Journal of Geographical Sciences >
Spatially precise reconstruction of cropland areas in Heilongjiang Province, northeast China during 1900-1910
*Corresponding author: Zhang Xuezhen (1981-), PhD,
Author: Zhang Lijuan (1965-), PhD and Professor, specializing in studies of changes in land use and land cover.
Received date: 2014-10-15
Accepted date: 2014-12-25
Online published: 2015-05-15
Supported by
National Natural Science Foundation of China, No.42171217;No.41471171
It is necessary to reconstruct past changes in land use and land cover to understand the historical effects of humans on climate and the local environment. We collected information from historical documents on the cropland area at the county level for Heilongjiang Province, northeast China during 1900-1910. The original records from different historical documents were calibrated with each other. We then defined an agricultural suitability index quantified by the distance from settlements, the slope and complexity of the topography, and the distance from rivers. Following the order of the agricultural suitability index from high to low values, the documented areas of cropland at the county level were then allocated into 1 km × 1 km cells. The area of cropland in 2009 was then retrieved from Landsat ETM+ images and compared with the areas of cropland during 1900-1910 to determine the human-induced changes in land use and land cover. In this period, the total area of cropland was about 25,397 km2 and this mainly occurred in the mid-southern part of Heilongjiang, in particular the six counties of Hailun, Bayan, Wuchang, Hulan, Shuangcheng and Wangkui. In 2009, the total area of cropland had increased to about 163,808 km2 and had spread over the southwestern part to the central and northeastern parts of Heilongjiang. The area of cropland had therefore increased by about 138,411 km2 during the 20th century. The proportion of land used as cropland increased from about 5.6% during 1900-1910 to about 36.2% in 2009, indicating that about 30.6% of the natural land surface in Heilongjiang was replaced by cropland. A total of about 44% (60,962 km2) of the cropland was converted from forest, mainly on the western edge and in the northeastern part of the present-day agricultural area. These areas of cropland reconstructed from historical records for the period 1900-1910 could be used as a basic data set to study the effects of agricultural development on climate and the local environment.
ZHANG Lijuan , JIANG Lanqi , ZHANG Xuezhen . Spatially precise reconstruction of cropland areas in Heilongjiang Province, northeast China during 1900-1910[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2015 , 25(5) : 592 -602 . DOI: 10.1007/s11442-015-1189-4
Figure 1 Location of Heilongjiang Province and the distribution of countiesCounties: 1=Mohe, 2=Tahe, 3=Huma, 4=Nenjiang, 5=Heihe, 6=Sunwu, 7=Xunke, 8=Jiayin, 9=Wudalianchi, 10=Yichun, 11=Nehe, 12=Keshan, 13=Bei’an, 14=Gannan, 15=Fuyuan, 16=Luobei, 17=Hegang, 18=Tongjiang, 19=Kedong, 20=Suiling, 21=Yi’an, 22=Fuyu, 23=Baiquan, 24=Qiqihar, 25=Hailun, 26=Suibin, 27=Longjiang, 28=Fujin, 29=Qing’an, 30=Raohe, 31=Lindian, 32=Tieli, 33=Mingshui, 34=Tangyuan, 35=Huachuan, 36=Suihua, 37=Wangkui, 38=Durbete, 39=Tailai, 40=Qinggang, 41=Jixian, 42=Daqing, 43=Anda, 44=Youyi, 45=Baoqing, 46=Jiamusi, 47=Shuangyashan, 48=Bayan, 49=Yilan, 50=Lanxi, 51=Huanan, 52=Tonghe, 53=Hulin, 54=Mulan, 55=Zhaodong, 56=Hulan, 57=Boli, 58=Qitaihe, 59=Zhaozhou, 60=Fangzheng, 61=Binxian, 62=Acheng, 63=Zhaoyuan, 64=Linkou, 65=Harbin, 66=Mishan, 67=Yanshou, 68=Shuangcheng, 69=Jidong, 70=Hailin, 71=Shangzhi, 72=Jixi, 73=Wuchang, 74=Muling, 75=Dongning, 76=Mudanjiang, 77=Suifenhe, 78=Ning’an |
Figure 2 Boundaries of counties in Heilongjiang Province during 1900-1910 |
Table 1 Conversion ratios among the area units |
Region | Shang (晌) | Tiandi (天地) | Qingmu (清亩) | Biaozhunmu (标准清亩) | Mu (现代亩) | km2 | Reference |
Heilongjiang Province | 1 | — | 12 | 14.4 | 13.271 | 8.8×10-3 | Ye et al. (2009) |
Jilin Province | 1 | — | 10 | 12 | 11.059 | 7.4×10-3 | Ye et al. (2009) |
Three provinces of northeast China | — | 1 | — | — | — | 6.114×10-3 | Li et al. (2005) |
Figure 3 Linear regression of cropland areas from Liaoning Provincial Archives (2008) against cropland areas from Local Gazette of Manchu-Mongolia (Course on the Survey of Manchurian Railway, 1923) (a) and linear regression of cropland areas against population in Heilongjiang Province during 1900-1910 (b) |
Figure 4 Cropland area fraction (a) and per capita cropland area (b) for each county in Heilongjiang Province during 1900-1910 |
Figure 5 Suitability of agricultural development at a cell size of 1 km× 1 km in Heilongjiang Province during 1900-1910 |
Figure 6 Reconstruction of spatial distribution of cropland during 1900-1910 at a cell size of 1 km × 1 km based on historical documents |
Table 2 Modern county boundaries-based cropland area fraction during 1900-1910 from Ye et al. (2009) and this study |
County | R1 | R2 | County | R1 | R2 | County | R1 | R2 |
Wangkui | 0.66 | 0.2-0.6 | Ning’an | 0.04 | 0-0.05 | Fujin | 0.00 | 0-0.05 |
Bayan | 0.63 | 0.1-0.2 | Acheng | 0.03 | 0-0.05 | Daqing | 0.00 | 0-0.05 |
Hailun | 0.58 | 0.2-0.6 | Mingshui | 0.03 | 0-0.05 | Lindian | 0.00 | 0-0.05 |
Hulan | 0.52 | 0.1-0.2 | Zhaoyuan | 0.03 | 0-0.05 | Qitaihe | 0.00 | 0-0.05 |
Suihua | 0.49 | 0.2-0.6 | Gannan | 0.05 | 0.05-0.1 | Dongning | 0.00 | 0-0.05 |
Shuangcheng | 0.46 | 0.1-0.2 | Fangzheng | 0.05 | 0.05-0.1 | Wudalianchi | 0.00 | 0-0.05 |
Lanxi | 0.46 | 0.2-0.6 | Nehe | 0.03 | 0-0.05 | Yichun | 0.00 | 0-0.05 |
Binxian | 0.31 | 0-0.05 | Huachuan | 0.02 | 0-0.05 | Kedong | 0.00 | 0-0.05 |
Mulan | 0.26 | 0.2-0.6 | Baoqing | 0.02 | 0-0.05 | Keshan | 0.00 | 0-0.05 |
Harbin | 0.26 | 0-0.05 | Durbete | 0.01 | 0-0.05 | Youyi | 0.00 | 0-0.05 |
Yanshou | 0.20 | 0.1-0.2 | Tangyuan | 0.01 | 0-0.05 | Shuangyashan | 0.00 | 0-0.05 |
Wuchang | 0.20 | 0.1-0.2 | Huachuan | 0.01 | 0-0.05 | Huma | 0.00 | 0-0.05 |
Qing’an | 0.21 | 0.2-0.6 | Sunwu | 0.01 | 0-0.05 | Jiayin | 0.00 | 0-0.05 |
Suiling | 0.20 | 0.2-0.6 | Tongjiang | 0.01 | 0-0.05 | Tahe | 0.00 | 0-0.05 |
Qinggang | 0.15 | 0.1-0.2 | Longjiang | 0.01 | 0.05-0.1 | Fuyuan | 0.00 | 0-0.05 |
Yilan | 0.13 | 0-0.05 | Heihe | 0.01 | 0-0.05 | Mohe | 0.00 | 0-0.05 |
Baiquan | 0.12 | 0-0.05 | Tailai | 0.01 | 0-0.05 | Muling | 0.00 | 0-0.05 |
Shangzhi | 0.11 | 0.1-0.2 | Mudanjiang | 0.00 | 0-0.05 | Suibin | 0.00 | 0-0.05 |
Jiamusi | 0.11 | 0-0.05 | Linkou | 0.00 | 0-0.05 | Suifenhe | 0.00 | 0-0.05 |
Zhaodong | 0.10 | 0-0.05 | Mishan | 0.00 | 0-0.05 | Luobei | 0.00 | 0-0.05 |
Fuyu | 0.09 | 0.05-0.1 | Hailin | 0.00 | 0-0.05 | Hulin | 0.00 | 0-0.05 |
Bei’an | 0.07 | 0.2-0.6 | Nenjiang | 0.00 | 0-0.05 | Jixian | 0.00 | 0-0.05 |
Qiqihar | 0.06 | 0.05-0.1 | Yi’an | 0.00 | 0-0.05 | Raohe | 0.00 | 0-0.05 |
Tieli | 0.06 | 0.2-0.6 | Xunke | 0.00 | 0-0.05 | Jidong | 0.00 | 0-0.05 |
Anda | 0.05 | 0-0.05 | Zhaozhou | 0.00 | 0-0.05 | Jixi | 0.00 | 0-0.05 |
Tonghe | 0.04 | 0-0.05 | Boli | 0.00 | 0-0.05 | Hegang | 0.00 | 0-0.05 |
Note: R1 represents the cultivation rate in this study and R2 represents the cultivation rate of Ye et al. (2009). |
Figure 7 Area of cropland during 1900-1910 and in 2009 (based on Landsat ETM+ images) (a) and the spatial distribution of forest in 1896 (Li, 1993) (b) |
The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
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