Recent advances on reconstruction of climate and extreme events in China for the past 2000 years
Quansheng GE, Jingyun *ZHENG, Zhixin HAO, Yang LIU, Mingqi LI
Figure 3 Regional dry/wet index series for the North China Plain (a), Jiang-Huai area (b), Jiang-Nan area (c), and central eastern China (d) for the past 2000 years derived from yearly drought/flood grade dataset after detrending the effect of data missing on the homogeneity (Ge et al., 2014). The blue and red lines show the variations of regional dry/wet index at multi-decadal (40-75 years) and centennial (80-150 years) scale respectively, with the value of explained variance in brackets. Right panel: Results of spectral estimation for the regional dry/wet index series using the Multi-Taper Method.