Journal of Geographical Sciences >
Contributions of climate change and human activities to ET and GPP trends over North China Plain from 2000 to 2014
Author: Chen Xuejuan (1991-), PhD Candidate, specialized in remote sensing and eco-hydrology. E-mail:
*Corresponding author: Mo Xingguo, Professor, specialized in climate and eco-hydrology. E-mail:
Received date: 2016-08-17
Accepted date: 2016-12-06
Online published: 2017-06-10
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.41471026
National Key Research and Development Program of China, No.2016YFC0401402
Quantifying the contributions of climate change and human activities to ecosystem evapotranspiration (ET) and gross primary productivity (GPP) changes is important for adaptation assessment and sustainable development. Spatiotemporal patterns of ET and GPP were estimated from 2000 to 2014 over North China Plain (NCP) with a physical and remote sensing-based model. The contributions of climate change and human activities to ET and GPP trends were separated and quantified by the first difference de-trending method and multivariate regression. Results showed that annual ET and GPP increased weakly, with climate change and human activities contributing 0.188 mm yr-2 and 0.466 mm yr-2 to ET trend of 0.654 mm yr-2, and -1.321 g C m-2 yr-2 and 7.542 g C m-2 yr-2 to GPP trend of 6.221 g C m-2 yr-2, respectively. In cropland, the increasing trends mainly occurred in wheat growing stage; the contributions of climate change to wheat and maize were both negative. Precipitation and sunshine duration were the major climatic factors regulating ET and GPP trends. It is concluded that human activities are the main drivers to the long term tendencies of water consumption and gross primary productivity in the NCP.
CHEN Xuejuan , MO Xingguo , HU Shi , LIU Suxia . Contributions of climate change and human activities to ET and GPP trends over North China Plain from 2000 to 2014[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2017 , 27(6) : 661 -680 . DOI: 10.1007/s11442-017-1399-z
Figure 1 Land-use/cover types (a) and annual NDVI trend (P<0.05) (b) in North China Plain during 2000-2014 |
Figure 2 The probability density functions (PDF) of the spatial distributions of simple correlation coefficients between every two de-trended climatic factors. PDF in gray color represents all the grids, and PDF in orange color represents the grids which are under 95% level significant. (SD: sunshine duration; Ta: mean temperature; DTR: diurnal temperature range; PPT: precipitation; VPD: vapor pressure deficit; WS: wind speed.) |
Figure 3 Comparisons between simulated daily ET and measured ET by eddy covariance in three flux towers, Yucheng: 2003-2005 (a), Daxing: 2008-2010 (b), and Guantao: 2008-2010 (c); and comparisons between simulated crop GPP and retrieved GPP by available statistic grain yields at county level during 2000-2014 in three provinces of Hebei (d), Tianjin (e), and Shandong (f) |
Figure 4 Taylor diagram of the comparisons between monthly simulated ET and MODIS-ET (a); simulated GPP and MODIS-GPP (b) over cropland (blue), forest (green) and grassland (red) during 2000-2014 |
Figure 5 Probability density functions (PDF) and mean values (triangle symbol, upward or downward triangle means larger or smaller than the multi-year mean value) of the spatial distributions of ET and GPP from 2000 to 2014. ET is shown on the left side in green and GPP is shown on the right side in red. The blue horizontal line shows the multi-year mean value averaged over the whole region for ET and GPP. The series of blue rhombus and pink circles represent the variation coefficients of ET and GPP, respectively. |
Figure 6 The spatial distributions of annual mean ET (a); annual mean GPP (b); trends of annual ET (P<0.05) (c) and trends of annual GPP (P<0.05) (d) over the North China Plain from 2000 to 2014 |
Table 1 The area proportions and mean values of ET and GPP trends |
Area_ET trend (%) | ET_trend (mm yr-2) | Area_GPP trend (%) | GPP_trend (g C m-2 yr-2) | |
Decrease (P<0.05) | 9.5 | -6.864 | 8.8 | -28.655 |
Decrease (P>0.05) | 29.5 | -1.794 | 22.7 | -7.289 |
Increase (P>0.05) | 45.1 | 2.034 | 39.3 | 8.579 |
Increase (P<0.05) | 16.0 | 5.712 | 29.2 | 24.041 |
Figure 7 Spatial distributions of dominant climatic variables of annual ET (a), ET in wheat growing stage (b), ET in maize growing stage (c), annual GPP (d), GPP in wheat growing stage (e), and GPP in maize growing stage (f) (P<0.05) from 2000 to 2014 after removing the non-climatic influences. (The white color represents that the partial correlations between ET (or GPP) and climatic factors are insignificant. Wheat growing stage: during Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr and May; Maize growing stage: during Jun, Jul, Aug and Sep.) |
Figure 8 Relative contributions of climate change and human activities to annual ET and GPP trends. (The sum of the relative contributions equals to 100%.) |
Table 2 Mean actual contributions of climate change and human activities to annual ET trends (mm yr-2) and GPP trends (g C m-2 yr-2) |
Zones | ET trend | Qac to ET trend | Qah to ET trend | GPP trend | Qac to GPP trend | Qah to GPP trend |
A | 0.654 | 0.188 | 0.466 | 6.221 | -1.321 | 7.542 |
B | 1.045 | 0.416 | 0.630 | 11.863 | -1.876 | 13.739 |
C | 5.712 | 0.515 | 5.197 | 24.041 | -2.169 | 26.210 |
D | -6.864 | 0.247 | -7.111 | -28.655 | -0.903 | -27.752 |
Note: A represents the whole area of the NCP; B represents the area where ET or GPP trends are significant; C and D represent the areas that ET (or GPP) shows significantly increasing trend and significantly decreasing trend, respectively. Qac and Qah are the actual contributions of climate change and human activities as defined in section 2.4. |
Figure 9 Actual contributions of climate change and human activities to ET and GPP trends in different land use types. (We further distinct the winter wheat and summer maize in cropland; GPP of water body is for the vegetation in wetland and benchland.) |
Figure 10 Spatial distributions of annual mean simulated ET (a), annual mean MODIS-ET (b), difference between annual mean simulated ET and annual mean MODIS-ET (c), annual mean simulated GPP (d), annual mean MODIS-GPP (e), difference between annual mean simulated GPP and annual mean MODIS-GPP (f) |
Figure 11 Variations of annual mean ET (a) and GPP (b) with the pattern of NDVI |
Figure 12 Changes of ET (a) and GPP (b) in the North China Plain from 2000 to 2014 (Mean ET and GPP are all averaged over the areas where MODIS products have valid values.) |
Figure 13 Differences of the sensitivities of ET (a) and GPP (b) to each climate factor under different climatic conditions. (Specifically, assume that the sensitivity of ET to Ta increasing 1℃ is A, and the sensitivity of ET to Ta increasing 1℃ when SD decreases 20% is B. The difference of A and B is shown as the orange circle in the first column of (a). The differences of the sensitivities of ET (or GPP) to other factors are estimated similarly. Changes of SD, PPT and WS are set as decreasing 20%, while change of Ta is set as increasing 1℃ according to the climatic conditions of the North China Plain.) |
Table 3 Trends of climatic factors averaged over cropland from 2000 to 2014 |
Trend | SD | Ta | PPT | WS |
Wheat growing stage | 0.010 | 0.007 | -0.126 | -0.046** |
Maize growing stage | -0.049* | -0.001 | -0.593 | -0.043** |
Note: ** indicates P<0.05; * indicates P<0.1 |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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