Journal of Geographical Sciences >
Holocene environmental changes around Xiaohe Cemetery and its effects on human occupation, Xinjiang, China
Author: Zhang Yifei (1988-), PhD Candidate, specialized in geomorphology and environmental change. E-mail:
*Corresponding author: Mo Duowen (1955-), Professor, E-mail:
Received date: 2016-09-14
Accepted date: 2016-11-25
Online published: 2017-06-10
Supported by
Major Program of National Social Science Foundation of China, No.11&ZD183
National Key Project of Scientific and Technical Supporting Program of China, No.2013BAK08B02
National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.41171006
The Xiaohe Cemetery archaeological site (Cal. 4-3.5 ka BP) is one of the most important Bronze Age sites in Xinjiang, China. Although the surrounding environment is an extremely arid desert now, abundant archaeological remains indicate that human occupation was common during certain periods in the Holocene. Field investigations and laboratory analyses of a sediment profile near the Xiaohe Cemetery indicate that while the regional environment was arid desert throughout the Holocene there were three episodes of lake formation near the site in the periods 4.8-3.5 ka BP, 2.6-2.1 ka BP and 1.2-0.9 ka BP. Geomorphic and hydrological investigations reveal that a lake or lakes formed in a low-lying area when water was derived initially from the Kongque River and then shunted into the Xiaohe River basin. Low amounts of active chemical elements in lacustrine sediment between 4.8-3.5 ka BP indicate abundant and continuous water volume in the lake; the content of active chemical elements increased between 2.6-2.1 ka BP but was still at a relatively low level, suggesting a declining amount of water and diminished inflow. Between 1.2-0.9 ka BP there was a very high content of active elements, suggesting decreased water volume and indicating that the lake was stagnate. In contrast, the general climate condition shows that there had a warm-humid stage at 8-6 ka BP, a cool-humid stage at 6-2.9 ka BP and a warm-dry stage at 2.9-0.9 ka BP in this region. The hydrological evolutions around Xiaohe Cemetery did not have one-to-one correspondence with climate changes. Regional comparison indicates that broad-scale climatic conditions played an important role through its influences on the water volume of the Tarim River and Kongque River. But, the formation of the lakes and their level were controlled by geomorphic conditions that influenced how much water volume could be shunted to Xiaohe River from Kongque River. Human occupation of the Xiaohe Cemetery and nearby regions during the Bronze Age and Han-Jin period (202 BC-420 AD) corresponded to the two earlier lake periods, while no human activities existed in the third lake period because of the decreased water volume.
ZHANG Yifei , MO Duowen , HU Ke , BAO Wenbo , LI Wenying , Idilisi Abuduresule , Michael J. STOROZUM , Tristram R. KIDDER . Holocene environmental changes around Xiaohe Cemetery and its effects on human occupation, Xinjiang, China[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2017 , 27(6) : 752 -768 . DOI: 10.1007/s11442-017-1404-6
Figure 1 The location of Xiaohe Cemetery in Xinjiang, China(a) Black rectangle marks the location of research area b and c. (b) The elevation of the research area based on DEM data (resolution of the Digital Elevation Model data is 90 m). (c) The geomorphic situation of the area based on satellite map (the map was created by merging bands 1, 2, and 3 of four 30 m-resolution Landsat-5 pictures). (d) Samples’ location and the landscape around Xiaohe Cemetery. (e) The modern monthly changes of temperature and precipitation, observed by the Tikanlik meteorological station (2013). |
Figure 2 The environment around Xiaohe Cemetery (a and b) and the stratigraphy of the XH-N profile with ages (c) |
Table 1 Sedimentary sequence of the XH-N profile |
Stratum No. | Depth (cm) | Sedimentary description |
1 | 0-15 | Fluvio-lacustrine sediment, light greyish clayey silt with plant rootlets |
2 | 15-40 | Greyish fine sand with some silt layers, laminar structure |
3 | 40-50 | Fluvio-lacustrine sediment, light greyish clayey silt |
4 | 50-90 | Yellowish grey fine sand mixed with coarse sand, laminated and yellow rust spots |
5 | 90-110 | Fluvio-lacustrine sediment, light greyish silty clay with snail shells in the bottom |
6 | 110-275 | Brownish fine sand and medium sand, laminar structure |
Table 2 Detailed information of every chronological sample |
Sample No. | Stratum No. | Depth (cm) | Dating method | Dating material | Age |
XHB-1 | 1 | 10-15 | OSL | Silty clay | 950±80 a BP |
XHB-2 | 3 | 45-50 | OSL | Clayey silt | 2423±110 a BP |
XHB-3 | 4 | 55-60 | OSL | Silt and sand | 3355±155 a BP |
XHB-4 | 4 | 70-75 | OSL | Silt and sand | 3280±140 a BP |
XHB-5 | 5 | 95-100 | OSL | Silty clay | 3744±190 a BP |
XHB-6 | 5 | 105-110 | 14C, AMS | Snail shell | 4845±30 Cal. a BP |
XHB-7 | 6 | 135-140 | OSL | Silt and sand | 5428±250 a BP |
Figure 3 Variations of grain size parameters with the depth of the XH-N profile (Gray shading indicates the fine-grained strata) |
Figure 4 Five representative types of the frequency curves of grain size distribution in different strata |
Figure 5 Variations of ten major geochemical elements with the depth of the XH-N profile (Gray shading indicates the fine-grained strata) |
Figure 6 Comparisons of climate conditions and hydrological conditions of the indexes of the XH-N profile to the other researches, two periods of human occupation observed as black rectangles in bottom.(a. δ18O from Guliya ice core (Thompson et al., 1999); b. 65° summer insolation (Berger and Loutre, 1991); c. Average moisture index in ACA (Chen et al., 2008); e. A/C ratio of Taitema Lake (Zhong et al., 2005); f: Clay content of Lop Nur (Ma et al., 2008); d and g: This research) |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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