Research Articles

The challenge of wide application of information and communication technologies to traditional location theory

  • 1. Key Laboratory of Regional Sustainable Development Modeling of the Chinese Academy of Sciences;
    2. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,CAS,Beijing 100101,China

Received date: 2012-06-20

  Revised date: 2012-08-10

  Online published: 2013-02-20


The wide application of information and communication technologies(ICTs)has been argued to be critical to spatial transformation of firms.Recent advances in the studies along this line have challenged traditional location theory.The existing literature,however, focuses mainly on the impacts of ICTs on locational conditions and industrial spatial distribution.The dynamics behind such changes have not yet been given sufficient attention by ge- ographers.Given this background,this paper investigates the impact of new ICTs on traditional location theory and the dynamics of industrial re-location that are enabled by new ICTs, based on data collected from an investigation of 178 firms.The paper argues that the application of new ICTs has been a key location factor in the information age,and that the time-cost is becoming critical to the spatial organization of firms,particularly as a result of a shorter product life and mass customization,among other dynamics.

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SONG Zhouying, LIU Weidong . The challenge of wide application of information and communication technologies to traditional location theory[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2013 , 23(2) : 315 -330 . DOI: 10.1007/s11442-013-1012-z


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