Research Articles

Geomorphological analysis of the morphometric characteristics that determine the volume of sediment yield of Wadi Al-Arja, South Jordan

  • Geography, AL-Hussein Bin Talal University, Ma'an, Jordan
Ali Hamdi Abu Salim, PhD, E-mail:

Received date: 2013-03-25

  Revised date: 2013-09-26

  Online published: 2014-03-28


This study addresses the morphometric variables that determine the sediment yield in Wadi Al-Arja through the analysis of the impact of different morphometric characteristics along the course of the valley on its sediment yield, as well as the analysis of spatial and formal dimensions and morphologies of the basin and its relationship to the sediment yield. The study also addresses the size of variation in the volume of sediment yield of the river tributaries that make up the water network of the valley under the differences of its morphometric and hydrological characteristics. The study found several results, most notably: The classification of Wadi Al-Arja basin according to the hypsometric integral value (72.1%) within an uneven topography, which increases the force of the erosive activity and the size of the sediment yield if the basin was exposed to moist climatic periods. The study also showed the presence of convergence in the intra-spaces between the river tributaries in the water network. This increases the volume of water flows when these tributaries meet with each other and thus increasing their erosive ability and sediment yield.The study also showed the presence of marked variation in the sediment yield of the river tributaries depending on the differences in its morphometric characteristics. The results of the step-wise regression analysis confirmed the importance of the morphometric and hydrological variables, and plant coverage in interpreting the variation in the size of the sediment yield of the river tributaries of different stream order in Wadi Al-Arja basin, where these variables interpreted 43% of the total variation, with statistical significance less than 0.05.

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Ali Hamdi ABU SALIM . Geomorphological analysis of the morphometric characteristics that determine the volume of sediment yield of Wadi Al-Arja, South Jordan[J]. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2014 , 24(3) : 457 -474 . DOI: 10.1007/s11442-014-1100-8


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