, East Timor | 11 |
South Asia | India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Nepal, Bhutan | 8 |
West Asia | Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Bahrain, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Cyprus | 19 |
Central Asia | Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan | 5 |
Europe | Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Montenegro, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Albania, Macedonia, Greece, Italy, Germany, Netherlands | 24 |
North Africa | Egypt, Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia | 5 |
Figure 1 Cartogram showing populations of Belt and Road countries |
Figure 2 Population densities of Belt and Road countries in 2015 |
Figure 3 Population growth rate of Belt and Road countries 2010-2015 |
Figure 4 Urbanization and distribution of megacities in Belt and Road countries in 2015 |
Table 2 Results of cluster analysis of population and urbanization of Belt and Road countries |
Group | Country names | International distribution and features |
1 | Armenia, Montenegro, Poland, Czech Republic, Italy Austria, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Belarus, Hungary, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Germany, Greece, Netherlands, Lebanon | Countries are mainly European and mainly located in the northwest part of the study area. They have relatively high urban populations, low population growth rates, high population densities and average total populations. |
2 | Slovakia, Macedonia, Thailand, Slovenia, Albania, Moldova, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Georgia | Countries are mainly in Europe, with a small number located on the east coast of the Black Sea and in SE Asia. They have similar features to the first group, but low urban populations as a percentage of their totals and relatively small populations. |
3 | Tunisia, Cyprus, Morocco, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Indonesia | Countries are mainly in Central Asia and North Africa, with one located in the Malay islands. They have relatively high population growth rates and average urban population levels. |
4 | Kuwait, Oman, Palestine, Iraq, Syria, Mongolia, Malaysia, Algeria, Iran, Brunei, Turkey, Jordan, Libya, Israel, Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, UAE | Countries are mainly in West Asia and North Africa. They have relatively high urban population levels, population densities, net migration rates and population growth rates. |
5 | Singapore | Located on the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula. It has very high urban population, population density and net migration rate. |
6 | China, India | Located in East Asia and South Asia, respectively. They have very large total populations, high population densities and high outward migration. |
7 | Nepal, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Uzbekistan, Bhutan, Myanmar, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Timor-Leste, Egypt, Philippines, Pakistan, Maldives | Scattered distribution. Relatively low population densities, urban populations and net migration rates, but relatively high population growth. |
Figure 5 Area stacking diagram showing changes in total population of Belt and Road regions 1950-2050 |
Figure 6 Evolution of the population mean centre and standard deviational ellipse for Belt and Road countries 1950-2050 |
Figure 7 Urban population (% of total) of the Belt and Road regions 1950-2050 |
Figure 8 Parallel coordinates of urbanization for typical Belt and Road countries 1950-2050 |
Figure 9 Spatio-temporal evolution of urban populations of Belt and Road countries 1950-2050 |
Figure 10 Changes in migration of Belt and Road countries 1950-2050 |
Figure 11 Spatial differentiation of net migration in Belt and Road countries 2010-2015 |
Figure 12 Distribution of population growth hotspot countries along the Belt and Road |
Figure 13 Evolution of urban population growth of Belt and Road regions 1950-2050 |
Figure 14 Urbanization hotspots and distribution of cities with populations over 1 million |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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