Research Articles

Comparison of spatial structures of urban agglomerations between the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Boswash based on the subpixel-level impervious surface coverage product

  • CAO Shisong ,
  • HU Deyong * ,
  • HU Zhuowei ,
  • ZHAO Wenji ,
  • CHEN Shanshan ,
  • YU Chen
  • College of Resource Environment and Tourism, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048, China

Author: Cao Shisong (1989-), PhD Candidate, specialized in remote sensing and urban ecology and environment. E-mail:

*Corresponding author: Hu Zhuowei (1979-), PhD and Associate Professor, specialized in geographic information modeling and application. E-mail:

Received date: 2017-07-25

  Accepted date: 2017-08-30

  Online published: 2018-03-10

Supported by

National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.41671339


Journal of Geographical Sciences, All Rights Reserved


Under the background of China’s rapid urbanization, study on comparative analysis of the spatial structure of urban agglomerations between China and the US can provide the policy proposals of space optimization for the Chinese government. Taking the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) and Boswash as study area, we mapped the subpixel-level impervious surface coverage of the BTH and Boswash, respectively, from 1972 to 2011. Further, landscape metrics, gravitational model and spatial analysis were used to analyze the differences of the spatial structures between the BTH and Boswash. The results showed that (1) the area of the impervious surface increased rapidly in the BTH, while those remained stable in the Boswash. (2) The spatial structure of the BTH experienced different periods including isolated cities stage, dual-core cities stage, group cities stage and network-style cities stage, while those of the Boswash was more stable, and its spatial pattern showed a “point-axis” structure. (3) The spatial pattern of high-high assembling regions of the impervious surface exhibited a “standing pancake” feature in the BTH, while those showed a “multi-center, local aggregation and global discrete” feature in the Boswash. (4) All the percentages of the impervious surface of ecological, living, and production land of the BTH were higher than those of the Boswash. At last, from the perspective of space optimization of urban agglomeration, the development proposals for the BTH were proposed.

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CAO Shisong , HU Deyong , HU Zhuowei , ZHAO Wenji , CHEN Shanshan , YU Chen . Comparison of spatial structures of urban agglomerations between the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Boswash based on the subpixel-level impervious surface coverage product[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2018 , 28(3) : 306 -322 . DOI: 10.1007/s11442-018-1474-0

1 Introduction

In today’s world, with the trend of globalization and economic integration, urban agglomeration has become a new theme of urban development and construction (Fang, 2014; Fang et al., 2010). The spatial structure of urban agglomeration is a combined result of its history, culture, economy, society and policy, and can directly reflect the functional structure of urban agglomeration (Kuang et al., 2014b). The different spatial structures of urban agglomerations may have a positive or negative effect on their developments (Lu, 2015). Especially when the size of urban agglomeration becomes large, its spatial structure can exert considerable influence on its division of internal functions and ecological environment (Lu, 2015; Liu et al., 2016). Under the background of China’s rapid urbanization, study on comparative analysis of the spatial structures of urban agglomerations between the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) and Boswash can effectively absorb the experiences of cities’ spatial layout derived from the developed countries or regions. This research also can provide the scientific understanding of historical process and driving mechanism in the spatial structure of urban agglomeration at different scales.
In the 1980s, foreign scholars began to study the spatial structures of urban agglomerations in the context of global integration. Hall (1971), Friedmann et al. (1982), Sassen (1991), Pyrgiotis (1991), and Kunzmann et al. (1991) studied the influences of different factors such as global economic integration and regional community network system on the spatial structures, and found that the spatial structures are influenced by the policies, economies and traffic layouts. Simeon et al. (2002) and Hidenobu (2004) studied the gravitational model of urban agglomeration and found that the gravitational model can reveal the inherent relationship among different cities. In China, Lu (1986) firstly studied the spatial structures of urban agglomerations and proposed the development model of “point-axis” in 1984. Then, many scholars carried out related studies, such as spatial pattern (e.g. Lu, 1986; Guan et al., 2003; Zhu, 2004; Chen, 2005), spatial structure model (e.g. Xue, 2002; Wu, 1999; Nian et al., 2002), quantitative measure of the spatial structure (e.g. Kuang et al., 2014b; Liu et al., 2014; Yao et al., 2006), and driving force of the spatial structure (e.g. Chen et al., 2011; Zhong et al., 2012), of urban agglomerations. Based on the analysis of previous studies, we found that previous studies carried out few studies about the spatial analysis of the spatial pattern of urban agglomeration. Notably, there are few studies reported the comparisons of the spatial structure among different countries.
With the rapid development of remote sensing technology, the extraction of impervious surface of large area has become the hotspot research. Impervious surface refers to the artificial surface such as housing, roads, and so on (Weng, 2011). The United States Geological Survey (USGS) developed the impervious surface coverage data product (at a 30-m high resolution) of the United States at different decadal intervals, which includes 2001, 2006 and 2011, based on the Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) images (Yang, 2003). The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) released the impervious surface dataset (at a 1-km resolution) of global built-up areas based on the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP)/Operational Linescan System (OLS) nighttime light data (Elvidge, 2007).
As a typical artificial landscape, the spatial distribution pattern of impervious surface directly affects the function of the urban ecosystem and climate (Kuang, 2014). The advantages of a subpixel impervious surface product used in the study of the spatial structure of urban agglomeration are as follows: (1) the subpixel-level impervious surface product is more accurate than the traditional pixel-level product; (2) it can not only characterize variations in extent of the impervious surface, but also monitor variations in intensity of the impervious surface.
Based on the above discussion, we mapped the subpixel-level impervious surface coverage of the BTH and Boswash, respectively, from 1972 to 2011. Further, landscape metrics, gravitational model and spatial analysis were used to analyze the differences of the spatial structures between the BTH and Boswash. The specific objectives of this study therefore are as follows:
(1) Monitor the impervious surface growth in the BTH and Boswash, respectively, from 1972 to 2011.
(2) Quantify the differences of the spatial structures of urban agglomerations between China and the US.
(3) Make suggestions for space optimization of the BTH based on the results of the above two objectives.

2 Study area and data

2.1 Descriptions of the study area

Our study area (Figure 1) includes the BTH and Boswash. The Boswash (Figure 1b), located between the north end, Boston, and the south end, Washington, includes one core city, the New York, four major cities, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, and more than 40 small and medium cities. Along with the coast, the Boswash is of ~600 km in length, and more than 100 km in width with an area of ~138,000 km2. The definition of the spatial scope of the BTH (Figure 1a) is the regional scope proposed by Lu (1986) in the context of the cooperation and development of the BTH. It includes two municipalities, Beijing and Tianjin, and other cities in Hebei Province, Tangshan, Baoding, etc. It covers approximately 183,000 km2. The BTH is the third economic growth pole among Chinese urban agglomerations after the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta.
Figure 1 Overview of the study area
Currently, the world economic center is moving from the west to the east, and the developments of urban agglomerations are usually associated with the transfer of the world economic center. The BTH has the same opportunities as the Boswash in the 20th century. The BTH is located in 38.07°-41.05°N, and 114.94°-118.55°E; The Boswash is located in 37.89°-43.61°N, and 70.48°-79.93°W. The geographical locations of the BTH and Boswash are similar. Notably, the Boswash is the largest and most powerful urban agglomeration in the world. Although BTH is an important urban agglomeration in China, the overall competitiveness is relatively weak and is at the initial stage of urban agglomeration. Therefore, it is necessary to absorb the experiences of the development of the Boswash.
Because of the large differences of administrative divisions between China and the US, we selected the built-up areas of the main cities to perform the extraction of impervious surface and analysis of the spatial structures.

2.2 Data sources

The data used in this research are as follows: China’s national standard geographical data, including city and county boundaries; American administrative division data, including state and county boundaries; American 30-m impervious surface dataset released by USGS (; cloudy-free leaf-on and leaf-off Landsat TM data of cities in both the BTH and Boswash, and only the BTH, obtained from the USGS at decadal intervals of 1972, 1982, 1991, and 1995, and of 2001, 2006, and 2011, respectively; Multi-Spectral QuickBird high-resolution images (at a 2.4 m spatial resolution) of Beijing core area at 2006; DMSP/OLS night light data ( and Digital Elevation Model (GDEM) (at a 30-m spatial resolution) of the study area; The land use/land cover (LULC) data of the BTH ( and Boswash ( for the extraction of ecological, production, and living land.

3 Methods

3.1 Gravitational model

Gravitation between two cities refers to the force of economic attraction or link between them. It reflects city’s economy, culture, and political external radiation capacity. The stronger economic strength the city is, the higher value its gravitation is. Namely, human capitals and talents always tend to agglomerate in large urban areas. Gravitational model was effectively applied to the spatial structure of urban agglomeration (e.g. Liu et al., 2014; Meng and Lu, 2012), regional economic linkages (e.g. Zhu, 2004), and inter-city interaction structure (e.g. Chen et al., 2011) in previous studies.
The impervious surface reflects the intensity of human action on the natural surface. Moreover, Kuang et al. (2014a) found that the strong positive correlations existed between the area of impervious surface of built-up region, and GDP and population (R2 was higher than 0.86). This finding indicates that to some extent, a city’s impervious surface area of built-up region can characterize its overall strength. Thus, we took the area of impervious surface of built-up region as a city’s quality, and then explored the spatial links of urban agglomerations among different cities:
$\left\{ \begin{align} & {{R}_{ij}}=K\frac{{{Q}_{i}}{{Q}_{j}}}{d_{ij}^{r}} \\ & {{E}_{i}}=\sum\limits_{j=1}^{n}{Fij} \\ \end{align} \right.$ (1)
where Rij is the gravitational value between city i and j; Qi and Qj is the quality (the area of impervious surface) of city i and j, respectively; Ei is the gravitational potential of city i, which represents the aggregate capacity in the human capitals and talents of city i.

3.2 Spatial autocorrelation

The spatial autocorrelation is an important indicator for evaluating spatial dependence, and is commonly used in the classification and comprehensive evaluation of the spatial data. It can describe the spatial similarities or differences among different regions, and can characterize the reasons for those similarities or differences.
We selected the Local Moran’s I to analyze the spatial autocorrelation of the impervious surface coverage (Chen, 2009):
$\left\{ \begin{align} & {{G}_{i}}^{*}=\frac{\sum\limits_{j}^{n}{{{W}_{ij}}{{x}_{j}}}}{\sum\limits_{j}^{n}{{{x}_{j}}}} \\ & Z({{G}_{i}}^{*})=\frac{{{G}_{i}}^{*}-E({{G}_{i}}^{*})}{\sqrt{VAR({{G}_{i}}^{*})}} \\ \end{align} \right.$ (2)
where Wij represents the distance weighting between patches i and j, a significant positive value of Z (Gi*) suggests that the impervious surface coverage of patches adjacent i is high, while a significant negative value of Z (Gi*) reflects the opposite trend.

3.3 Landscape metrics

Landscape metrics can enrich the information of the correlational landscape patterns and reflect structural composition and characteristics of spatial structure. Based on the spatial map of the impervious surface of the BTH and Boswash, we selected landscape metrics at landscape scale, including PLAND and the normalized landscape shape index (NLSI), to quantify the differences of landscape patterns between the BTH and Boswash. The software of landscape pattern analysis, FRAGSTATS 4.2, was used for calculating landscape metrics. Table 1 exhibits the calculated formulas for the landscape metrics (Peng et al., 2006).
Table 1 Landscape metrics and its ecological meaning
Landscape metric Calculated formula Ecological meaning
PLAND ${{P}_{i}}=\frac{\sum\limits_{j=1}^{m}{{{a}_{ij}}}}{A}\text{*}100%$ The area proportion of a certain type landscape to the total landscape area
Landscape shape index $LSI=\frac{0.25E}{\sqrt{A}}$ The measure of patches aggregation or discrete, the higher value LSI is, the more discrete the patches are

(1) where i=1, 2, 3…, n represents the types of patches; j=1, 2, 3…, m represents the number of patches; aij represents the area of type i, and patch j; A represents the total area of patches.

(2) where LSI represents the value of landscape shape index; E represents total patches perimeter; A represents the total patches area.

3.4 Ecological-living-production land classification

The report at the Fourth Session of the Twelfth National People’s Congress in 2016 emphasized that the objectives of land use should focus on the integrated development for production, living, and ecological land in China. In this context, study on comparative analysis of the patial patterns of ecological-living-production land between the US and China is very important for space optimization of the BTH. Thus, we divided the land of the BTH and Boswash into ecological, production, and living land according to Zhang et al. (2015). Table 2 shows the descriptions of ecological-living-production land.
Table 2 Descriptions of ecological-living-production land
1st Level Class Subclass Description
Ecology land Forestland Such regions include woodlands, shrub lands, forest lands, etc.
Grassland Such regions include high coverage grasslands, medium coverage grasslands, and low coverage grasslands
Water body Such regions include river canals, lakes, reservoir ponds, beaches, etc.
Production land Agricultural production land Such regions include paddy lands and arid lands
Industrial production land Such regions include factories, quarries, mining, and oil-field wastes outside cities as well as land for special uses, such as roads and airports
Living land Urban living land Such regions include built-up areas of large, medium and small cities and counties
Rural living land Such regions include rural settlements outside cities and counties
Others Unused land Unused land such as sandy land, gobi, etc.

4 Results and discussion

4.1 Changes of the impervious surface

We extracted the impervious surface coverage of the BTH and Boswash by the method of CART, which is the main method of impervious surface coverage extraction used by the U.S. National Land Cover Database (Breiman, 1984; Yang et al., 2003; Yang et al., 2004). Total ~170 Landsat TM images and ~68 Landsat MSS images were used for the estimation of the impervious surface coverage. Four main steps were involved in extracting the impervious surface coverage:
Step 1: Extracted the impervious surface coverage (from 1% to 100% at a 30-m resolution) of Beijing built-up region in 2006 (the extraction results were divided into training and testing samples for the CART model);
Step 2: Selected the predicted independent variables for the CART model;
Step 3: Estimated the impervious surface coverage of the BTH in 2006 based on the CART model;
Step 4: Estimated the impervious surface coverage of the BTH and Boswash, respectively, in 1972, 1982, 1991, 1995, 2001 and 2011 based on the impervious surface coverage results in 2006.
Based on the steps 1-4, we calculated the proportions of the impervious surface in the BTH and Boswash (Figure 2). Figures 2a and 2b present the variations in the proportions of the impervious surface of the BTH and Boswash, respectively. As shown in Figure 2:
Figure 2 Proportions of the impervious surface in the BTH and Boswash, respectively, from 1972 to 2011
(1) The proportion of the impervious surface of the BTH increased rapidly from 1972 to 2011. Since China’s reform and opening up, the rapid economic development of the BTH caused many natural surfaces replaced by impervious surfaces such as roads, buildings, etc.
(2) The proportion of the impervious surface remained stable in the Boswash from 1972 to 2011. New York had the highest proportion of the impervious surface, followed by Boston, Philadelphia, Washington and Baltimore.
(3) The proportions of the impervious surface of the BTH and Boswash increased from 10.00% and 12.01% in 1972 to 35.00% and 19.82% in 2011, an increase of ~2.5 and ~0.65 times, respectively.
Table 3 presents the growth rates of the impervious surface in the BTH and Boswash. As shown in Table 3:
Table 3 Growth rates of the impervious surface in the BTH and Boswash
1972-1982 1982-1991 1991-2001 2001-2011 1972-2011
Overall variation (km2) Variation rate
(km2 yr-1)
Overall variation (km2) Variation rate (km2yr-1) Overall variation (km2) Variation rate (km2yr-1) Overall variation (km2) Variation rate (km2yr-1) Overall variation (km2) Variation rate (km2yr-1)
BTH 262.60 26.26 482.12 53.57 477.99 47.80 635.13 63.51 1857.84 47.63
Boswash 256.34 25.63 403.02 44.78 498.34 49.83 127.73 12.73 1285.43 32.96
Beijing 135.36 13.53 194.70 21.63 288.89 28.89 160.96 16.10 779.91 19.99
Tianjin 113.84 11.38 63.11 7.01 76.16 7.61 274.89 27.49 528.00 13.54
Tangshan 16.99 1.70 34.35 3.82 34.35 3.44 49.53 4.95 113.60 2.91
Baoding 11.25 1.13 22.81 2.53 33.56 3.36 13.86 1.39 81.48 2.09
Cangzhou 3.29 0.32 5.71 0.63 2.03 0.20 9.19 0.90 20.22 0.52
Chengde 2.90 0.29 0.65 0.06 1.11 0.11 5.56 0.56 10.22 0.26
Langfang 7.20 0.72 10.66 1.18 18.21 1.82 11.01 1.10 47.08 1.21
Zhangjiakou 3.88 0.39 3.46 0.38 7.48 0.75 11.92 1.19 26.74 0.69
Qinhuangdao 5.64 0.56 12.31 1.36 4.23 0.42 12.86 1.28 35.04 0.89
Shijiazhuang 25.27 2.53 77.10 8.57 35.18 3.51 34.69 3.47 172.24 4.42
Hengshui 1.59 0.16 3.63 0.40 5.22 0.52 3.36 0.34 13.80 0.35
Xingtai 12.66 1.26 13.18 1.46 8.04 0.80 11.43 1.14 45.31 1.16
Handan 3.15 0.32 9.39 1.04 17.68 1.77 34.30 3.43 64.52 1.65
New York 14.76 1.48 40.54 4.50 171.74 17.17 29.68 2.97 256.72 6.58
Washington 39.92 3.92 38.61 4.29 116.73 11.67 42.69 4.27 237.95 6.10
Baltimore 11.07 1.10 23.77 2.64 39.83 3.98 11.40 1.14 86.07 2.20
Philadelphia 12.28 1.23 125.62 12.56 125.40 12.54 50.76 5.07 314.06 8.05
Boston 13.06 1.30 135.24 13.52 47.23 4.72 72.93 7.29 268.46 6.88
(1) From the perspective of urban agglomeration, from 1972 to 2011, the growth rates of the impervious surface of the BTH and Boswash were 47.63 km2 yr-1 and 32.96 km2 yr-1, respectively. The most rapid period of the expansion of the impervious surface of the BTH was from 2001-2011. Its annual rate was up to 63.51 km2 yr-1. The growth rate of the Boswash remained stable.
(2) From the perspective of city, a large difference of the growth rates of the impervious surface in the BTH between core cities and non-core cities were observed from 1972-2011. Beijing and Tianjin had higher growth rates of 19.99 km2 yr-1 and 13.54 km2 yr-1, respectively, than others. Shijiazhuang had a highest growth rate in non-core cities, which was 4.42 km2 yr-1. However, a small difference among different cities in the Boswash was found. The growth rates of the impervious surface were ~2-8 km2 yr-1. Philadelphia and Baltimore had the highest and lowest growth rates, respectively.
In the past four decades, few changes of the proportions of the impervious surface of different cities in both BTH and Boswash were observed.
(1) The proportions of the impervious surface of different cities in the BTH remained stable from 1972 to 2011 and these proportions ranked from high to low as follows: Tianjin (~40%), Beijing (~27%), Tangshan (~7%), and others (~27%).
(2) The proportions of the impervious surface of different cities in the Boswash are more balanced than those in the BTH. Both New York and Boston had the highest proportion (~28%), and Baltimore had the lowest proportion (~7%).

4.2 Results of gravitational model

Based on formula (1), we calculated the gravities and gravitational potentials of different cities. Moreover, according to the spatial patterns of the “one axis, two wings” structure in the BTH and those of the “point-axis strip” structure in the Boswash, we calculated gravitational potentials of axes, which are equal to the sum of gravitational potentials of the cities contained by the axis, in the BTH and Boswash, respectively. At last, we mapped the gravity spatial patterns in both BTH and Boswash (Figures 3 and 4). Figure 3 exhibits the spatial patterns of the gravity in the BTH:
Figure 3 Spatial patterns of the gravity in the BTH (GPs represents gravitational potentials)
(1) Before 1972, the BTH experienced the period of isolated cities stage. Its spatial structure showed a “sporadic point” feature. The advantages of dual-core cities were not highlighted.
(2) From 1792-1982, the BTH experienced the period of dual-core cities stage. Since China’s reform and opening up, with the rapid economic development of the BTH, the spatial pattern of the BTH showed a “dual-core” structure. The dual-core cities of Beijing and Tianjin had the highest gravitational potentials. Meanwhile, the concepts of “Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan” and “capital circle” were proposed by government departments.
(3) From 1782-1991, the BTH experienced the period of group cities stage. Its spatial structure showed a “point-axis” feature. The gravitational potentials of axes showed a considerable influence. The new spatial pattern of a “one axis and two wings” structure was observed. Meanwhile, the formal regional cooperation mechanism of the BTH was proposed by government departments.
(4) From 2001-2011, the BTH experienced the period of network-style stage. Its spatial structure showed a “network” feature. The spatial pattern of the “one axis and two wings” feature was more significant. Notably, in this period, the economic and social development of the BTH was driven by the dual-core cities of Beijing and Tianjin, and supported by multi-node cities of Tangshan, Shijiazhuang and other cities.
Figure 4 exhibits the spatial patterns of the gravity in the Boswash, as shown in Figure 4, compared with the BTH, the spatial structure of the Boswash was more stable from 1972-2011. Its spatial pattern showed a “point-axis strip” structure. Few variations in its gravitational potentials of the cities and axis were observed. Moreover, the gravitational potentials of cities in the Boswash showed a “neck by neck” trend, while those in the BTH exhibited a large difference between the dual-core and non-core cities.
Figure 4 Spatial patterns of the gravity in the Boswash (GPs represents gravitational potentials)

4.3 Results of spatial autocorrelation

4.3.1 Urban agglomeration scale
To explore the spatial evolutions of the BTH and Boswash, the Local Moran’s I were calculated at urban agglomeration scale (1 km resolution), and city scale (0.5 km resolution), respectively (Figures 5 and 6). Figure 5 presents the spatial hotpot map of the impervious surface in the BTH at urban agglomeration scale. As shown in Figure 5, a large difference between core and non-core cities in the BTH was observed caused by the rapid economic development of the BTH during 1972-2011. Meanwhile, high-high assembling regions showed great changes. (1) In 1972, high-high assembling regions were mainly located in the dual-core cities of Beijing and Tianjin. (2) In 1982, high-high assembling regions were mainly located in Beijing, and the extent of them in Tianjin showed a decrease. Notably, high-high assembling points appeared in Tangshan, Baoding and Cangzhou. (3) In 1991, high-high assembling regions were mainly located in Beijing, Tianjin, Tangshan, Baoding, and Shijiazhuang. (4) During 2001-2011, high-high assembling regions were mainly located in Beijing, Tianjin, Tangshan, and Baoding.
Figure 5 Spatial hotpot map of impervious surface in the BTH at urban-agglomeration scale
Figure 6 presents the spatial hotpot map of the impervious surface in the Boswash at urban agglomeration scale. As shown in Figure 6, few changes of spatial clustering of the impervious surface of the Boswash were observed over the past four decades. High-high assembling regions were mainly located in the core cities, including Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. Its spatial structure exhibited a “point-axis” feature.
Figure 6 Spatial hotpot map of the impervious surface in the Boswash at urban agglomeration scale
4.3.2 City scale
The typical cities of Beijing in the BTH and Boston in the Boswash were selected to analyze the spatial clustering at city scale. We mapped the spatial hotpot map of the impervious surface of those two cities (Figure 7). As shown in Figure 7:
Figure 7 Spatial hotpot map of impervious surface at urban scale
(1) High-high assembling regions in Beijing showed a typical “standing pancake” feature. High-high assembling regions were mainly located in urban area, and low-low assembling regions, along with high-high assembling regions, located in the suburban area. Moreover, over time, high-high assembling regions rapidly spread as a model of concentric circles.
(2) Few changes of the spatial clustering were observed in Boston from 1972 to 2011. The spatial structure of high-high assembling regions showed a “multi-center, local aggregation and global discrete” feature in Boston influenced by the thought of “pastoral city”. Over the past four decades, the type of the impervious surface growth was categorized as contraction.

4.4 Results of landscape metrics

Based on the theory of landscape ecology, we characterized the major landscape of the BTH and Boswash using the landscape of the impervious surface. Additionally, to quantify the changes of the impervious surface among different periods, impervious surface coverage was divided into five different types: high-density impervious surfaces, medium high-density impervious surfaces, medium-density impervious surfaces, medium low-density impervious surfaces, and low-density impervious surfaces. The associated subpixel impervious area percentages were (80%, 100%], (60%, 80%], (40%, 60%], (20%, 40%], and (0%, 20%], respectively.
4.4.1 Results of PLAND
Figure 8a presents the results of PLAND of the BTH and Boswash, respectively, from 1972 to 2011. As shown in Figure 8a, PLAND values of high-density impervious surfaces of the BTH were higher than those of the Boswash from 1972 to 2011. PLAND Values of low-density impervious surfaces of the BTH were higher, and then lower than those of the Boswash before 1982, and after 1991, respectively.
Figure 8 Landscape metrics of the BTH and Boswash (LD represents low-density impervious surfaces, and HD represents high-density impervious surfaces)
4.4.2 Results of NLSD
NLSD represents landscape aggregation or scatter. The smaller value of NLSD is, the higher degree of its aggregation is. Figure 8b presents NLSD of the BTH and Boswash, respectively, from 1972 to 2011. As shown in Figure 8b:
(1) Over time, the degrees of aggregation of low-density impervious surfaces of the BTH exhibited an increasing trend, while few changes of those of the Boswash were observed. The degrees of aggregation of low-density impervious surfaces of the Boswash were higher, and then lower than those of the BTH before 1991, and after 2001, respectively.
(2) From 1972 to 1991, the degrees of aggregation of high-density impervious surfaces of the Boswash were higher than those of the BTH. Since 2001, the similar degrees of aggregation of high-density impervious surfaces between the BTH and Boswash were observed.

4.5 Results of ecological-production-living land

According to the above classification of ecological-living-production land, we calculated the proportions of ecological, living, and production land of the BTH and Boswash from 1991 to 2011 (Figure 9). Notably, the following findings are illustrated in Figure 9:
Figure 9 Ecological-living-production land area proportions of the BTH and Boswash
(1) In the BTH, few changes of the proportion of ecological land were observed, the pro-portion of ecological land decreased from 11% in 1991 to 9% in 2011. Meanwhile, the pro-portion of production land seriously decreased, a decrease from 61% in 1991 to 44% in 2011,while that of living land increased rapidly, an increase from 28% in 1991 to 47% in 2011.
(2) In the Boswash, the proportions of ecological, living, and production land decreased, increased, and decreased from 49%, 35%, and 17% in 1991 to 39%, 51%, and 10% in 2011, respectively.
(3) The area of ecological land in the Boswash was ~4 times higher than those in the BTH.
To explore the differences of the proportions of the impervious surfaces of ecological, living, and production land between the BTH and Boswash, we calculated these proportions in the BTH and Boswash from 1991 to 2011 (Figure 10). The following conclusions can be drawn from Figure 10:
Figure 10 Proportions of the impervious surface of ecological, living, and production land (note: EL, PL, and LL represent ecological, living, production land, respectively)
(1) From 1991 to 2001, the impervious surface of the BTH increased rapidly, while that of the Boswash remained stable.
(2) The proportions of the impervious surface of both ecological and production land in the BTH were higher than those in the Boswash due to the large differences of population densities, cities’ size, and developmental stages between the BTH and Boswash.
(3) The proportion of the impervious surfaces of living land of the BTH was higher than that of the Boswash.

5 Strategy of space optimization of the BTH

The comparison of the spatial structures between the BTH and Boswash can effectively absorb the experiences of cities’ spatial layout derived from the developed countries or regions. This comparison also can provide the scientific understanding of historical process and driving mechanism of spatial structure of urban agglomeration at different scales. Overall, our study is of great significance for the Chinese government to optimize spatial structures of urban agglomerations, industrial layout and macro planning. Notably, the spatial structure of the BTH and Boswash are rooted in their natural conditions, history and culture, but varied considerably based on their social and economic development. Boswash, the largest and most powerful urban region of the world, is the leading urban agglomeration of not only the USA but also the world. BTH, as the economic, political and cultural center of northern China, is the third economic growth pole among Chinese urban agglomerations after the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta. However, currently, the overall competitiveness of the BTH is relatively weak. The BTH is still at the initial stage of urban agglomeration and needs to absorb the experiences of the social and economic development of the Boswash. The past four decades is the shaping development stage of the BTH. It is a well-known fact that the speed of the formation and evolution of the BTH is much faster than those of the Boswash. Thus, a series of problems, including industry convergence, deterioration of ecological environment, and low traffic network level, is inevitable in the urban process of the BTH. Based on the above results in this study, from the perspective of spatial optimization of urban agglomerations, we propose the following suggestions in the process of the development of the BTH:
(1) The evacuation of the industries in core cities while the re-aggregation of those in non-core cities, namely, the implementation of a development strategy of “dual-core and multi-center”
The largest differences of gravitational potentials between core cities and non-core cities in the BTH indicate that the rapid economic and social development of Beijing and Tianjin did not drive effectively the development of the others. Notably, as shown in the map of the spatial patterns of ecological, living, production land of the BTH and Boswash, we found that production land in the Boswash is mainly located in Washington, Baltimore, and Philadelphia, while that in the BTH is located in all cities, especially in core cities, Beijing and Tianjin. These findings indicate that the urban functional orientation of the BTH does not achieve the effective division of labor. Therefore, we should highlight the evacuation of industries in core cities while the re-aggregation of those in non-core cities. The functional orientation of cities should be further improved. Additionally, the spatial structure of the BTH should transfer from a “one core” to the “dual core” structure. Overall, the development of the BTH should improve the urban network, expand the urban development space and promote the balanced development of the whole region.
(2) The improvement of urban ecological environment
China experienced rapid urbanization and industrialization during the past decades, and these processes are expected to continue in the 21st century. The “standing pancake” structures were exhibited in most of Chinese cities. However, the urban planners in the USA pay more attention to the construction of urban ecological green space. Thus, to a certain extent, the ecological greenbelt and surface cover of American cities are better than those of Chinese cities. In this research, we found that the ecological land of American cities is much higher than that of Chinese cities. Moreover, the impervious surface of Chinese cities is higher than that of American cities. Therefore, we consider that the following suggestions should be implemented in the future development: the protection of vegetation and woodland in water-deficient areas, the development of urban ecological green space, and the improvement of the urban surface covers.
(3) The construction of integrated transport network system
The development of regional traffic technology has brought the renewal of urban spatiotemporal concept, which brings new possibilities for regional spatial structure adjustment. Thus, we should actively promote the construction of the inter-city rapid track network, and strengthen the channel carrying capacity, for the spatial restructuring of the BTH.

6 Conclusions

In this paper, we analyzed the differences of the spatial structure of urban agglomerations between China and the US in the past four decades. Notably, the impervious surface product was firstly applied to study the spatial structure of urban agglomeration. This study, to a certain extent, enriched the application of subpixel level impervious surface product. Additionally, the impervious surface landscape was used to characterize the major landscape of urban agglomerations, and both the remote sensing and geographic information system technology were used in this study. The main conclusions of the study are as follows:
(1) From 1972 to 2011, the impervious surface of the BTH increased rapidly due to the rapid economic development, while those of the Boswash remained stable. In the past 40 years, the spatial structure of the BTH experienced the different periods, including isolated cities, dual-core cities, group cities and network-style cities stage, while that of the Boswash was more stable, and its spatial pattern showed a “point-axis strip” feature. The gravitational potentials of cities in the Boswash exhibited a “neck by neck” trend, while those in the BTH had a large difference between dual-core and non-core cities.
(2) From 1972 to 2011, there was a large difference between core and non-core cities caused by the rapid economic development of the BTH. Meanwhile, high-high assembling regions had great changes. Few changes of the impervious surface of the Boswash were observed in the past four decades. High-high assembling regions were mainly located in core cities, such as Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. Its spatial structure exhibited a “point-axis” feature. In Beijing, high-high assembling regions were mainly located in urban area, and low-low assembling regions, along with high-high assembling regions, located in the suburban area. Moreover, over time, high-high assembling regions rapidly spread as a model of concentric circles. In Boston, high-high assembling regions showed a “multi-center, local aggregation and global discrete” influenced by the thought of “pastoral city”. Over the past four decades, the type of the impervious surface growth was categorized as contraction.
(3) From 1972 to 2011, in the BTH, the proportions of ecological land exhibited few changes. Notably, the proportion of production land seriously decreased, a decrease from 61% in 1991 to 44% in 2011, while that of living land increased rapidly, an increase from 28% in 1991 to 47% in 2011. In the Boswash, the proportions of ecological, living, and production land decreased, increased, and decreased from 49%, 35%, and 17% in 1991 to 39%, 51%, and 10% in 2011, respectively. All the percentages of the impervious surface of ecological, living, and production land of the BTH were higher than those of the Boswash.

The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.

Breiman L, Friedman J, Olshen Ret al., 1984. Classification and Regression Trees (CART).Biometrics, 40(3): 358.Breiman, Leo; Friedman, Jerome H.; Olshen, Richard A.; Stone, Charles J.


Chen Xiuying, 2005. The Reorganization of Regional Spatial Structure: Theory and Empirical Research. Nanjing: Southeast University Press. (in Chinese)

Chen Yanguang, 2009. Reconstructing the mathematical process of spatial autocorrelation based on Moran’s statistics.Geographical Research, 28(6): 1449-1463. (in Chinese)This paper is devoted to developing the theory and methods of spatial autocorrelation analysis based on the Moran statistics.Firstly,the mathematical process of the Moran's index is reconstructed with the theory of linear algebra.Two kinds of generalized spatial weighting matrix(GSWM) are defined as follows: one is the ideal spatial weighting matrix(ISWM),and the other is the real spatial weighting matrix(RSWM).The Moran's I can be redefined by both ISWM and RSWM.Secondly,the theoretical essence of Moran's I is brought to light by using the ideas from symmetry and invariance of mathematical transform.The Moran's I is in fact the eigenvalue of ISWM and RSWM,and the corresponding eigenvector is just the vector consisting of the standardized data for spatial autocorrelation analysis.Thirdly,the Moran scatterplot is revised.Based on ISWM and RSWM,the Moran scatterplot for local analysis of spatial association is improved and the result is more satisfying than the original form.In the improved scatterplot,ISWM presents a straight line,and RSWM shows itself as a random distribution of data points. Three approaches to estimating the Moran's I are advanced as follows:(1) The method of formula.Three-step computation process is summed up by means of matrix theory.(2) The method of matrix.The scaling relation is employed to estimate the Moran's I by calculating the eigenvalue of ISWM or RSWM.(3) The method of regression analysis.This approach is based on the correlation between the standardized vector and ISWM or RSWM.The key step of making analysis of spatial autocorrelation is to construct the contiguity matrix.The spatial weighting matrix(SWM) is divided into four types:(1) locality correlation,(2) quasi-locality correlation,(3) quasi-long-distance correlation,and(4) long distance correlation associated with action at a distance.Different types of SWM are suitable for different cases of geographical analysis. The improved theory and method of spatial autocorrelation based on the Moran's I is applied to the systems of towns in Hebi Prefecture of Henan Province,China.Based on the measure of total population of towns,a symmetrical pattern of spatial autocorrelation,which looks like a butterfly,is revealed and illustrated.This example shows how to make use of spatial autocorrelation theory in human geographical analysis easily and simply.


Chen Yuanyuan, Li Ning, Ding Sibao, 2011. Spatial combination capacity and classification based on SOM network of urban agglomerations: A case study of central and southern Liaoning urban agglomerations.Scientia Geographica Sinica, 31(12): 1461-1467. (in Chinese)Against the backdrop of pacing up economic globalization and regional economic integration,the international elements flow more freely and frequently,such as flow of labor,material,funds,technology and information.The tends promote the development of regional society and economy along with the evolution of urban spatial structure,and make the spatial combination among urban agglomerations act more alive with a character of net connection.As the suburbanization develops,spatial diffusion gradually turns into a new study field.The spatial association of urban agglomerations is an abstract concept,which we defined it not only a connection among cities of urban agglomerations but also a connection among urban agglomerations as a whole and outside regions.By applying the economic relation intensity model,urban flow model and urban accessibility model,this article constructes a series of spatial combination capacity model and analyzes the spatial differentiation characteristics of spatial combination capacity taking the mid-southern Liaoning Urban agglomerations as an example.Based on the analysis,the SOM neural network grading model is built to evaluate the spatial combination capacity of the ten node cities.The results shows that: 1) Shenyang has the largest total economic linkage.The relationship between economic relation intensity of Shenyang and other cities,and the distance of railway among them presents the "S" curve.2) According to the value of urban flow intensity,the ten node cities are divided into three sorts igh,middle and low.Dalian value is the highest and Yingkou shows its potential as the center in the middle part of city group.3) The accessibility of the top three cities is high along the Shenyang-Dalian Highway.4) The classification result of SOM neural network indicates that Shenyang has the strongest spatial combination capacity and it shows the centrality as a solely class.


Elvidge C D, Tuttle B T, Sutton P Cet al., 2007. Global distribution and density of constructed impervious surface.Sensors, 7(9): 1962-1979.We present the first global inventory of the spatial distribution and density of constructed impervious surface area (ISA). Examples of ISA include roads, parking lots, buildings, driveways, sidewalks and other manmade surfaces. While high spatial resolution is required to observe these features, the new product reports the estimated density of ISA on a one-km2 grid based on two coarse resolution indicators of ISA the brightness of satellite observed nighttime lights and population count. The model was calibrated using 30-meter resolution ISA of the USA from the U.S. Geological Survey. Nominally the product is for the years 2000-01 since both the nighttime lights and reference data are from those two years. We found that 1.05% of the United States land area is impervious surface (83,337 km2) and 0.43 % of the world's land surface (579,703 km2) is constructed impervious surface. China has more ISA than any other country (87,182 km2), but has only 67 m2 of ISA per person, compared to 297 m2 per person in the USA. The distribution of ISA in the world's primary drainage basins indicates that watersheds damaged by ISA are primarily concentrated in the USA, Europe, Japan, China and India. The authors believe the next step for improving the product is to include reference ISA data from many more areas around the world.


Fang Chuanglin, 2014. Progress and the future direction of research into urban agglomeration in China.Acta Geographica Sinica, 69(8): 1130-1144. (in Chinese)Urban agglomeration has been the inevitable result of China's rapid industrialization and urbanization over the last 30 years. Since the early 2000 s,urban agglomeration has become the new regional unit participating in international competition and the division of labor. China has declared urban agglomeration the main spatial component of new types of urbanization over the next decade as clarified at the first Central Urbanization Working Conference and in the National New-type Urbanization Plan(2014?2020). However,research on urban agglomeration remains weak and needs to be strengthened. From 1934 to2013,only 19 papers published in Acta Geographica Sinica contained the theme of urban agglomeration(0.55% of the total number of articles published) and the first paper on urban agglomeration appeared less than 10 years ago. Despite a small number of divergent studies,this work has contributed to and guided the formation of the overall pattern of urban agglomeration in China. For example,spatial analyses have promoted the formation of the fundamental framework of China' s urban agglomeration spatial structure and guided the National New-type Urbanization Plan; spatial identification standards and technical processes have played an important role in identifying the scope and extent of urban agglomeration;serial studies have facilitated pragmatic research; and problems with the formation and development of urban agglomeration have provided a warning for future choices and Chinese development. Future research into urban agglomeration in China should(1) review and examine new problems in China's urban agglomeration options and cultivation;(2) critically consider urban agglomeration when promoting the formation of the 5+9+6 spatial pattern;(3)rely on urban agglomeration to construct new urbanization patterns such as 'stringing the agglomerations with the axis,supporting the axis with the agglomerations'; and(4) deepen national awareness about resources,environment effects and environmental carrying capacity in high density urban agglomerations,management and government coordination innovation,the construction of public finance and fiscal reserve mechanisms,the technical regulation of urban agglomeration planning,and standards for identifying the scope and extent of urban agglomeration.


Fang Chuanglin, Song Jitao, Jiang Xueqing, 2010. Theory and Practice of China’s Sustainable Urbanization. Beijing: Science Press. (in Chinese)

Friedmann J, Wolf G, 1982. World city formation: An agenda for research and action.International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 6(3): 309-344.The development of a global system of major cities is examined and the implications of this trend for the world economic system are considered particularly in terms of the effect on international movements of capital. An attempt is made to review the relevant literature and present a bibliography on this topic. (summary in FRE GER SPA) (ANNOTATION)


Guan Weihua, Yao Shimou, 2003. On tendency of spatial development and evolution of urban agglomeration.Modern Urban Research, 18(2): 82-86. (in Chinese)This paper exoatiates brieflyon generic cognition about spatial evolutivelaw and developing trend of urban agglom-eration in domestic and overseas areas atpresent. Based on such principles, the au-thor exemplifies Fu Xia urban agglomera-tion to analyze the developing situation, form-ing mechanism, spatial demarcation andseedtime, probes into its tendency of thedevelopment and evolution in the future.

Hall P, 1971. Spatial Structure of Metropolitan England and Wales. Cambridge, England: University of Cambridge Press.

Hidenobu Matsumoto, 2004. International urban systems and air passenger and cargo flows: Some calculations.Journal of Air Transport Management, 10(4): 241-249.This paper examines international urban systems from the standpoint of international air traffic flows and analyzes the patterns of international air passenger and cargo flows within and among the Asian, European and American regions. After evaluating the international air network structures in 1982 and in 1998, the degree of ‘hub-ness’ for prospective hub cities from 1982 to 1998 is clarified by a basic gravity model composed of GDP, population and distance introducing city-dummy variables. The results reveal that Tokyo, Hong Kong and Singapore in Asia, London, Paris, Frankfurt and Amsterdam in Europe and New York and Miami in the US are strengthening their positions as international hubs.


Kuang Wenhui, Chi Wenfeng, Lu Dengshenget al., 2014a. A comparative analysis of megacity expansions in China and the U.S.: Patterns, rates and driving forces.Landscape and Urban Planning, 122: 121-135.Research on physical characteristics and land-cover dynamic changes of megacities over time provides valuable insights for effectively regulating urban planning and management. This study conducts a comparative analysis of 30-year urban expansion patterns and rates among three metropolises in China (Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou) and another three in the USA (New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago) based on time-series impervious surface area (ISA) data extracted from multitemporal Landsat images using the linear spectral mixture analysis approach. This research indicates significantly different urbanization patterns and rates between the Chinese and American megacities. The ISA expansion area in Chinese megacities was five times higher than that in American megacities during the past three decades. The Chinese megacities expand outward from the urban core to the periphery in a concentric ring structure, whereas the American megacities increase ISA mainly within the inner cities with patch-filling patterns. The Chinese megacities are in the development stage where population and economic conditions significantly influence urban expansion patterns and rates, but the American megacities are in the developed stage where population and economic conditions are not important forces driving the ISA expansion. The ISA intensity in the American megacities decreases constantly and smoothly, but ISA intensity in Chinese megacities decays abruptly within certain distances, depending on different cities and years. The most obvious urban expansions were between 8 and 20km in Beijing in the 1980s, between 14 and 50km in Shanghai in the 2000s, and between 8 and 18km in Guangzhou in the 1990s.


Kuang Wenhui, Chi Wenfeng, Shi Wenjiao, 2014b. Spatial-temporal characteristics of intra-urban land cover in the cities of China and USA from 1978 and 2010.Acta Geographica Sinica, 69(7): 883-895. (in Chinese)Urban land cover has major impacts on a city's ecosystem services and the inherent quality of its urban residential environment. The spatio-temporal distribution of impervious surface area and green areas in Chinese cities has exhibited a significantly marked difference in comparison with USA cities. This study focused on monitoring and comparing the spatio-temporal dynamics, land cover patterns and characteristics of functional regions in six Chinese(n=3) and USA(n=3) cities. The study data were collated from Landsat TM/MSS imagery during the period 1978 2010. Results indicate that Chinese cities have developed compactly over the past three decades, while development has been notably dispersed among USA cities. Mean vegetation coverage in USA cities is approximately 2.2 times that found amongst Chinese urban agglomerations. Land use types within Chinese cities are significantly more complex, with a higher density of impervious surface area. Conversely, the central business district(CBD) and residential areas within USA cities were comprised of a lower proportion of impervious surface area and a higher proportion of green land. Results may be used to contribute to future urban planning and administration efforts in both China and the USA.


Kunzmann K R, Wegener M, 1991. The pattern of urbanization in Western Europe.Ekistics; Reviews on the Problems and Science of Human Settlements, 58(350/351): 282.This report "presents major trends and changes in the urban system in Europe over the last thirty years (1960-1990). It examines the present state of urbanization and considers the cycles and dynamics of urban , urban growth and urban decline and describes current and future issues of urban in the twelve countries of the European Community, including the united Germany, and in Austria and Switzerland.".


Liu Jingyu, Yang Hule, Song Qionget al., 2014. Spatial-temporal pattern evolution of the interaction among the cities in central plains economic zone.Scientia Geographica Sinica, 34(9): 1060-1068. (in Chinese)Central Plains Economic Zone(CPEZ) is an important strong point in the regional economic development of China. Studies on the interaction strength among the regional cities are conducive to the analysis of cities' economic connection degree. More importantly than all of that, this study is of great significance for urban spatial structure, spatial structural optimization of urban economy, and the development of the economic CPEZ zone. This article selected 30 provincially-administered cities from CEPZ zone to conduct analysis of Gravity Model, Potential Model, Potential Scores, and Membership Model. The the evolution process and the characteristic of the interactional spatio-temporal pattern of CEPZ cities for two decades(1990-2010) were investigated by the analysis strategy of"Line Point Surface". Gravitational forces among different cities were calculated and symbolized into varied lines on the base of size of statistic data. Thickness of the lines represents the connection characteristics between any two cities from CEPZ. Then, the potential capability of each city was figured out by using symbolized point to identify the potential grade of each city. The symbolized point and maximum gravity joint line were linked to show the connection characteristics. Finally, seven cities were chosen to play candidate regional central role. We calculated the economic membership of the seven candidate cities. The first results of economic membership were used to select regional central cities. At the same time, the spatial dimensions were determined for each candidate city. Kriging spatial interpolation was also applied in this study to express the standardized values in spatial pattern, which is based on the potential score from each city's economic capacity. The result shows that significant spatio-temporal differences occurred among the CPEZ cities. In"Line"level, the gravitational force has been enhanced and the count of join lines among the cities has been increased, where network structure appeared. We found that the variation of gravitational force is closely related to the count of joint lines. The same spatial pattern was observed in both of the variables. In"Point"level,"Lines"were stacked with points to perform the analysis. We also found the maximum joint line increased when the temporal-spatial difference occurred in city potential capacity. During the past two decades, the spatio-temporal differences varied significantly between selected cities. In"Surface"level, there is no change in regional central city. The other four cities, however, bear a significant change in hinterlands. Core Group hengzhou Group extended in north direction in the first 10 years(1990-2000). It extended again in second 10 years(2000-2010) for eastern side. We also observed periodic characteristics of spatial shrink in the areas of high potential grade from 2000 to 2010.


Lu Dadao, 1986. Scientific basis for the overall plan of industry productive allocation of China up to 2000.Scientia Geographica Sinica, 7(2): 110-118. (in Chinese)The author argues that there shouldn't occur any essential change(shifting) in the overall plan of the industrial productive allocation and it is inappropriate to set the more balancing regional development as the major target during the rest of the century. Since the production of industrial enterprises, either mining. raw material production or its processing, emerges from and agglomerates on geographical points and is connected each other by linear infra-structures, identification of the major industrial regions means the defining of key axes of development. By means of axes development an optimum spatial combination of the allocation of industry and that of transportation can be realized. Through analysis the author concludes that the most effective pattern of the spatial organization of industry is a point-axis system consisting of two first-order key developing axes, i. e, the coastal belt and the Yangtze River banks, and eight second-order developing axes. Another strategic measure to promote the development of industry is the small-scale adjustment of the rpatial structure of the large and medium-sized cities and industrial agglomerations.

Lu Dadao, 2015. Function orientation and coordinating development of subregions within the Jing-Jin-Ji Urban Agglomeration.Progress in Geography, 34(3): 265-270. (in Chinese)In this article, we examine the economic linkage and competition among cities in the great metropolitan region of Jing- Jin- Ji. Specifically we demonstrate that Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province have developed their unique industry structures and gained corresponding comparative advantages since the beginning of the reform and opening up. Accordingly, we propose the function orientation of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province based on their industrial characteristics and the principle of strategic interest of the country.


Meng Deyou, Lu Yuqi, 2012. Analysis of inter-provincial accessibility and economic linkage spatial pattern based on the railway network.Geographical Research, 31(1): 107-122. (in Chinese)Based on the railway passenger transportation network,employing the index of shortest time distance matrix between every two provincial capital cities which are Abstracted nodes in the railway network in 2003 and 2008,the paper analyses the level and spatial pattern of accessibility throughout the country.And then,the distance parameter in the gravity model is modified by the shortest travel time indicator,the strength of interprovincial economic linkage are measured and the spatial orientation are examined on the assumption that the provincial capital cities are the economic barycentre of the whole province.Results are shown as follows.(1) The inter-provincial accessibility level has gained a significant upgrade,especially accessibility promotion in the western provinces is higher than that of the others through the 5th and 6th train-speed network upgradings.But,the disparity of inter-provincial accessibility level is still remarkable throughout the country.The circle-type spatial pattern of the accessibility level that reduces gradually from the eastern coastal provinces to the northwestern provinces has emerged,the scope of the accessibility central zone is expanding,and the primary railway lines are becoming stronger and stronger.(2) The disparity of quantity of economic linkage is remarkable,the quantity of economic linkage in east coastal provinces is much higher than that of the central and western provinces.(3) The predominant axes of inter-provincial economic linkage have formed along the main railway lines from Beijing to Shanghai and from Beijing to Guangzhou.The spatial network pattern of regional economic linkage is forming along with the train-speed upgrading and the promotion of regional economy.The research of inter-provincial accessibility and economic linkage can not only give suggestions to regional economic restructuring,and to the primary spatial orientation of regional economic development,but also provide reference for coordinating inter-provincial economic linkage and cooperation in the process of regional economic integration.


Nian Fuhua, Yao Shimou, Chen Zhenguang, 2002. The preliminary study on the network organization in urban agglomeration.Scientia Geographica Sinica, 22(5): 68-73. (in Chinese)Under the new circumstances of global economic integration, industrialization and the urbanization promote the rapid development of IT industry, especially 'information expressway and internet'-based on computer and remote-sensing technology among big cities gets faster development. Information network has great influences on the formation and the development of urban agglomeration. The network of urban agglomeration is not only the most superior model in material flow between cities and countries, but also is the optimized urbanization model on the process of formation of urban agglomeration. The network organization of urban agglomeration is being perfected and has all kinds of models in the area of well-equipped infrastructure. The article focally discusses the following issues: ①The conception and the spatial distribution of network in urban agglomeration. ②The four network models of urban agglomeration: core region network, towns of dumbbell network, multiple nuclei network, corridor-type network.③The influences of network on the flows of people, material and information in urban agglomeration. Based on the analysis on the reasonability of network in view of spatial organization, the authors try to adjust the contradiction between the planned economic activities and disorderly management.

Peng Jian, Wang Yanglin, Zhang Yuanet al., 2006. Research on the influence of land use classification on landscape metrics.Acta Geographica Sinica, 61(2): 157-168. (in Chinese)Landscape pattern analysis based on landscape metrics is a basic content of the research on landscape ecology. More and more researches proved that not only scale effects and the precision of remote sensed data had significant influence on landscape metrics, but also the difference of land use classification would make the change of landscape metrics. However, we still have not found out how land use classification affects landscape metrics and associated influence mechanism. In this paper, we chose Bao'an of Shenzhen city as an experimental area, to analyze the characteristics of the change of 24 landscape metrics associated with the change of land use classification. The results showed that land use classification indeed influenced landscape metrics.And based on the shape of the land use classification effect curves and the predictability of these relations, the 24 landscape metrics can be divided into three groups. The first group included 12 indices, i.e., number of patches (NP), patch density (PD), edge density (ED), mean patch size (MPS), landscape shape index (LSI), mean patch shape index (MSI), perimeter-area fractal dimension (PAFRAC), mean patch fractal dimension (MPFD), aggregation index (AI), Shannon's diversity index (SHDI), Simpson's diversity index (SIDI), and modified Simpson's diversity index (MSIDI). The behavior of this group of indices with the change of the number of land use types was very predictable with simple function relations in regression analysis, which were mainly logarithm function, S function, and inverse function. The second group included seven indices, i.e., patch size standard deviation (PSSD), patch size coefficient of variation (PSCV), largest patch index (LPI), area-weighted mean patch shape index (AWMSI), area-weighted mean patch fractal dimension (AWMPFD), landscape division index (DIVISION), and patch cohesion index (COHESION). The behavior of this group was not easy to predict with significant subsection. And function relations used in regression analysis mainly included S function, linear function, inverse function and compound function. The third group included five indices, i.e., contagion index (CONT), landscape dominance index (DI), Shannon's evenness index (SHEI), Simpson's evenness index (SIEI), and modified Simpson's evenness index (MSIEI). The behavior of this group could not be predicted. Significant influence of the changing land use classification on landscape metrics indicated that only landscape with the same land use classification could be used for comparing landscape pattern characteristics.


Pyrgiotis Y N, 1991. Urban networking in Europe: The guest-editors introductory statement.Ekistics the Problems Andence of Human Settlements, 58(350/351): 272-276.We begin with a description of three house price panel data sets for the period 1982 to 1991. Next, we estimate a model that assumes the three sources are derived from an underlying unobserved price series, and we construct composite indexes that report house prices for 135 locations. These series can be used either as explanatory variables in studies of household formation, housing demand, and migration or to test models of the determinants of spatial and intertemporal variations in house prices. Finally, we construct regional series (based, alternatively, on census and Salomon Brothers regions) and two national aggregates and describe their movements. Our series are compared to other local, regional, and national series.


Sassen S, 1991. The Global City. New York: Princeton University Press.

Simeon Djankov, Caroline Freund, 2002. Trade flows in the Former Soviet Union, 1987 to 1996.Journal of Comparative Economics, 30(1): 76-90.The effects of past linkages on trade flows in the former Soviet Union (FSU) are studied using a gravity equation, estimated from trade flows among and between 9 Russian regions and 14 FSU republics from 1987 to 1996. We find that Russian regions traded 60% more with each other than with republics in the period from 1994 to 1996. In contrast, these regions did not trade significantly more with each other than with republics in the period from 1987 to 1990. We find that past linkages, such as infrastructure, production and consumption chains, and business networks, have limited the reorientation of trade. J. Comp. Econ., March 2002, 30(1), pp. 76–90. World Bank and CEPR; and Federal Reserve Board. 08 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: F14, F15, P21.


Weng Qihao, 2011. Remote sensing of impervious surfaces in the urban areas: Requirements, methods, and trends.Remote Sensing of Environment, 117(2): 34-49.78 Comprehensive review on methods to extract, estimate and map impervious surfaces. 78 Discussions on the mapping requirements of urban impervious surfaces. 78 Problems and prospects in remote sensing of impervious surfaces in the urban areas. 78 Impact of new sensing systems on the models and algorithms in urban remote sensing. 78 First to discuss about research traditions in urban remote sensing.


Wu Qiyan, 1999. On the characteristic of structure of urban dense region and its development mechanism.Human Geography, 14(1): 11-16. (in Chinese)

Xue Dongqian, 2002. Expanding law and restraining mechanism about urban land: Taking Xi’an city as an expamle.Journal of Natural Resources, 17(6): 729-736. (in Chinese)Economic development that takes evolution of industrial structure and diffusion of po-pulation as the center is the internal motive force of urban land expansion,communication con-nection is the external driving force,and management and planning are intermediate forces.From nationwide point of view,the expanding speed of urban land in Xi'an is lower than the country's average level.The basic reason for the gradual decrease of cultivated land lies in suburbaniza-tion caused by economic development,function substitute caused by adjustment of industrial structure and land adjustment caused by population space division.Based on basic concept and model,this paper points out that equal attention should be paid to"circle expanding model"and"exclave expanding model".The basic elementary theoretical models about urban land expansion include"circle expanding model","leap expanding model"and"radiative expanding model".Under the premise of taping the potentialities,land expansion should regard"circle expanding model"or"exclave expanding model"as equally important in the future quite a long period of time .The former is mainly taken into account in the near future and the latter,at a specified fu-ture date.Finally,factor features(including factor construction,factor transformation,function formation and structural change)and expanding phases about land expansion of Xi'an are identi-fied.

Yang Limin, Huang Chengquan, Homer Collin Get al., 2003. An approach for mapping large-area impervious surfaces: Synergistic use of Landsat-7 ETM+ and high spatial resolution imagery.Remote Sensing, 29(2): 230-240.A wide range of urban ecosystem studies, including urban hydrology, urban climate, land use planning, and resource management, require current and accurate geospatial data of urban impervious surfaces. We developed an approach to quantify urban impervious surfaces as a continuous variable by using multisensor and multisource datasets. Subpixel percent impervious surfaces at 30-m resolution were mapped using a regression tree model. The utility, practicality, and affordability of the proposed method for large-area imperviousness mapping were tested over three spatial scales (Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Richmond, Virginia, and the Chesapeake Bay areas of the United States). Average error of predicted versus actual percent impervious surface ranged from 8.8 to 11.4%, with correlation coefficients from 0.82 to 0.91. The approach is being implemented to map impervious surfaces for the entire United States as one of the major components of the circa 2000 national land cover database.


Yang Limin, Xian George, Klaver Jacqueline Met al., 2003. Urban land-cover change detection through sub-pixel imperviousness mapping using remotely sensed data.Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 69(9): 1003-1010.We developed a Sub-pixel Imperviousness Change Detection (SICD) approach to detect urban land-cover changes using Landsat and high-resolution imagery. The sub-pixel percent imperviousness was mapped for two dates (09 March 1993 and 11 March 2001) over western Georgia using a regression tree algorithm. The accuracy of the predicted imperviousness was reasonable based on a comparison using independent reference data. The average absolute error between predicted and reference data was 16.4 percent for 1993 and 15.3 percent for 2001. The correlation coefficient (r) was 0.73 for 1993 and 0.78 for 2001, respectively. Areas with a significant increase (greater than 20 percent) in impervious surface from 1993 to 2001 were mostly related to known land-cover/land-use changes that occurred in this area, suggesting that the spatial change of an impervious surface is a useful indicator for identifying spatial extent, intensity, and, potentially, type of urban land-cover/land-use changes. Compared to other pixel-based change-detection methods (band differencing, rationing, change vector, post-classification), information on change in sub-pixel percent imperviousness allow users to quantify and interpret urban land-cover/land-use changes based on their own definition. Such information is considered complementary to products generated using other change-detection methods. In addition, the procedure for mapping imperviousness is objective and repeatable, hence, can be used for monitoring urban land-cover/land-use change over a large geographic area. Potential applications and limitations of the products developed through this study in urban environmental studies are also discussed.


Yao Shimou, Wang Shuguo, Chen Shuang, 2006. Spatial system of “Urban Agglomeration” in district development.Economic Geography, 26(5): 26-30. (in Chinese)More and more countries,cities and all kinds of enterprises are banded together and depend on each other as the developing of globalized economic society.More new situations are showing up as the combination of many factors,such as the superposition and connection of cities and towns,concentration of resource factors,recomposition of industrial enterprises,network of transportation information and moving of population and so on.Urban agglomeration is becoming more and more obvious in the developed districts.The principles of urban agglomeration,factors during its developing process,spatial system were studied,and then four spatial structural models of urban agglomeration were brought forward in this article.全球化的新形勢下,由于經濟社會的高度發展,將越來越多的國家、城市和各種企業團體捆綁在一種互相依存和互相聯貫的網絡關系中。在當前全球經濟相互依存的一體化時代,由于城鎮連綿迭加、資源要素集中,產業集團重組、交通信息網絡化和人群流動化加快等等因素的匯合,給城市化地區帶來新的現象。發達地區孕育著“城市群現象”越來越突顯。文章就區域發展中城市群現象的生成規律、發展過程中的因子及其空間組織系統若干問題進行綜合性的探索,并提出了城市群現象的空間結構的四種范式。

Zhang Hongqi, Xu Erqi, Zhu Huiyi, 2015. An ecological-living-industrial land classification system and its spatial distribution in China.Resources Science, 7(37): 1332-1338. (in Chinese)Rapid development of industrialization,urbanization and economy causes tension in the human-land relationship. To take into account the relationship between food security,economic development and ecological protection,one needs to coordinate contradictions and conflicts between different functional land types. The current land use classification system emphasizes the industrial and living function of lands but insufficiently considers ecological function. This study built an Ecological-living-industrial Land Classification System from the perspective of land functions incorporating the concept of ecological land. The new land classification is more suitable to coordinate ecological,living and industrial land spaces. The Ecological-living-industrial Land Classification System includes three levels. The first level includes four major types:ecological regulation land,ecological-industrial land,industrial land,and living-industrial-ecological land.The second level subdivides dominant functions into 15 functional land categories. The third level is based on land cover types. According to zoning and re-classification,we extracted ecological-living-industrial land and their spatial distribution at a national scale. The area of ecological regulation land,ecological-industrial land,industrial land,and living-industrial land area are 6 037 000km2,1 353 800km2,2 001 900km2 and 207 300km2respectively;accounting for62.89%,14.10%,20.85% and 2.16% of total area,respectively. Ecological land are mainly locate in central and western China,ecological-industrial land reflects obvious regional differentiation,and industrial-ecological land and living-industrial land are concentrated in eastern China.

Zhong Yexi, Lu Yuqi, 2012. Measuring method of urban hinterland based on spatial linkage: A case of Jiangsu Province.Scientia Geographica Sinica, 2012, 32(5): 536-543. (in Chinese)With the development of computer technology and geographic information system(GIS),three significant transformation appears in measuring method of urban hinterland.Firstly,the method develops from the qualitative to the quantitative.Secondly,GIS is increasingly integrated with traditional methods.Thirdly,time-distance gradually replaces physical distance,while they have the commom thinking to classify the cities by their qualities.The urban hinterlands can be deviede to different categories,which is called "top-down" method in this article.Since the method focuses on the quality without considering distance as a factor,the results are not good enough in the area where the internal differentiation is significant.Therefore,the method named "bottom-up" is put forward here.And selecting Jiangsu Province as a case,the cities in it are divided to different levels and their hinterlands are measured in the years of 1990,1996,2002 and 2008 based on the 1: 250 000 basic geographic data,the transportation network data and the statistic data of counties(cities).The division process involves: to obtain the scales of 65 cities by factor analysis,to get the time-distance between cities by the accessibility analysis,and to determine the levels of the urban and their hinterlands after merging them by grade through maximum spatial linkage.The result shows that: it is more accurate to use accessibility capacity than using the straight-line distance,since not only the comprehensive strength but also the location are taken into consideration in the former;the dividing result may fully reflect the regional balance since fully considering the relationship of subordination among those cities.On one hand,"bottom-up "method could reflect the regional balance well while "top-down" method would neglect it instead;on another hand,"bottom-up" method could not ensure central cities with high comprehensively capable are all divided as high level ones in the case that those central cities are of about the same strength and being close while "top-down" method can make it.But as a completely different method from traditional ones,"bottom-up" method reflects a new study thinking which deserves researchers to make theoretical and empirical exploration further.

Zhu Yingming, 2004. Urban Agglomeration Economy Spatial Analysis. Beijing: Science Press. (in Chinese)

